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Tony LaRussa
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Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Tony LaRussa

Brian Goodwin batting second?!


This dude has forgotten more about baseball than any of us will ever know. I've been critical of him, and rightly so with a few moves, but this guy deserves some recognition. With all of the issues and injuries the Sox have had, he continues for Trot out a winning lineup every day. No way this would have happened under Renteria or Ventura. I just hope the magic continues.

Author:  Nardi [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

I'll give LaRussa credit when it's due, blame when it's due. But I'm not going to fawn over Goodwin at 2. You said it yourself. Magic. Do you think LaRussa is a magician? Did he hocus pocus his way to a championship with a 83-79 team? He had magic needles in '89. I know it sounds disingenuous to say he had a lucky career, but he has. But I'm completely fine with one more lucky year.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

He is keeping guys fresh, and giving bench players playing time when they seem to need it. He is pushing a lot of the right buttons. Yes some of it is Magic, but some of it is also a manager who knows exactly what the hell he is doing.

Managers don't matter until they do. There is absolutely no way this team would have 40 wins if Ventura or Renteria were still at the helm.

Author:  Nardi [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Frank Coztansa wrote:
He is keeping guys fresh, and giving bench players playing time when they seem to need it. He is pushing a lot of the right buttons. Yes some of it is Magic, but some of it is also a manager who knows exactly what the hell he is doing.

Managers don't matter until they do. There is absolutely no way this team would have 40 wins if Ventura or Renteria were still at the helm.

I can name a dozen players and 1 pitching coach that has been more important than LaRussa. I'm not going to forget the fuckups because LaRussa overcomes it with a random magic button.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Thats fine.

Author:  Caller Bob [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

A random, 1 game performance by a journeyman, signed off the scrapheap, against one of the worst teams in baseball, certainly warranted this thread.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Keep posting about the White Sox, Bob :D

Author:  blackhawksfan [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

But but but... What about the bat flip?

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Hopefully somebody flips one right at your temple and kills you.

Author:  blackhawksfan [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Frank Coztansa wrote:
Hopefully somebody flips one right at your temple and kills you.


Author:  Cashman [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

I was/am 50/50 on Tony. Let us not forget, Ozzie was trying his hardest down the stretch in 05 to fuck things up. All I am looking for Tony to do, is manage the pitching staff better than Ricky. I think this team has the magic to win the WS.

Author:  FrankDrebin [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Frank Coztansa wrote:
He is keeping guys fresh, and giving bench players playing time when they seem to need it. He is pushing a lot of the right buttons. Yes some of it is Magic, but some of it is also a manager who knows exactly what the hell he is doing.

Managers don't matter until they do. There is absolutely no way this team would have 40 wins if Ventura or Renteria were still at the helm.

He just needed time to learn each player's strengths, weaknesses, what buttons to/not to push, etc. All this talk of him not being able to communicate with today's players was such bullshit. He was always able to communicate and the media tried to destroy him based on his views on kneeling for the anthem.

Author:  Nardi [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Are we having short term memory loss?

If not, then it's fact that Tony has been bailed out by a variety of guys. My fingers would get tired writing them all.

The argument, as it seems to me, is LaRussa has some sort of spiritual power. And that's fine. Go with that. I'm spiritual myself.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

With all of the injuries, guys are playing out of position and being asked to do different things. I think he is learning more and more about the roster everyday. As I said, he has pushed a lot of the right button so far this season. A few wrong ones as well, but what manager doesn't over the course of a hundred and sixty-two games? My overall point though is that it's time to start giving TLR the credit he deserves.

Cashman wrote:
I was/am 50/50 on Tony. Let us not forget, Ozzie was trying his hardest down the stretch in 05 to fuck things up. All I am looking for Tony to do, is manage the pitching staff better than Ricky. I think this team has the magic to win the WS.
This is 100% wrong about Ozzie. He took all of the pressure off of the players and put it on himself during August of 2005. And let's not forget they ended the season on a five-game winning streak.

Author:  Chet Coppock's Fur Coat [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

You bat Goodwin 2nd for two reasons:

1. He's more of a fastball hitter and between TA getting on base, Abreu hitting behind him, and Urena struggling this year, you want him to see as many fastballs as possible.

2. Do you really want to see Mendick batting 2nd?

Spotting Goodwin in the #2 spot occasionally is fine.

