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Mizzou Protest
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Author:  spanky [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Mizzou Protest

So......the balck players at Mizzou started it yesterday by saying they would boycott any football activities until the university president either resigns or is ousted.
Then the whole team, including the head coach, joined them in solidarity.
The prez responded by saying, essentially "I ain't going anywhere". does this end up? I got admit I am crazy intrigued by how this will go down.

Author:  pittmike [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

What are the details? Is the president a dick and are the players serious?

Author:  RFDC [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

It is a very interesting situation.

Isn't RR's son going to Mizzou? Perhaps he can shed some more light on the situation.

Missouri football players announced Saturday night on Twitter that they will not participate in team activities until the university president is removed from office.

The statement from the athletes of color was tweeted out Saturday by several members of the football team, including starting running back Russell Hansbrough.

The move aligns the team with campus groups who have been protesting the way university president Tim Wolfe has dealt with issues of racial harassment during the school year. Jonathan Butler, a black graduate student, is in the sixth day of a hunger strike to call attention to the issue.

The statement from the players included a photograph of 32 black men, including Butler. In the photo, two players have their arms linked through his.

The message reads: "The athletes of color on the University of Missouri football team truly believe "Injustice Anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere" We will no longer participate in any football related activities until President Tim Wolfe resigns or is removed due to his negligence toward marginalized students' experience. WE ARE UNITED!!!!!"

Wolfe met with Butler and student groups on Friday to discuss the university's handling of racial harassment cases.

Butler also has expressed concern about other student issues, including the removal of graduate student health care subsidies and an end to university contracts with a Planned Parenthood clinic.

Student groups have been critical over how Wolfe has handled issues of race and discrimination, and blocked his car at homecoming in an attempt to speak with him. They have complained that the use of racial slurs is prevalent. In April, a swastika was found in a Missouri dormitory, and officials said last month they were investigating another act of vandalism that targeted minorities.

In a text message statement to The Associated Press, the Missouri athletic department said it was aware of the statement by "many of our student-athletes."

"We all must come together with leaders from across our campus to tackle these challenging issues and we support our student-athletes right to do so."

The campus is about 120 miles west of Ferguson, the St. Louis suburb where tensions erupted following the police shooting death of 18-year Michael Brown. Brown, who was black, was unarmed when he was shot by a white police officer during a confrontation in a street in August 2014. His death sparked ongoing protests and helped spawn the national "Black Lives Matter" movement rebuking police treatment of minorities.

The campus of 35,448 is mostly white. Approximately 17 percent of the student population identifies with a minority group, according to the university website.

Author:  bigfan [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Prez is fucked. Did nothing in some bad situations.

not sure the students demands are well thought want the president out. plus an apology? lol

Author:  spanky [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

bigfan wrote:
Prez is fucked. Did nothing in some bad situations.

not sure the students demands are well thought out....

I kinda agree with this. Only knowing what I read online, it kinda seems like an over reaction by the FB team.

BUT.......the prez is essentially blowing them off (and the student body president).......I can't see the upside for him when he does that.
He needs to hold a meeting. ASAP.

Author:  bigfan [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

if the place is bad and it sure seems it is, the students should plan to transfer in large numbers if changes arent made. Allow adequate time to react and make changes with some serious pressure.

The football team wants to strike and not play. They have all the rights in the world to do that. I assume they will be reimbursing the school for room, board and tuition will they choose not to honor their scholarship deals? Because, really doesnt seem like they are putting anything on the line. I would imagine most people who strike at their place of employment dont get paid for Strike days.

The school also just cant fold to the desires of some students.

if this potential strike leads to meaningful long term talks and some immediate action, congrats. Nice work.

Author:  spanky [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

bigfan wrote:
if the place is bad and it sure seems it is, the students should plan to transfer in large numbers if changes arent made. Allow adequate time to react and make changes with some serious pressure.

Think back to being a college student. This is not an option unless they are all gonna transfer to a local JUCO.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

The best part of this is that "Legion of Black Collegians" sounds just like "Nation of Domination" and can be substituted into their old theme song virtually seamlessly. WE ARE THE LEGION! OF BLACK COLLEGIANS! Legion...of Black Collegians...

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Are we talking the original Nation of Domination with Ron Simmons, PG-13 rapping their way to the ring, and D-Lo in a suit?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Terry's Peeps wrote:
Are we talking the original Nation of Domination with Ron Simmons, PG-13 rapping their way to the ring, and D-Lo in a suit?

