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shia lebeouf!
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Author:  sinicalypse [ Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  shia lebeouf!

evidently some acting class somewhere wanted shia lebeouf to act out a bunch of little scripts they wrote out for motivational speaking sketches/segments/skits/whatever..... and the crazy bastard did it! not only did he do it, but he did it in front of a green screen for the cred attained through the inevitable internet edits attempting to go viral and become memes. if you wanna see the 29mins of him acting out all the sketches go to youtubeDOTCOM /watch?v=DvVUBZy_MHE (i'm saving the three URLs per thread for the actual videos) soooo without further adieu here we go:

1) like the marines before them, they accept only COMMITMENTS, not APPLICATIONS

2) POPPYCOCK! you CAN actually do that

3) the added visuals to shia himself were a really nice touch that had me LOL all over

and now in the time it took me to retype this (cuz it all mysteriously disappeared) there's a 4th one so on to the next one, jigga! ........oh my holy mother of lol, since i've got a laptop rigged up with an external wireless keyboard on top of the actual laptop keyboard that's missing an E key, it had been hitting the enter key like 500 times so the message DIDN'T get deleted, it had only gone down ~500-1000 lines. dadgummit but yeah like i said on to the next one jigga!)

Author:  sinicalypse [ Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: shia lebeouf!

4) to keep it hip and modern and in the now they did this one too. nicely done!

5) EDIT: if you've ever seen those [entertainer/s] are down with the illuminati because symbols/gestures/etc videos like this one then welp slap mah fro cuz this is a really nice spoof of all of those type videos.

and yeah a lot of these are utter shit or like dragonball Z stuff that i dont think you'd care about. when you're going out and forcing a meme you're going to have to deal with a lot of bullshit to dig out the 1% of the "original content" that's actually worth your time. i think i have done that here.


Author:  good dolphin [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: shia lebeouf!

He seemed cool as a kid in Even Stevens. Then he started to douche it up for a while. He now seems to be an actor willing to take some chances and who is looking to be a true artist. My opinion is starting to turn back to liking him again.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: shia lebeouf!

That's pretty damn funny. There's one with Palpatine and Anakin which is pretty hilarious as well.

Author:  Matches Malone [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: shia lebeouf!

Love the Batman/Superman one.

Think about how close we all came to having more Indiana Jones adventures starring Shia.

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