Spaulding wrote:
D = Good
R = BAD!
Why is the feeling that it is a political issue in that way? It seems most of the Democratic elected officials want to stay locked down. I'm not entirely sure of their motives but it really doesn't matter, I assume they are pure. Right or wrong Republicans seem to want to open back up but (mostly) they did go along with the shut things down for the last 6 weeks or so. There are middle of the road and Democratic voters that are on side of opening back up. My feeling is anybody that wants to stay in their house can but it shouldn't be mandated for anybody that doesn't at this point. We're beyond that. This isn't sustainable.
One of the largest suppliers of for groceries, restaurants, and chains, came out today said the supply chain is breaking. You are already seeing it in other countries and their response. Countries aren't exporting food and things like wheat are being hoarded. We are going to be is some serious trouble if we are shut down for the next 6 weeks if we aren't already in some serious trouble. It has nothing to do with being a D or R or I or whatever you want to label people as. "Industries" need to open back up in some capacity. We can't just stay in the house for another 6 weeks. It's not a political or government rights issue and it's not about power.
You're completely missing the point due to the convenient blinders you always sport. I mentioned above that I rarely comment on the meat of the issue because 1. It doesn't really effect my day to day life, and 2. I freely admitted that this freaked me out about a month ago and I came to grips with the fact that no one knows wtf they're talking about here and that it's completely counterproductive to bitch about it. It's changing by the week, leading to idiots suggesting that bleach, heat, sunlight and heart attack inducing drugs were the key to defeating the former hoax.
Or that McCormick place was necessary. And that the shutdown IS excessive in many places. There's a balance between public health and rights, despite whatever the goofs from the cheap seats and with no skin in the game wail about.
I'm just sick of all the know it alls, extremists and hypocrites around here droning about it.
There's seemingly an answer to this, but it's somewhere in the middle. And the golfers, workout warriors and hypocrites on both sides can't grasp this simple fact as far as I can see.