Peoria Matt wrote:
Goff was giving Mac shit about shotgunning Zach and Mac said "Zach's got all football season to lick the Bears !!!"
Nicely done.
i can feel the love tonight! just about every day i listen i notice that mac or, usually, speagol, always includes some freshly texted perspective from CSFMB's very own peoria matt!
truth be told, whenever i hear one of your texts get mentioned, i impulsively blurt out CSFMB represent! which has made for a few WTF?!?! glares when i'm in the public sector/s.
well done, P.M. !!!! also this is a great shoutout cuz i've always wondered if zach and rongey and other professional mouthpieces/talking-heads who do pre/post/BEARSRADIONETWORK shows are paid for their services by the team or the station.... i'm assuming that it's the team cuz it would totally explain the "think happy thoughts" mouthpiece status of the guys, despite their overt fronts to try and be a touch critical in order to establish their "cred" cuz they "call it like they see it / tell it like it is" like FATHER OF THE YEAR dave "i'm kapman, bitch" kaplan...
wow this paragraph is horribly structured. i'm going to read a bunch of articles by a professional writer like tim "10 foot midget" buffet in order to learn how to write. in the interim, the point i wanted to make was that it's cool to see a guy on a recession contract still be populist enough to pull a dark knight kaplan and "call it like its see it" and say what we've all been thinking about "the ginger haired genius" --- he is a professional bears bidet. he does a good job and i appreciate what he does, but still, there comes a point where you gotta LOL @ the guy cuz he puts on a show that even has to LOL at in private..... it's nice to know that someone @ der schnorr is "real" enough to be on "our" side with this stuff.
it's like when i was a computer guy at the library and we eventually did something that was against the formal rules / protocol / norms of operating procedure, our battle cry was "i erred in favor of the patron" --- and if mac gets a talking to here for taking a valued "team member" to task, he can use a modified version of this -- "I ERRED IN FAVOR OF THE LISTENER" --- and note that it's singular tense, because EVERYONE knows that the real ratings are over in waddle and silvyland! shomer shabbos!
Now I'm to go to the bar and talk to some women.
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?