Keeping Score wrote:
biggie is now yelling at Magic Johnson on Twitter.
Why is it Yelling? Because I called him out for not knowing any of the players names on either team in the IU v MSU game? And when he finally figured out who the best player on the court was and he couldn't pronounce his last name, he called him Victor all night. "See Victor passes to the forward, back to the point guard and then back to Victor."
Magic is a total idiot. He was a great basketball player and he was smart enough to do nothing but listen to other people. He is a really nice guy and people gravitate to him, but thats where it ends. Someone else was smart enough to turn this into million for Magic.
Do think he started Magic shopping centers? Hello no. Some Jewish guys did the whole deal, gave Magic some % and he is part of the deal. Same group is who bought the Dodgers.
Magic Johnson is nothing more than a glorified version of Speigel singing the Feldco commercials.