Juice's Lecture Notes wrote:
Other people's racism doesn't excuse your own racism.
I'm not looking for any excuses.
But I am not perfect, either.
The events of the past few months have changed me, and have changed the way I think about things. I no longer am able to just blindly give people the benefit of the doubt on a lot of things now. Not Black People particularly, or even "Liberals", but people who are supporting a mindset that I feel is unjustifiably attacking and threatening to hurt people who disagree with it in any way. I now feel more on the defensive with things, which hinders my ability or motivation to have sympathy for another's plight or empathy for another's cause. On an individual level (i.e. when I interact with people in-person), I find it is still easy to take an even keel and give everyone a fair shot, but that is because looking each other in the eye has a certain grounding effect on people (which tends to make one abandon attempts to advance any agenda) when it comes to contemplating and interpreting both one's own and another's subsequent actions.
People always say "lets have a conversation about race", so lets have a conversation about it. Lets not pussyfoot around about things that bother us, but please don't tell me how to speak or pressure me into formulating my side of things in a way that fits someone else's mold. If you read the stuff that I write and think that I mean ANYONE harm, I would say that you are grossly misinterpreting things. I try to be as objective and polite as possible while still trying to get my point across. It does not always work, but it does not mean I am Satan sent from the bowels of Hell.
I consider myself pretty self-aware. My mind is not closed and can be molded easiest by witnessing the
positive actions and efforts of others.