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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:42 am 

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Wow... NSJ coming out firing on M&M and vowing renewal in North's Army! The contempt for the ESPN2 morning v-jays was large.

As the drama of the summer of '08 game show "North's Deal Or No Deal" unfolds... I want to pick the considerable brains here. Two questions.

For those of you "long time guys".....

I regularly hear listeners say how much better Mike was when Jiggetts was with him.... how Jiggs possessed a calming influence and that he lent "credibility" .... so....

#1. What exactly were the influences Jiggetts had on North?

And... with the future uncertain (and the end is always near.... jim morrison...)

#2. What are the qualities required of North's next partner so that North's next show is better? Based on who is available, who is the best partner out there for North?

Okay... that's three questions.

I'll sit down and wait for my answers.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:40 am 
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I'm one of the guys that think Pappy will suck with any partner. Pappy will always be stupid. No partner can cure that.

I think initially, with Jiggs, I liked Pappy. Mostly because it was something new and different. Also, I was a kid at the time. When you're a kid you like the idiot on the radio. I don't know how any adult can like The Pappy Show.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:30 pm 
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Jiggs didn't have a calming influence on Mike. North just seemed content -- for a while -- to play along. Then North's ego took over.
Jiggs seems like a nice enough guy.
I don't believe Jiggs had a calming influence on Mac either.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:30 pm 

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I don't know if there's a partner out there that can rein North in at this point. It would go one of two ways:

1. You would need a personality big enough to call him on the daily bullshit, and the show would turn into a shouting match which would be intolerable (like the little I've heard of Mike and the Mad Dog). So you could throw Mariotti in there and have the most hated radio pair ever. Or:

2. It would have to be someone so opposite of him to bring some likability back to the show. Is there a laid back, Bill Simmons-type, up-and-comer in Chicago radio?

I think that's why he worked with Jigs because, while North was there asking the confrontational questions in interviews and generally being an idiot, Jigs was always there to throw out the softballs, which kept everything civil. While Jigs was generally non-confrontational and a bore to a fault, it was needed to even out North.

But when they started, Jigs was the bigger name in town. North has obviously become the star, and you just get the feeling he wouldn't welcome a presence as big as him into the studio. It's a shame because his style can be a good listen in doses, but not driving the show.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:42 pm 
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Mike's painted himself into a corner.
He can gamble that someone else will be stupid enough to offer him his current salary.
He can also swallow his pride and agree to work -- for a lower salary -- give up creative control and be paired with someone who will challenge his points.
Maybe he'll just stick with Fritzy?

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:56 pm 
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#1. What exactly were the influences Jiggetts had on North?

Jigs was someone who could wheel North back in when Mike just started popping of in one of his mindless rants, Jigs wasnt a "great" radio guy, just someone who could put Mike in his place. But now, I dont think North would allow that to happen, because he is bigger then the show in his mind, it isnt the score, its his station in his mind, thats a problem.

#2. What are the qualities required of North's next partner so that North's next show is better? Based on who is available, who is the best partner out there for North?

Like Annie told me once, there is no one out there who can come in as a co-host with him because once his arguments start springing leaks, he will do what he does, shout them down. So I think the person asked to cohost with him will need to be patient beyond words, willing to stay the shows course when North wanders into one of his incoherent babble-thons and mostly, just be a professional, because North isnt and someone has to be.

I would like to see Matt paired up with him, because he has proven in the past that he will not take Norths shit, he will call North out when he is wrong, isnt awed by North "aura" and of course, has the fire and passion.

With that all said, North isnt going to go for a co-host or partial control of his show, so I say he walks, because his ego is to much out of control to take a step down, he wont do it. Yes, he helped put the score on the map, but he wasnt the only one, Mac did, Terry and Dan also, but the difference is that they are willing to do what is best for the station, Mike isnt, it is what is best for him, that isnt a guy I wouldnt want working for me.

Mike is going to have to give up so much, I personally dont think he will be able to be paired with anyone, he also has had free run of the place for so long, having to answer to someone is just something he cant do, that is why I see him walking and it will be a ugly walk out the door, problem for Mike, I dont think there will be any other doors to walk into.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:05 pm 

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Blonde Goatee wrote:
I don't know if there's a partner out there that can rein North in at this point. It would go one of two ways:

1. You would need a personality big enough to call him on the daily bullshit, and the show would turn into a shouting match which would be intolerable (like the little I've heard of Mike and the Mad Dog). So you could throw Mariotti in there and have the most hated radio pair ever. Or:

2. It would have to be someone so opposite of him to bring some likability back to the show. Is there a laid back, Bill Simmons-type, up-and-comer in Chicago radio?

I think that's why he worked with Jigs because, while North was there asking the confrontational questions in interviews and generally being an idiot, Jigs was always there to throw out the softballs, which kept everything civil. While Jigs was generally non-confrontational and a bore to a fault, it was needed to even out North.

But when they started, Jigs was the bigger name in town. North has obviously become the star, and you just get the feeling he wouldn't welcome a presence as big as him into the studio. It's a shame because his style can be a good listen in doses, but not driving the show.


