Nice, conns.
I had an equally satisfying moment, though no cops were involved.
Nothing irritates me more while driving than seeing idiots, both young and old, looking down at their phone. I'm not talking about looking while at a red light. I'm talking while driving at all.
Yesterday, there was some young punk with his windows down, looking at his phone while doing about 40 mph. It was on a 4-lane stretch of road. He was in the left lane. I was on the right.
I pulled up alongside him, rolled my window down, and yelled, "Get off your phone, stupid ass!"
I scared the hell out of him as he didn't notice me until I started yelling, which, OK, that might have also caused an issue while he was driving. Luckily, it didn't. He slowed down so that he remained behind me in the left lane. I kept checking my rearview to make sure he didn't have that phone anywhere I could see it. It never reappeared. At least for the rest of the 2 minutes we were on the same street.
While sharing this story with family and friends, someone wrote, "You're lucky you weren't shot." True enough, but I knew this Glenview punk probably wasn't packing. I knew my audience.
I seriously wish I could be deputized so that when I see a dumbass on his phone while doing 65 or some other stupid idiot in the left lane not leading the way, I can pull them over and either pistol whip them or at the least, issue a ticket for being a moron.
If you did that to me i would do a pit manuver and buttfuck you in public.