good dolphin wrote:
Curious Hair wrote:
This was a really good segment. It wasn't his funniest, but it was illuminating.
The other problem I had was that he admits that appointing judges can be just as perilous and that direct election was a good piece of populist reform. Okay, so what do we do?
And yeah, until Mad Men's victory lap starts up in a few more weeks, it's the best show on TV.
This is a topic that gets reviewed ad nauseam by legal academics. There are several different ways to fill the position but all of them are filled with problems.
To me it is quite easy: Appointed judges are far more competent than elected ones.
It is much more difficult to be
appointed as a judge.
Of course, like everything, there will always be exceptions, but Circuit Court Judges are more akin to Precinct Captains.