One Post wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Here's an example of why, even though my politics are liberal- sometimes radical- I just can't identify as liberal. The liberal goes on and on wailing about some fictional "war on women", mainly based upon the very human discussion about the morality of killing the unborn, while turning a blind eye to an actual war on women within an entire religion/culture that treats women as property.
I see what you are saying here.
If a state says that a woman can't drive her body around, must cover up her body, cannot use her intellect and labor to earn money, etc, these are all treating a woman as property. I mean if a woman has no choice over her body due to state sanctions, then you are right JORR, she is nothing but property.
However, when a woman tries to control what happens with her body as it concerns pregnancy she doesn't have to worry about the state treating her as property, because that doesn't happen in the US. Oh wait, that is exactly what happens in the discussion of the morality of killing the unborn.
Oh, that old "laws off my body" canard again. The government has laws on everyone's body. Do you think you should be free to shoot heroin? LAWS OFF YOUR BODY!!!!
I'm very sorry that there are some indisputable biological facts and one of them is that female is the gender that carries the children. Maybe one day science can change that so men can enjoy the wonders of childbirth. Or better yet, maybe we can find a way for women to impregnate themselves. We're almost there. Now, we just have to sex all the fetuses and men can be eliminated!
What happens in a discussion on the morality of killing unborn children is generally someone spouting a religious based philosophy which is then followed by women who have had the ability to kill at will their entire lives shrieking about laws and their bodies.
But I'm an atheist. I don't believe anyone has to answer to God. And I fully understand what a complicated issue it is. If you have hundreds of thousands of unwanted children being born, that's a whole new can of worms. But I truly believe that some future society thousands of years down the road will look back on 20th/21st Century America as "that culture that killed its children".
So the next time someone shoots your neighbor down on the street, the next time hillbillies in Texas cheer an execution, the next time some woman throws a new born in the garbage, just remember, we've created a culture where life is cheap. And abortion on demand is one of the building blocks of that culture. So keep on cheering a woman's "right to choose" as your stock as a human being continues to drop.