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Donspiracy and his father in law
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Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Donspiracy and his father in law

Put together a wonderful afternoon of golf and a couple of cocktails with Furious and I. Even though I shot my worst round in years, it was great fun and an outstanding course.

I am honored to have been chosen as part of the foursome. Thank you.

Author:  Franky T [ Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

Where did you play?

Author:  donspiracy [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

Played Midlothian Country Club. The FIL is a member.

Great looking course, really tough greens. Frank and myself were overmatched.

Mr. Furious Styles and FIL did much better.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

That's where I caddied, did you guys take one?

Author:  GoldenJet [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law


Hoping the divots were held down to appropriate levels.


Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

They didn't offer a caddie to us commoners! Divots are not made when you hit a ball 40'

Great day, great course, great company. My 120+ strokes made it tuff to enjoy the day fully, but I kept my emotions in check (for the most part) and just tried to soak in as much as I could. I left Furious alone in the cart and walked quite a bit of the final 3-4 holes as I just wanted to experience everything. Playing a private course is just such a different animal from the courses I usually play. Other than a couple of lip outs and greens being quicker than I am used to, that score...or say at least 123 of those shots, were all on me.

Great weather with plentiful sunshine, warm but not oppressing temps, and just enough wind to keep the humidity away but not really affect the flight of the golfball. One of the best Sundays I've had in a long time, and it didn't even involve church!

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

How did you do on the green on 1?

That's a motherfucker that starts off many a round on the wrong foot.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

I 3 putted it. It wasn't the slope more so as the speed that really did me in on that way. Hit my first putt way too hard. I believe the FIL bogey'd that hole and Furious two putted. Also 3 putted the second green, which was the only GIR I hit. Was all downhill for me after that.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

Frank Coztansa wrote:
I 3 putted it. It wasn't the slope more so as the speed that really did me in on that way. Hit my first putt way too hard. I believe the FIL bogey'd that hole and Furious two putted. Also 3 putted the second green, which was the only GIR I hit. Was all downhill for me after that.

It's a tough green. I think you stay below the pin and feel good getting out with the a 2 putt.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

Well I had duffed two shots already and by the time I hit a wedge about 15' past the hole (one of my better shots of the day to be honest), I was already prepared to write down a 6 or a 7 on the scorecard. And the pin was way up on front on #1.

But yes, tuff green. There were several holes where you could tell Don's FIL knew exactly where (and where not) to put the ball on the greens. Furious had a few pars, but Don probably had the best two putt of the day. Final par 5 (#15?) had the pin way in the back, and Don was on the front left side of the green with a huge mound to contend with. He putted up the slope, ball rolled on the fringe for a good 15', then came back down to rest a bout 4' from the hole and he drained that.

Author:  donspiracy [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

Think the caddie no-showed on us. Some of the pin placements were really tough, but my pitching was dreadful. Had no touch at all. Putting was better, however the horror show I was performing on the way to the green was dissapointing.

Hit 60 good shots, from driver to putter. That doesn't make up for the 60 shots of mis-hits, driving into the trees, and pitching wedge over the back of the green.
Putting was just a test of skill. All of the greens were on a slope and in absolute perfect condition. Firm and fair with the ball able to break and move right where you wanted it to.

It was quite fun and we did the respectful thing, letting the host have the best round. Special guest appearances of an Eastern Airlines logo in the background of the pictures from 1973 Western Open, the low flying hawk who didn't have any problem buzzing us a few times, and me almost clobbering Frank with a hozzled Pitching wedge that almost hit him as he rounded the back of the green in the cart. Good freakin' times.

Author:  Caller Bob [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law

Wow, Frank brags about being some freakin golfing savant here and shoots a 120+? I golf once a year, 1/2 drunk, on father's day and still do better than a 120. That is sad.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donspiracy and his father in law


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