Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
Just what you needed. You were getting too cocky and peaking too soon.
No Super Bowl team peaks in Week 2 like the Packers just did.
This is the part of the Super Bowl video with the serious music and super slo-mos where everybody gets worried before the redemption music starts.
Hope was flying high in Chicago as the offense looked poised to do what no other team had done before in Bears history. That all came crashing back to earth on a Thursday night in Green Bay.
<jeff joniak clip>
Cutler back to pass, DOWN he goesssss. Hester in the slot, Cutler drops back and there is Clay Matthews again. Down goes Cutler.The Bears looked like they regressed and after a humilating loss against St Louis, things looked grim.
<jeff joniak clip>
Bears lose a heartbreaker 13-6 to the Rams. Fade to black.<Inspirational music>
Then October rolled around and as the leaves changed, so did the Bears offense...
drinky wrote:
If you hate Laurence, then don't listen - don't comment. When he co-hosts the B&B show, take that day off ... listen to an old podcast of a Bernstein solo show and jerk off all day.