FavreFan wrote:
If this fat, drunken, sloppy blob of conservative cookie dough can admit that this country is still systemically racist, it's probably time everyone else finally stopped their denial too.
Systematically racist against European-Americans (esp males), possibly. They are being demographically displaced at a ridiculous rate. They are portrayed as gay, dumb, racist, or evil in almost every tv show and movie. The only ones that are heros are towing the pc line and fighting for the rights of another group or fighting one of America's imperialistic wars.
Society has been set up in a way that if there is not adequate minority representation in every aspect of life, there is hell to pay. This leads to a reversal of the black man being "the last one hired, and the first on fired".
Many young white kids are filled with self-hatred and see no purpose because they aren't even acknowledged to have a culture or place in our society and if they did assert themselves, they would be called all kinds of names (eg racist, nazi, etc). There are so many people and groups bending over backward to help black people (and that's fine). We need to drop the America's racist crap. If it truely was, we would not have a black president and half the babies born now would not be non-white. It also needs to be recognized that the ruling elite have no interest in keeping america great

or white. They want to expand the global plantation.
The average white person is deracinated and apalled by real racism. Society has been restructured in a way that there is no incentive to be racist. The good old boy clubs have been broken up. Individual acts by a few people/assholes does in no way define systemic racism.
Let's fight the common enemy, globalism and corporate hegemony. Newt is just a piece of shit that hasn't done anything good for anyone, white or black.