Broheims, the Stylie does not give a shit about who our prez is...I mean, whatevs, brah. I guess I'm prolly Repubs but the Dubs don't bother me that much. My dad's a total Ree, he fucking got his photo taken with the Romster. That was pretty awesome, bro, but like I don't care.
You know who does care though? Garrett Poncey, this total chode we knew back in homeroom. He's all "Romney's got it in the bag, bromide." I'm all, really? Brendan is all, let's make it interesting. Pop the collar like a man, brah. For reals, we put three hundred clams on it.
We go to Feature's to watch that shit...and we get this crazy awesome group. TYIII, Trev, Brendan, Bryce, and Cameron. We're loadin' up on M-Li's and yaebee's...and Garrett's talkin all this shit all night because Romney's leading the electoral votes and shit.
I'm not gettin' sad though. This was like that time at Seven Bridges where Todd Palton was leading me by 3 strokes and on 17 I nailed a fucking birdie, and then went on to totally shame his ass on the 18th while he double bogeyed. Fucker was so sad about that shit it was totes hilar, bro.
And sure as shit...our waitress Hailie comes by, and she's hot as shit...I think she's Natalie Wyzsekie's sister or somethin...I know I've seen that chick's face before. I'm all, check it out! My BOY! And she's all happy because she voted for Obama. I think I coulda gotten those dij's but I was all, nah...because I'm kinda seein' Krista Banks and she's got the phattest tits on the planet, bro. I could motorboat those funbags all fuckin' day long. So anyways, fuckin' Obama blows the SHIT outta Romney, and Yours Truly just won some serious green. Think I'll take it to the boat this Saturday with my bros...I just loved the look on Garrett's face. For real it was amazeballs.
Four more years bromanians!
_________________ Dude, you are my bro.