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Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)
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Author:  W_Z [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

Yeah I know if I would've just titled this by the kid's name NO ONE would've clicked on it and maybe no one will...fuck it whatever.

One of the few times I will absolutely be 100% serious. This kid has a hell of a story.

OK, so I hated living in Springfield, MO. I've said so much to guys like RFDC, who lives way north of where I did. I went to a Christian school and holy shit did a lot of bad stuff go down there for a private school.

One of them was this story:

Adam Jared Morris was the identical twin brother of Aaron Morris, who were 15 years old at the time of this incident. They were really fun people. Had a great sense of humor, and were all about good music, good times, etc. They weren't the judgmental types at all for being Christian.

One night, they decided to look at a gun collection from a mutual school friend whose name was Duke (really). This particular night, Duke's parents were out of town and he had all of his guns laid out on his kitchen table. The Morris twins, being the playful kids they were, decided to pretend they were cowboys and indians. You can probably already tell where this is going.

Aaron grabbed a .22 and pointed at his brother's ear in a mocking way and accidentally pulled the trigger.

The gun was fully loaded, and the bullet went through his brother's temple, exiting through the palm of his left hand. Adam died in his brother's arms, with his final words being "I forgive you."

For the next three months, I didn't see Aaron. He came back at the end of the semester, right about when I was moving to Illinois. He was a completely different person. He still could joke around but his demeanor was, understandably, changed.

I never found out what happened to him...until 2 days ago when I added him on Facebook. He has a wife, and is a lead minister at a church in Missouri.

I cannot imagine the pain this kid went through in all that he endured. He was a good kid, and he and his twin brother were just completely awesome. They pranked together, and had a great sense of humor about being identical twins.

It's nearly been 20 years since that incident, and Aaron's had more years being without his brother than being with him but I know that doesn't matter. In any event for what it's worth I just want to give a shout out to someone who went through something unbelievably painful and got through it. If there's any reason to believe in a God, this would be it. I was honestly blown away that he was still alive. What a way to climb out of something so sad and devastating. I'll always remember Adam and I'll always appreciate Aaron.

To many more...many, many more to you, Aaron.


Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

Cowboys and Indians at age 15?

I kinda liked Springfield, MO on the few trips through there I had to take for work.

Author:  W_Z [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

figure of speech. i wasn't there so i don't know what the fuck they were doing with those guns but it was reported as "gunplay".

ever seen the special on HBO called "gunplay"? it was similar to that.

Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

W_Z wrote:
figure of speech. i wasn't there so i don't know what the fuck they were doing with those guns but it was reported as "gunplay".

ever seen the special on HBO called "gunplay"? it was similar to that.

It sounds like an extremely familiar story. I feel like we had to watch an after school special type thing that was identical to that story. Playing Bloods and Crips would be more believable.

Author:  RFDC [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

:salut: Wow Z. Glad to hear he is doing well. Hard to even think about what this poor guy went through.

Author:  W_Z [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

nah they weren't into gangs man. this was springfield for god's sake.

unbelievably this is not easy to google but i believe the title of the special was: "gunplay: the last day in the life of"...and then the kid's name...ryan something or whatever.

it was an accidental shooting, like this one.

Author:  RFDC [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

W_Z wrote:
nah they weren't into gangs man. this was springfield for god's sake.

:lol: Yeah cowboys and indians would be WAY closer

Author:  jimmypasta [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

W_Z wrote:
I was honestly blown away that he was still alive. What a way to climb out of something so sad and devastating. I'll always remember Adam and I'll always appreciate Aaron.

To many more...many, many more to you, Aaron.


You said what?

Good for your friend. I'm not going to judge him,because I'm sure the guy has played it over in his head a million times.

Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

W_Z wrote:
nah they weren't into gangs man. this was springfield for god's sake.

unbelievably this is not easy to google but i believe the title of the special was: "gunplay: the last day in the life of"...and then the kid's name...ryan something or whatever.

it was an accidental shooting, like this one.

Springfield was hood in a few parts if I remember correctly. Go across the train tracks down past Drury College or University and it was hood.

Author:  RFDC [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

Urlacher's missing neck wrote:
W_Z wrote:
nah they weren't into gangs man. this was springfield for god's sake.

unbelievably this is not easy to google but i believe the title of the special was: "gunplay: the last day in the life of"...and then the kid's name...ryan something or whatever.

it was an accidental shooting, like this one.

Springfield was hood in a few parts if I remember correctly. Go across the train tracks down past Drury College or University and it was hood.

Hood is a VERY relative term. I have been all over Springfield and I have never been in any area that I really felt like was a "hood"

Author:  W_Z [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

haha ok JP good catch. sorry, bad bad use of words.

i agree with RF, and i was all over that damn town. never found it to have areas like that. but this is 20 years ago.

Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

W_Z wrote:
haha ok JP good catch. sorry, bad bad use of words.

i agree with RF, and i was all over that damn town. never found it to have areas like that. but this is 20 years ago.

I was there 4 years ago and it was a remote area way behind the Drury University campus that no one probably ever goes at all for any reason aside from me because I wanted to go on a run and had no idea where the hell I was.

Author:  W_Z [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

i haven't been in springfield since 1993, so i won't discredit what you said...but when i lived there, it was all relatively safe.

Author:  Hawg Ass [ Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

What a unfortunate story Z, but glad to see he has become the man he is.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

Good that he got better but that's a terrible story (the content, not the writing) I wish I hadnt read, especially the "I forgive you" part


Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

That's a very heart-wrenching story. It takes a lot of character to come back from something like that. I can only imagine the turmoil he's been through mentally.

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

rogers park bryan wrote:
Good that he got better but that's a terrible story (the content, not the writing) I wish I hadnt read, especially the "I forgive you" part


I feel so differently about that. I think that the fact that his Brother was able to say "I forgive you", may well have been a vital part of the young man's ability to get past this horrible event (to the extent that he did) and have a productive life thereafter. What a great gift he gave his Brother, with those words of compassion...

Author:  NearWessSideHussra [ Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

W_Z wrote:
Aaron grabbed a .22 and pointed at his brother's ear in a mocking way and accidentally pulled the trigger.

The gun was fully loaded, and the bullet went through his brother's temple, exiting through the palm of his left hand. Adam died in his brother's arms, with his final words being "I forgive you."

his brother should never have worn a hoodie that night.

Surprised Aaron couldn't tell just by the heft that the .22 was fully loaded.

Author:  denisdman [ Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aaron Morris, former school friend (tragic story)

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
Good that he got better but that's a terrible story (the content, not the writing) I wish I hadnt read, especially the "I forgive you" part


I feel so differently about that. I think that the fact that his Brother was able to say "I forgive you", may well have been a vital part of the young man's ability to get past this horrible event (to the extent that he did) and have a productive life thereafter. What a great gift he gave his Brother, with those words of compassion...

Elmhurst Steve- Do you have a twin brother and when are you going to play cowboys and indians?


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