The Next Round’s On You With Tweet-A-BeerQuote:
Meet your new favorite drinking buddy: Tweet-A-Beer lets you quench the thirst of anyone needing a cold one with a quick tweet.
The folks at Tweet-A-Beer have created a nifty little Twitter app that lets you send an ice cold beer to any of your Twitter friends – whether they’re in the bar next to you or half way around the world.
By visiting Tweet-A-Beer, you can synch your Twitter account with PayPal, and instantly zap $5 to a pal so they can whet their whistle.
The app uses a third party called Chirpify to turn tweets into cash. Chirpify allows consumers to make purchases or donations by tweeting “buy” or “donate” to a merchant who has set up an account.
One you’ve set up an account on Chirpify and authorized Tweet-A-Beer to access your Twitter account, you’ll be able to send $5 to a Twitter friend in need of a beer. With a single tweet, your friend will be back in the cold stuff in no time. Plus, what goes around comes around, and you can bet the next one’s on them.
The Next Web spoke with Waggener Edstrom and TenFour, the co-founders of Tweet-A-Beer, about its SXSW origins:
“We wanted to make sure that the person who goes to South By for ‘work’ and comes home with a one thousand dollar drinks tab can tell their spouse that, ‘honey, it’s ok, people sent me beer money on Twitter!”
So next Saturday night, go high-tech and buy a beer for that tall dark stranger across the bar by tweeting it to them.