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:10 pm 

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Mac wrote:
Wow... NSJ coming out firing on M&M and vowing renewal in North's Army! The contempt for the ESPN2 morning v-jays was large.

As the drama of the summer of '08 game show "North's Deal Or No Deal" unfolds... I want to pick the considerable brains here. Two questions.

For those of you "long time guys".....

I regularly hear listeners say how much better Mike was when Jiggetts was with him.... how Jiggs possessed a calming influence and that he lent "credibility" .... so....

#1. What exactly were the influences Jiggetts had on North?

And... with the future uncertain (and the end is always near.... jim morrison...)

#2. What are the qualities required of North's next partner so that North's next show is better? Based on who is available, who is the best partner out there for North?

Okay... that's three questions.

I'll sit down and wait for my answers.

jiggs, to put it bluntly, was an asskisser just like harry is on your show. he would reel nort in on occassion, but would lick the ass of every guest on their show. as others have stated, nort probably won't accept a partner at this stage of his career because his ego won't allow it. i think nort ends up taking lots less $$ and moves to middays. the station should wave bye-bye to him.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:00 pm 
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Why would anyone care to "save"his show? His glory days are over, it's time for a fresh start in that time slot.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:27 pm 
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Mac wrote:
#1. What exactly were the influences Jiggetts had on North?

None. Jiggetts provided contrast to North's bombastic delivery. Gosh, I think I explained this years ago, as a "Taxi" simile... You had the doper character "Jim." As long as you don't know too much about the character, his coming out of nowhere, rambling out some psychotic babble was funny. But then, you had the more normal characters of that show to provide contrast...

North by himself, or North without a strong voice of reason is 1) boring, 2) monotonous (in that order.)

#2. What are the qualities required of North's next partner so that North's next show is better? Based on who is available, who is the best partner out there for North?

No idea. They tried it with Anne, but what was he going to about politics that a) she'd have an amusing retort to,b) that the general audience would want to listen to? And so they went back to sports.

Several people say Bernstein; I don't buy that. It'd be strident, stupid, whiney and gay, and I don't need to listen to that. (I also don't need to hear the M&M boys continue to water down their tired-ass cliche show either, which means that I'm basically unhappy until the 2nd shift starts on either station)

Pull back: what makes Jiggs Jiggs? There's a steadfastness to his personality, a willingness to play (some), and a professionalism in his delivery. Made for a good sideline reporter, a good pre/post host on Comcast, and good contrast to the caricature of the loud-mouthed sports idiot on the other mic. Not necessarily the best host to work with you, but that was an uncomfortable pairing at best (Tommy Williams and Les is another one.)

Any help?

Middle Aged Crazy, like Uncle Terry

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:52 pm 
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A couple other thoughts. The reason Anne didnt work was a couple reasons, she didnt know sports, but the main reason she was eventually let go was because she was smarter and more versed on issues then Mike, he saw her as threat, that I know for sure.

Lets face it, Mike isnt going to want a co-host, so no deal. Mac, lets say ESPN said let you out of your contract and the score came to you and said, listen, we want to team you up with North, BUT, he is the boss, its his show, you follow his lead. Would you do it? I assume not and I would believe a lot of others wont either just because of that.

Mike has turned into a giant control freak and someone I think that people dont want to work with because of that. Thats a problem.

If Mike were to take the hit and hook up with a co host who was his equal, I would be the first to tune in, but I just dont see it.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:54 pm 

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Similar to what others have said, Jiggs would call Mike out when he said
things that were stupid/outrageous/crazy. And when Nort tried to shout
him down, he'd shout right back and not back down.

I also agree with the comments about Jiggs' ALing. In how many interviews
did he end it with a bald faced beg for a jersey, sweatshirt or what have

I don't know if Mike could again accept a co-host that would really stand
up to him. I do know I'd like to see it.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:01 pm 
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Mac- let me chime in with my behind the scenes info on this one.

Jiggs might not have been the hard working partner you , or anyone would have liked. From what I heard, it would drive me crazy to have a partner that just didn't put in the work and prep into the overall project. I know, I have been there. I actually made a guy a cry once screaming at him about business shit.

But the Jiggs element is needed with Mikey. North can get pretty personal and take some shots at people, in order to be right about something as stupid as "SOLDIER v SOLDIERS" field. Jiggs at least always brought it to a conclusion.

A statement from Jiggs on such a topic would be something like "OK's Mike's Yo's Are's Right's" and that would be the end of it.

Yet, would blow North shit about it the rest of the show.

It's the factor in the North Show that does not exist that does with MJH. Nobody blows North shit. Fred, ocassionally might jump out of line once a month, but he quickly runs with his tail between his legs.

Ironically, North blows everyone else shit and everyone else is scared he will can their asses, so they don't really say anything.

Mac, it's the worst alignment since 3 and 9, in 1986 and Ditka would bring Pinky in to run what play?

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:03 pm 
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You know what Pappy likes? It doesn't work for a show but it's perfect for him.

