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The Reverend John Lambourne (dec.)
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Author:  Don Tiny [ Thu May 24, 2012 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  The Reverend John Lambourne (dec.)

Kinda sounds like a guy that pretty much got it and wasn't interested in a lot of nonsense and bullshit.

I don't know how often we do posthumous shoutouts around here, but this paragraph from the obituary I think is what seals the deal, at least for me:

One parishioner recalls how at one Midnight Mass, held after a convivial evening in the pub, Lambourne embarked on his sermon but soon found himself struggling with the word “vicissitude”. After three valiant attempts he gave up with a “we’ll leave it there, I think”. At the same service the following year he began his sermon with “vicissitude” and continued where he had left off.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Thu May 24, 2012 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reverend John Lambourne (dec.)

Rowan Atkinson, as a priest at a wedding, had a better sermon.

I now pronounce you man and wife....well done. You may now kiss the bride.....Ah, that's a nice one. All right, please be seated everybody. I'd just like to say a few words before the communion. You know, a lot of prospective brides ask me these days, "Father, what is the church's attitude towards fellatio?" And I tend to reply by telling them a little story about the first time I was asked that question. It was a couple of years ago, a young attractive bride to be came up to me after the service and asked me just that question. "Father, what is the church's attitude towards fellatio?" And I replied, "Well, you know, Joanne, I'd like to tell you, but unfortunately, I don't know what fellatio is!" And so, she showed me. And ever since, whenever anyone has asked me the question "Father, what is the church's attitude towards fellatio?" I always reply, "Well, you know, I'd like to tell you... but unfortunately, I don't know what fellatio is!"

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