SpiralStairs wrote:
For having the courage, conviction, and desperate enough need for attention to get us to start asking the hard questions about Rosa Parks and Emmet Till.
I understand why each was the subject of intense media attention. I just feel that neither really made important contributions and that the contributions of many whites in the civil rights movement have been ignored. People who risked their lives and some that lost their lives in the cause are deserving of recognition for what they did. A 14 year old black kid that whistled at a white woman, a black lady who refused to give up her seat......civil rights figures who are household names? Yet some whites who would get no benefits from advancing the civil rights cause, worked tirelessly for that cause even at their own peril... They are given no credit or recognition. I think that is a travesty. But lets forget about their conscious sacrifices and focus on a whistling 14 year old.