Author:  Cashman [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Frank Coztansa wrote:
With all of the injuries, guys are playing out of position and being asked to do different things. I think he is learning more and more about the roster everyday. As I said, he has pushed a lot of the right button so far this season. A few wrong ones as well, but what manager doesn't over the course of a hundred and sixty-two games? My overall point though is that it's time to start giving TLR the credit he deserves.

Cashman wrote:
I was/am 50/50 on Tony. Let us not forget, Ozzie was trying his hardest down the stretch in 05 to fuck things up. All I am looking for Tony to do, is manage the pitching staff better than Ricky. I think this team has the magic to win the WS.
This is 100% wrong about Ozzie. He took all of the pressure off of the players and put it on himself during August of 2005. And let's not forget they ended the season on a five-game winning streak. ... 2005&t=CHA

Look at games 139 until the end of the season.

Author:  JORR [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Cashman wrote:
Frank Coztansa wrote:
With all of the injuries, guys are playing out of position and being asked to do different things. I think he is learning more and more about the roster everyday. As I said, he has pushed a lot of the right button so far this season. A few wrong ones as well, but what manager doesn't over the course of a hundred and sixty-two games? My overall point though is that it's time to start giving TLR the credit he deserves.

Cashman wrote:
I was/am 50/50 on Tony. Let us not forget, Ozzie was trying his hardest down the stretch in 05 to fuck things up. All I am looking for Tony to do, is manage the pitching staff better than Ricky. I think this team has the magic to win the WS.
This is 100% wrong about Ozzie. He took all of the pressure off of the players and put it on himself during August of 2005. And let's not forget they ended the season on a five-game winning streak. ... 2005&t=CHA

Look at games 139 until the end of the season.

Thank God for the Twins!

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Cashman wrote:
Frank Coztansa wrote:
With all of the injuries, guys are playing out of position and being asked to do different things. I think he is learning more and more about the roster everyday. As I said, he has pushed a lot of the right button so far this season. A few wrong ones as well, but what manager doesn't over the course of a hundred and sixty-two games? My overall point though is that it's time to start giving TLR the credit he deserves.

Cashman wrote:
I was/am 50/50 on Tony. Let us not forget, Ozzie was trying his hardest down the stretch in 05 to fuck things up. All I am looking for Tony to do, is manage the pitching staff better than Ricky. I think this team has the magic to win the WS.
This is 100% wrong about Ozzie. He took all of the pressure off of the players and put it on himself during August of 2005. And let's not forget they ended the season on a five-game winning streak. ... 2005&t=CHA

Look at games 139 until the end of the season.

I will take a 1-0 shut out in the World Series to end the season just like 2005.

Author:  JORR [ Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

blackhawksfan wrote:
But but but... What about the bat flip?

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

:lol: :lol:

My son has been having lots of fun playing baseball and hits the ball really well when he connects. He prefers me to pitch to him rather than hit off the tee. A few evenings ago, he hit 9 pitches in a row. Anyway, he was flinging the bat and running the bases after some of the hits. He doesn't know what a bat flip it, but he would just throw it and God knows where it would end up. After he accidentally hit the dog, I taught him how to just drop the bat and run. Now he sets the bat down all careful and gently like its a full cup of coffee :lol:

Author:  JORR [ Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Frank Coztansa wrote:
He doesn't know what a bat flip is

:lol: Oh, he knows. He watches the Sox with you, doesn't he? He sees Yas and Timmay.

It reminds me of my friend's kid who was probably six or seven but he looked like a real professional behind the plate. I asked him where he learned all the stuff he was doing and he said, "I watch Ivan Rodriguez." The kid went on to catch for a national championship team.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

:lol: He sure does. Every time I put the Sox on, he grabs his glove and wants to play catch. He also will get a drumstick and use that as a bat at times. Zero chance of hitting it, but he will have me 'pitch' to him for 30 minutes like that sometimes.

He also uses our threshold from living room to kitchen as a pitching rubber, and completes the act with mock spitting and crotch grabbing.

Author:  Juice's Lecture Notes [ Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Frank Coztansa wrote:
He doesn't know what a bat flip is

:lol: Oh, he knows. He watches the Sox with you, doesn't he? He sees Yas and Timmay.

It reminds me of my friend's kid who was probably six or seven but he looked like a real professional behind the plate. I asked him where he learned all the stuff he was doing and he said, "I watch Ivan Rodriguez." The kid went on to catch for a national championship team.


Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tony LaRussa

You wouldn't know what a bat flip is from watching Timmy these days

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