SomeGuy wrote:
Wonderful response. Plenty of depth, plenty of mentions for all the other posters you have assigned value to. Judging by your constant responses and general caring about what people say (well, what 3 specific random internet people have to say) about you it's pretty obvious that this place and it's goings ons rank pretty high in your life.
Says the guy who keeps bumping the thread. The best way to show that you don't care, is to stop bumping the thread.
SomeGuy wrote:
"The Herd" the "Bigfans taint licking," , claiming that I "worry about you" the constant referencing of the chat like it was some big serious deal....not a good look when you're trying to convince that this place is a "fun place to kill some time."
Despite being the loudest voices against group think, and herd mentality, it is you and your flock, that are guilty of this. You all have the same enemies (usually the same as Bigfan's), and rush to either's defense. It's cool if that's how you want to roll, but own it.
You do worry about me. Ever since I correctly called you an attention whore, with which many people agreed, your antennae have been up. That's why you were trying to figure out who I was, when I wasn't even in the chat. On a Sunday. And a holiday, no less. Completely normal.
You worry about FF and Leash even more. Guys that aren't even here. Terrible look when you are trying to convince people that it's just tomfoolery. I know two people are convinced, but that's probably about it.
SomeGuy wrote:
It's like I'm a real person that you actually know when in fact I'm just some guy on the internet. Nothing more, nothing less. Hence my forum name. Of course, that didn't stop you from having people text you about what I (random internet clown) was saying in a chat room and then having to race over, log in and fire back....boy, nothing unsteady about sir. Totally normal.
Just SomeGuy on the internet? Really. After I called you an attention whore, and rightfully so, your comebacks were nothing but personal shots. You called me a burned out reefer addict, and you questioned my parenting. I responded to your posts, and you responded to me. That doesn't sound like somebody who has a good understanding that it's just a message board. It is all there for anybody to see. You no longer get to play the "some people have trouble separating the board from reality" card, when it's evident that you are the guilty party.
SomeGuy wrote:
Again, you still don't get it.
Gotten, and explained to you several times. Now, keep repeating yourself. That will probably make it true, and no doubt, it will show that you don't care.