I was thinking of the version without rap, mostly because I couldn't be arsed to write the rap verses to go along with "Legion of Black Collegians." You only get so much from me when I wake up that early.

I was not thinking of the version from after the Rock overthrew Faarooq in a hostile coup, when they were just The Nation and had no plans to dominate.

Author:  sjboyd0137 [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Curious Hair wrote:
The best part of this is that "Legion of Black Collegians" sounds just like "Nation of Domination" and can be substituted into their old theme song virtually seamlessly. WE ARE THE LEGION! OF BLACK COLLEGIANS! Legion...of Black Collegians...

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Author:  bigfan [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

spanky wrote:
bigfan wrote:
if the place is bad and it sure seems it is, the students should plan to transfer in large numbers if changes arent made. Allow adequate time to react and make changes with some serious pressure.

Think back to being a college student. This is not an option unless they are all gonna transfer to a local JUCO.

They have the whole year. Didnt mean they need to transfer this semester. Plenty of schools very close and very comparable.

Dont even know what Univ of Missouri specializes in.

Either way, I assume this will at least force some meetings and some changes, which is what the purpose was. Good to see a boycotting group have defined and attainable goals that can be discussed, unlike some others who just seem to enjoy the protest party.


Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

I used to think it was kinda funny how Gangrel would kinda nod along to his own theme song. Very self-aware, very meta. Not enough guys did that.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

bigfan wrote:
Dont even know what Univ of Missouri specializes in.

Decent broadcasting department, I believe. The university owns the NBC affiliate for CoMO/Jeff City, which is kind of unusual. They also produced, if you'll pardon the expression, our Baldy McGrindy!

Author:  Zizou [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

I don't think Missouri football fans mind. Bad football being played in Columbia. I believe this past Saturday's game featured their first touchdown in over a month. They reinstated a suspended quarterback a couple weeks ago and then promptly suspended him for the year a few days later. :lol: Going to owe big money to BYU if the game doesn't happen this weekend.

Author:  Reared on the Score [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Curious Hair wrote:
bigfan wrote:
Dont even know what Univ of Missouri specializes in.

Decent broadcasting department, I believe. The university owns the NBC affiliate for CoMO/Jeff City, which is kind of unusual. They also produced, if you'll pardon the expression, our Baldy McGrindy!

yeah, I think journalism is their claim to fame.

Author:  conns7901 [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

It would be more of a story if they weren't 4-5 and were 8-1 or 9-0.

Author:  Brick [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

If they don't like it there they should all Purdue.

Author:  Reared on the Score [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

bigfan wrote:

The football team wants to strike and not play. They have all the rights in the world to do that. I assume they will be reimbursing the school for room, board and tuition will they choose not to honor their scholarship deals? Because, really doesnt seem like they are putting anything on the line. I would imagine most people who strike at their place of employment dont get paid for Strike days.

They don't get outright fired either, which would be workplace analogy of taking away scholarships.

FWIW: ... 1741294684
Legally, there is not much Missouri or any other school can do. Theoretically, the athletes are breaching their contracts, aka scholarships, by not playing. However, the schools can never actually make that argument. Otherwise, they would be admitting that the athletes are employees under contract to perform athletic services in exchange for tuition, room, and board.

Thanks to the NCAA’s “student-athlete” charade, there is no way to stop this strike aside from accepting the PR nightmare of revoking scholarships. Assuming Missouri’s athletes truly came to play school (thanks, Cardale), then these students are simply choosing to not participate in their extracurricular activity anymore. If the school and the coaching staff lose significant money in the process, well, that’s the double-edged sword the NCAA has finely sharpened by creating a system in which football players are the most valuable commodities on campus.

Author:  sjboyd0137 [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Wolfe resigned... ... 0715344896

Author:  Hussra [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erika Christakis <>
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015
Subject: Dressing Yourselves
To: "All Silliman Students and Admin." <>

Dear Sillimanders:

Nicholas and I have heard from a number of students who were frustrated by the mass email sent to the student body about appropriate Halloween-wear. I’ve always found Halloween an interesting embodiment of more general adult worries about young people. As some of you may be aware, I teach a class on “The Concept of the Problem Child,” and I was speaking with some of my students yesterday about the ways in which Halloween – traditionally a day of subversion for children and young people – is also an occasion for adults to exert their control.

