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Author:  RodeoVann [ Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COP BLOCKERS!

Right, go harass cops who are only doing as they are told, those roadblocks are setup by the Dept. I wonder if these dicks would like someone to walk into their work with a camera and give them shit? Well, that is assuming these bozo's have a job.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: COP BLOCKERS!

RodeoVann wrote:
Right, go harass cops who are only doing as they are told, those roadblocks are setup by the Dept. I wonder if these dicks would like someone to walk into their work with a camera and give them shit? Well, that is assuming these bozo's have a job.

I disagree with your logic there Vann.

I dont think it matters whose idea the roadblock is. If its wrong, its wrong.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COP BLOCKERS!

Yeah if the road patrols didnt believe the roadblocks were just, they would issue warnings instead of tickets.

If this was 1930s, the cops would be shot at for doing these type of 'safety checks'. theyre lucky people just hold up signs.

i wouldnt mind participating in these 'trap crashes' but i know for a fact people who get id'd for doing that crap are logged into record as being an annoyance, even if they dont get a citation. why else would the cops want your id just for talking?

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COP BLOCKERS!

I am 100% behind this douchebagging. One time, I was working this beauty at the bar. Then my friend comes up and says, "how are the wife and kids doing"? How am I supposed to recover from that?

Author:  RodeoVann [ Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COP BLOCKERS!

Those roadblocks are set up to catch drunk drivers for the most part. I understand some officers might go overboard with it, but to keep, drunks, uninsured, un-licensed drivers off the road, I have no issue with it. The ones who scream the loudest about their constitutional rights will be the first ones to bitch about the cops not doing their job when one of the douche-bag drivers I mentioned hits them. A officer has to have a reason to pull someone over, so while it might be easier to ID a drunk driver, it isn't so easy to ID the scofflaw driver, but in the big picture of keeping people safe, these roadblocks serve a purpose, so instead of stomping around with a video camera and being a self declared constitutional expert, come up with a better idea and present it to law enforcement.

Going around fucking with cops who are just doing their job just makes those doing that type of thing look like the bigger asshole in my opinion.

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