Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
denisdman wrote:
Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
I regularly travel for work and have been to pretty much every major city in America and can confidently say that Houston is among the 10 worst I’ve visited.
Agreed. This is a good question. Keep in mind I do not like hot weather, and I do not golf.
I do not like Atlanta, LA, Birmingham, Phoenix, St Louis. I have not been to Detroit.
Your list lines up with mine except I actually like St. Louis (admittedly the downtown is terrible but there are some great neighborhoods). Detroit has improved over the last few years but is still not great.
I visited L.A. about seven years ago expecting to hate it, but absolutely loved it. The weather was great, it had tremendous beaches, it had great restaurants, and what seemed like at least a fair amount of cultural opportunities. I had the exact opposite reaction to San Francisco.
The area around Forest Park in St. Louis has it's charms, but is the type of neighborhood you can find in any decent city. In my humble opinion, the best Midwestern city, other than Chicago, is Minneapolis.