welp now i'm asking this chick for a date. she goes by matisenknows on instagram and is
http://www.tiktok.com/@helloimmatisen (to my
http://www.tiktok.com/@emessiah ) and uhh, she's the one i wrote all those rap songs about. or well, at the time of this posting i would literally start writing all of the rap songs that poplate
currently populate my youtube channel i mean yeah not all of my songs are about her but a lot of them are because as this thread can attest to, i really really love this mysterious ghost girl.
anyways i bring this up because there's a small to slim to no chance that i might have a chance of meeting her soon, it could be considered history, and i want you guys to know that this is
my messageboard insomuchas it's the #1 place i go to to hang out and shoot the shit with what i like to consider as my longtime friends. you guys have put up with a lot of TLDR bullshit from me over the years, you lot got disappointed when i didnt try to down 100 nuggets in one sitting (of course i could do it, but we had to save something for mcnuggets challenge 2) and uhhh yeah, i just want you lot to know that whatever becomes of me you guys will always be "my guys" and i'll do my best to be the calm rational shit-talker that i've always been since day one (its just sometimes i got zooted and went off all TLDR, but hey you know what we're at 10+ days off the zoot and my life has never been better. i wouldn't trade this for the world, and i literally have done that, what, at least 2-3 times before? fucking lol aka flol guys! =)
so take care / give hell / be excellent [and say a prayer for me cuz i'm out here hustling my ass off FOR A FIRST DATE WITH A GIRL THAT YOU KNOW HAS TO TOTALLY LOVE ME CUZ DUH I'M FUCKING SINICALYPSE AND IT'S FLAGRANTLY OBVIOUS THAT I LOVE HER AND DID I MENTION I'M EMESSIAH AS WELL?!?!
seriously i drop mixes like this for fun -- or well this one is extra good cuz i made it at the tail end of the week i was allowed to talk to matisen and i wanted to show her that i still had "ot" and welp, my mixes now (
http://sinicalypse.kaen.org/mixes check out escape from san francisco since youtube dont like it) are getting that good again.... and seriously all i want is phone time with the girl, let alone the chance to actually hang out and have a casual awkward first date.
but hey, if i gotta give up sex forever to prove a point then fine.... let matisen go and be happy with whpever she wants to be happy with.... just let me have my aphex twin privileges and then i'll go be joe normal with girlfriend/s/ and sidepieces/jumpoffs and all that. matisen is my final experiment in true love.... and i wont give up til i know one way or another.... but all i can "threaten" is that i'll go bang multiple chicks and shit if she doesnt want me or we're not allowed (my guess = by the catholic church) to get together cuz emessiah is their fucking logo and that logo implies he must suffer.... and suffering is knowing the most beautiful chick in the world is out there, she loves you like no other, but then just hard NOPE because some old fucks in robes say so.
anyone down for a holy war by chance? i choose the muslims... who ya got?
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?