When I was young, adults were freaked out by the specter of Halloween candy poisoned by lunatics, or spiked with razor blades (despite the absence of a single recorded case of such an event). Now, we’ve grown to fear the sugary candy itself. And this year, we seem afraid that college students are unable to decide how to dress themselves on Halloween.

I don’t wish to trivialize genuine concerns about cultural and personal representation, and other challenges to our lived experience in a plural community. I know that many decent people have proposed guidelines on Halloween costumes from a spirit of avoiding hurt and offense. I laud those goals, in theory, as most of us do. But in practice, I wonder if we should reflect more transparently, as a community, on the consequences of an institutional (which is to say: bureaucratic and administrative) exercise of implied control over college students.
It seems to me that we can have this discussion of costumes on many levels: we can talk about complex issues of identify, free speech, cultural appropriation, and virtue “signalling.” But I wanted to share my thoughts with you from a totally different angle, as an educator concerned with the developmental stages of childhood and young adulthood.

As a former preschool teacher, for example, it is hard for me to give credence to a claim that there is something objectionably “appropriative” about a blonde-haired child’s wanting to be Mulan for a day. Pretend play is the foundation of most cognitive tasks, and it seems to me that we want to be in the business of encouraging the exercise of imagination, not constraining it. I suppose we could agree that there is a difference between fantasizing about an individual character vs. appropriating a culture, wholesale, the latter of which could be seen as (tacky)(offensive)(jejeune)(hurtful), take your pick. But, then, I wonder what is the statute of limitations on dreaming of dressing as Tiana the Frog Princess if you aren’t a black girl from New Orleans? Is it okay if you are eight, but not 18? I don’t know the answer to these questions; they seem unanswerable. Or at the least, they put us on slippery terrain that I, for one, prefer not to cross.

Which is my point. I don’t, actually, trust myself to foist my Halloweenish standards and motives on others. I can’t defend them anymore than you could defend yours. Why do we dress up on Halloween, anyway? Should we start explaining that too? I’ve always been a good mimic and I enjoy accents. I love to travel, too, and have been to every continent but Antarctica. When I lived in Bangladesh, I bought a sari because it was beautiful, even though I looked stupid in it and never wore it once. Am I fetishizing and appropriating others’ cultural experiences? Probably. But I really, really like them too.

Even if we could agree on how to avoid offense – and I’ll note that no one around campus seems overly concerned about the offense taken by religiously conservative folks to skin-revealing costumes – I wonder, and I am not trying to be provocative: Is there no room anymore for a child or young person to be a little bit obnoxious… a little bit inappropriate or provocative or, yes, offensive? American universities were once a safe space not only for maturation but also for a certain regressive, or even transgressive, experience; increasingly, it seems, they have become places of censure and prohibition. And the censure and prohibition come from above, not from yourselves! Are we all okay with this transfer of power? Have we lost faith in young people's capacity – in your capacity - to exercise self-censure, through social norming, and also in your capacity to ignore or reject things that trouble you? We tend to view this shift from individual to institutional agency as a tradeoff between libertarian vs. liberal values (“liberal” in the American, not European sense of the word).

Nicholas says, if you don’t like a costume someone is wearing, look away, or tell them you are offended. Talk to each other. Free speech and the ability to tolerate offence are the hallmarks of a free and open society.

But – again, speaking as a child development specialist – I think there might be something missing in our discourse about the exercise of free speech (including how we dress ourselves) on campus, and it is this: What does this debate about Halloween costumes say about our view of young adults, of their strength and judgment?

In other words: Whose business is it to control the forms of costumes of young people? It's not mine, I know that.

Happy Halloween.
Yours sincerely,


Author:  Don Tiny [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Curious Hair wrote:
The best part of this is that "Legion of Black Collegians" sounds just like "Nation of Domination" and can be substituted into their old theme song virtually seamlessly. WE ARE THE LEGION! OF BLACK COLLEGIANS! Legion...of Black Collegians...

Absolutely phenomenal.

Author:  Regular Reader [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Yeah, my oldest is down there. Some of the stuff that was going on scared the hell out of many of the kids. It really worried me, because I actually saw some parallels to my own bitter time down in Champaign. My son really hadn't been trying to be out much on campus over the last two weeks where things escalated. He really hadn't experienced much of the protest reactions by some "students" :wink: in the jock dorm he lives in (I wonder why), but when a wise ass thought it would be funny to smear fecal matter in the shape of a swastika all over a common bathroom it really reached him directly.

