Douchebag wrote:
SpiralStairs wrote:
Douchebag wrote:
Doesn't everyone just plead not guilty?
Maybe the board lawyers can clarify this but if convicted of the escape charge after pleading not guilty the sentencing is more severe. Though this dude might feel he's got nothing to lose anyways.
If you plead guilty right away, you're probably going to get the max. The prosecutor doesn't want to go to trial so they will offer some sort of plea bargain with a less severe penalty. This is pretty much standard in all cases. Don't you watch Law and Order?
In a better system, the opposite should occur. In obvious cases where guilt is not in question, a lighter sentence should be given to someone who admits guilt upfront and shows remorse. Why reward someone for being a lying douche?
To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?