After posting about the alleged incident on her Facebook, singer Antonia Jenae shared a story with The Sun in which she claims Branson stuck his head between her breasts and “motorboated” them by blowing and making an engine noise. At the time, Jenae was a backup singer for Joss Stone. After a concert, the group was invited by Branson back to his island where the alleged incident took place.
“He went ‘brrrrrr’ and just walked away. It was surreal, totally out of the blue. Joss and I were like, ‘What the hell was that?!’ Everyone was wondering why I wasn’t angry because I’m usually a firebrand. But I was just too shocked.”
She also claims that Branson tried to get her to show him her breasts and to walk around t0pless. The next day, she was invited on a plane back to the U.S. with Branson and his wife.
this made me chuckle a lot
I like to think a billionaire can find better motor boating opportunities but any port in a storm I guess.