The really sad thing is that you saw this coming in July when there was the administration seemed to almost joyously embrace a big public push away from the diversity programs & (symbolic) attempts at inclusiveness. Supposedly those programs had really started to improve campus life and had gotten all kinds of real participation. But in the admins opinion, it wasn't needed. Grad students, upperclassmen and professors were telling anyone who would listen that it was a mistake, but the Pres got huffy and dismissive. Sad.

The president's actions seemed really high handed, especially given the nature of the then protests. I guess $1MM+ plus lawers fees to be paid when this weekend's football game was to be the first not played hit in the wallet...and that's not allowable.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Curious Hair wrote:
I used to think it was kinda funny how Gangrel would kinda nod along to his own theme song. Very self-aware, very meta. Not enough guys did that.


Author:  DannyB [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Regular Reader wrote:
Yeah, my oldest is down there. Some of the stuff that was going on scared the hell out of many of the kids. It really worried me, because I actually saw some parallels to my own bitter time down in Champaign. My son really hadn't been trying to be out much on campus over the last two weeks where things escalated. He really hadn't experienced much of the protest reactions by some "students" :wink: in the jock dorm he lives in (I wonder why), but when a wise ass thought it would be funny to smear fecal matter in the shape of a swastika all over a common bathroom it really reached him directly.

The really sad thing is that you saw this coming in July when there was the administration seemed to almost joyously embrace a big public push away from the diversity programs & (symbolic) attempts at inclusiveness. Supposedly those programs had really started to improve campus life and had gotten all kinds of real participation. But in the admins opinion, it wasn't needed. Grad students, upperclassmen and professors were telling anyone who would listen that it was a mistake, but the Pres got huffy and dismissive. Sad.

The president's actions seemed really high handed, especially given the nature of the then protests. I guess $1MM+ plus lawers fees to be paid when this weekend's football game was to be the first not played hit in the wallet...and that's not allowable.

Did the fecal swastika really happen? I must admit that I was skeptical of that one. I can see a swastika and I can see non-specific fecal matter, but I can't see a swastika comprised of fecal matter.

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Have there been other incidents besides those reported in this story? ... li=AAa0dzB

Students pointed to several recent events on campus that underscore a hostile environment for black students.

Student government president Payton Head, who is black, said in September that people in a passing pickup truck shouted racial slurs at him. In early October, members of a black student organization said slurs were hurled at them by an apparently drunken white student. In addition, a swastika drawn in feces was found recently in a dormitory bathroom.

I don't understand how a University President is responsible for, or what he is supposed to do about, a guy in a pickup truck shouting racial slurs at someone or a drunk guy yelling slurs.

The swastika would indicate hostility towards Jewish people, not blacks.

"In August 2014, the University of Missouri met the shooting of Michael Brown with silence," the student government leaders said in their letter. "In the following months, our students were left stranded, forced to face an increase in tension and inequality with no systemic support. Over the last 16 months, the quality of life for our students has only worsened."

In what way is it incumbent upon the University to address that? Was there a connection between that incident and the University? In what way were students "left stranded, forced to face an increase in tension and inequality with no systemic support"? I did not see an explanation of what they thought the University was supposed to do.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Tad Queasy wrote:
The swastika would indicate hostility towards Jewish people, not blacks.

You can't count on Missourians to know that.

Author:  Regular Reader [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

DannyB wrote:
Did the fecal swastika really happen? I must admit that I was skeptical of that one. I can see a swastika and I can see non-specific fecal matter, but I can't see a swastika comprised of fecal matter.

I can't confirm it second hand fwiw, but it certainly was actively talked about on campus & reported in the media. But it seemed plausible given that many Jewish kids & faculty had joined in the protests.

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

Curious Hair wrote:
Tad Queasy wrote:
The swastika would indicate hostility towards Jewish people, not blacks.

You can't count on Missourians to know that.

Or to find a medium other than their own feces, apparently.

Author:  billypootons [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mizzou Protest

is there a website or article that specifically lists the things this president did that were wrong? from what i've read it just seems like the white townies are still racist and probably much of the white student body is too... how is that different than any other midwest school that is mostly white?

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