Don Tiny wrote:
I have privately told one or two posters I would do my best to curtail my usage of a certain word, but for as expansive as my trove of words may be, I can think of none other that is a more apropos one-word descriptor for this sage of a salt of a schmuck known as Baby McNown.
I mean, it's one thing to get for a person to get their jollies by being brave enough to pick on easy targets like Chas .... it has it's place arguably, but considering that's BM's only real claim to fame, it's like bragging about beating a 5 year old at a game of 21 under make it, take it rules. But that's fine, he's not the only person that does that ... it's a board thing.
Then he got brave and started branching out by taking on fellas like, say, Seacrest or Ivan ... someone who once in a while is someone not getting shit on after every post. Certainly a more difficult target, kind like beating a 10 year old now.
Sure, he's tried to play against someone his own size so to speak .... find a thread where he's tried to take it to someone like Darkside .... it more or less looks like the first example, except now BM is the 5 year old, in more ways than one.
Not having learned his lesson or his place, or perhaps the psychotropic meds didn't show up on time, or someone bet him a steak dinner as to whether he could convince a messageboard that he was king shit of fuck island, and he decided to engage Boilermaker Rick and ... well ... that clearly hasn't gone in his favor. A more reasonable person would perhaps let it go, or say 'good game' and accept the loss .... or not have tried to play 'one against everyone' in the first place. But that has not occured, clearly.
But then again we wouldn't have the newest mult sensation, or a thread that has engaged the board on a singular target in a fashion that hasn't happened quite like this in some time. In a way, it truly and finally is Mao's Revenge.
I guess what I mean to say is that it takes a special brand of fella to draw the attention of so many different types of folks ... the debaters, the haters, the brains, the regular joes, the occasional posters and the hard-core everyday folks, the jocks, the cocks, the Cubs and Sox fans standing arm in arm with Bears and Packers fans, those both near and far, the male, the female, and the undeclared, the married, the single, the rich, the poor, the good, the bad, and the ugly .... I mean to say is that it takes a real special brand of fella to really bring this board together in this way.
So we here at the CSFMB salute and give a rightly earned Shoutout! to the 'real' Baby McCown .... the man, myth, and legend .... the asshole's asshole .... the cock of the walk and the ass of the horse .... the Caller Bob of Caller Bobs and the king of queens .... the accidental dilletante in the ways of fuckery .... in his own truly inimitable way a true board treasure, entirely and completely worthy of the title of retard.
"He is a loathsome, offensive brute
--yet I can't look away." Frank Coztansa wrote:
I have MANY years of experience in trying to appreciate steaming piles of dogshit.