leashyourkids wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
Douchebag wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
Boilermaker Rick wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
Your statement is incorrect. It's my belief that its and immature faith if it hasn't been internally questioned. The writings of saints reveal several occasions where the best of the best became "less religious."
Of course it should be questioned but if you are discovering you don't like the answers then you are simply on a path to not being religious at all at least in terms of that religion. ?
but there are those who question and like the answers, so while becoming less religious might be a slow transformation to not religious for some, it is also a regular path taken for those who renew their beliefs.
God sounds like a moron if you only believe a certain percentage of what he says.
Why would God be the moron if that were true?
Catholicism doesn't contend that the Bible is an accurate historical document nor that everything within it should be followed.
This cracks me up, especially since I interpret contracts for a living. We are often deposed and asked what our contract wording meant and how we interpreted the contract we wrote.
I just imagine God being deposed about the Bible and, when asked about the Old Testament, he whispers to his lawyer, and his lawyer says "my client has no position on that matter." Poor God... he just didn't have the right legal counsel on the front end.
Again, the respect that most people have for the Abrahamic religions comes as a result of their history and venerability. That's why Tom Cruise and Warren Jeffs are fair game but some Islamic or standard Christian nutcase is not. I don't see how one can expect to step away from the doctrines that give those religions their perceived gravitas and still hold onto the respect.
In a way, I respect the guy who thinks the world is 4000 years old and dinosaurs existed along with people. At least his belief is based on something, as crazy as it might be. When you start creating your own religion, picking and choosing pieces of doctrine, it's just some personal belief no different from any other wacky belief. I've said I don't like the Flying Spaghetti Monster because it exists only to mock the faith of others, but it's really designed to point out silliness like this. I don't want to FSM you, just don't beat me on the head with the respect I'm supposed to have for your crazy ideas.