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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:54 pm 
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So after a recent surgery my wife is forced to sleep on her back for a few months. As such, well... she snores. Loud. I mean "call a priest" kind of snoring. It sounds like Baal trying to rip into our dimension. A few sleepless nights and a couple nights sleeping upstairs on the couch and I was looking for some noise cancelation. I found these on Amazon. Dude they are amazing. Shocking even. You put them in your ears, there's this lightsaber kinda sound as it scans your ears for the perfect frequency adaptation, and the world drops away. It's near total sound cancelation. I was mowing last week and I tried them out with my loud as fuck lawnmower and it was cancelled so efficiently that I could actually hear myself breathing but like not thru my ears, thru my skull if that makes sense. While I'm using them in bed I can use my phone to put on rainstorm sounds in addition to the noise cancelation and man it's incredible. If you sleep next to a demon or you just need quiet I'd highly recommend them.

"Play until it hurts, then play until it hurts to not play." HOF 2013, MM Champion 2014
bigfan wrote:
Many that is true, but an incomplete statement.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:11 pm 
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Yea I have decent ones , prob not as good as those but it really is weird. Try taking them on a plane. After an hour take them off and it's so loud in the cabin you can't imagine how anyone is tolerating it.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:24 pm 
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IkeSouth wrote:
Yea I have decent ones , prob not as good as those but it really is weird. Try taking them on a plane. After an hour take them off and it's so loud in the cabin you can't imagine how anyone is tolerating it.

Yeah I'd absolutely use them on a flight. I couldn't believe how well they worked with the lawnmower. Just an amazingly cool technology.

"Play until it hurts, then play until it hurts to not play." HOF 2013, MM Champion 2014
bigfan wrote:
Many that is true, but an incomplete statement.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:54 pm 
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heard the Bose lady interviewed a several few months back and she was mostly talking about various forms of hearing assist technologies they are working on.

most promising is AI earbuds/hearing aids/what have you that will either automagically or by your manual selection/training be able to, say, focus on one individual audio stream in a crowded noise environment and then exclude or filter out or at least minimize all other sound sources in the environment.

the example they gave was having a conversation at a crowded bar, you could either through a gesture, phone app or AI automagic have the person you're talking to sound like it's only them talking to you in the room or their voice is heard at full/enhanced volume with reduced volume on other sound sources etc.

I immediately thought how useful these AI earbuds would be at home when trying to watch something on TV. you mean I can only have the game's sound in my ears and not have to listen to anything else in the room? Hell yeah. I'd probably need to wear a helmet while watching the game, cuz she'd eventually get mad that i wasn't listening and throw something at my head, but it'd be worth the risk.

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