A 25 year old waitress that is indebted to him for giving her a job. He can make sexual jokes and belittle her. Even if she argues he'll just end it by making a patronizing comment to her.

At the end of the day, even if she's mad at him, she has to kiss his ass because he gave her an opportunity. Plus, he'll take her out and buy drinks and dinner. Jen Jen also gets to meet celebrities and go on remotes to Vegas and other cool cities. So she's happy.

Mac, you blew your chance. After you got your divorce you had a chance to hire a hot female producer. Insead, you kept Finji and Delavette. Why? Just for the sake of a good show? You had your chance.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:47 am 
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This is the shit-blowingest thread I've ever perused! As to the Dangerous One's initial questions:

1) Jiggs provided "air" (even if routinely dead air) to North's endless volubility. It was, in the early years at least, a two-man show, and the dynamic worked.

2) and 3): I think the general tone of the responses is correct--North has moved past the point where a "partner" is a realistic option. Anybody who isn't as established as Mac or Boers or Bernsie is just going to get pushed around (or fired if they won't get pushed around), and I can't see anybody who is that established wanting to work with him.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:18 am 
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I agree with others that Jiggs was a contrasting figure. His value was even greater in that the roles were the opposite of what you expect from a sports program. The overweight host did not play the role of the meatball. The African American host did not play the role of loud speaking, language challenged, ignoramus. The former athelete did not play the role of the flashy bon vivant.

Although I cannot speak for my other African Americans, I think the fact that a black host with Jiggs' qualities being featured in a prominent role gave the station entre to a demographic it would have been unable to reach if Mike's host was white. It has been opined by some on this site that black hosts get more participation from black listeners. Anecdotally, it does seem to me that I hear many more AA callers when AAs host. If the 5% rule is true (5% of your listeners call in), then this would mean that AA listenership does increase with AA hosting. This was not any AA with a Columbia College degree. Jiggs, with his Ivy League education and gentlemanly manner, was a person in which any community could take pride.

That Harvard degree also clicked with the intellectual snobs in the same way the Duke degree does with some of Bernstein's fans. I believe many intellectuals view sports as a guilty pleasure. They think they should be listening to NPR rather than the "toy department". People like Jiggs and Bernstein allow them to say it loud and say it proud that they are sports radio junkies without drawing the scorn of their peers.

Jiggs' presence made Mike's thoughts on racial issues entertaining. Mike's views on race almost seemed like performance art when it was understood who was his co host. All In The Family was not a popular show in the US because it was must see TV for the racists in this country. It was popular because it made those thoughts comically absurd to the majority of viewers.

At the same time mike having an AA co host allowed some bits to be acceptable. Remember Kamalla and the Wizard? A white man named the wizard (a rank in the Klan) teamed with a monosyllabic african picking games is usually not the kind of stuff that gets out of a production meeting. Yet it worked for a long time on the show.

In short, Jiggs increased the listener base, allowed edgier programming, was a welcoming voice to listeners. He was a second bannana who brought much relevant outside experience to the program. Jiggs is an underrated piece to the success puzzle of the original SCORE.

Question #2:

Any partner Mike has in the future must be someone of equal stature. That is the only way Mike will respect the person, and the only way the person will not be intimidated by Mike. If the SCORE identifies a future co host they should immediately sign him to a long term contract with money befitting a drive time host. I would sign that person to a contract that is 1-2 years longer than mike's next deal. In that way he will owe no allegiance to Mike and Mike will see that the station is devoted to the host.

On the current staff, drinky sticks out as the most obvious fit. He did a spectacular job with Mike on a short term basis. He has well thought out opinions and can speak on the big three very well. He has sufficient confidence to defend his positions in the face of controversy. He is relatively young and fun, which is a good contrast with Mike right now. He is funny and enthusiastic, which may result in some good bits. He is also the kind of guy that mike would like socially. At the same time, he would blow you in the bathroom at the Lodge on a nightly basis if you offered him a 5 year contract at 250-500 K per year. As a station, you would have his loyalty.

Goff might be a similar fit, although I don't think he is as polished or ready for prime time.

Bernstein would be a fun Odd Couple for a little while. One of them would quit or die before their contracts were up.

Hood is the most obvious example of someone not currently on the payroll. Hood is smart, funny and incredibly versatile. He is also confrontational. He would be my choice to fill the co host position. The one fear I have of Hood is that he is self defeating. Every time he is put in a position to succeed, he seems to torpedo it over minor circumstances.

North and Hood afternoons with Paruch handling updates, Les reporting and Jesse producing would be a great team.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:29 am 
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In the Score's early days, as previously stated here, it was all new and different and I liked just about everything they threw out there. Imagine that! Sports talk all day long--or, at least until the sun set! Our previous exposure to sports on the radio was pretty much limited to scores at :15 and :45 on 'BBM and, of course, the Sportswriters on WGN with Gleason and Bentley chomping on cigars and talking about some great middleweight fight Bentley promoted in 1955.

As time went on, I started to become more discerning about who or what I was listening to on the Score and I developed definite likes and dislikes. I also feel that the station went from having the callers as the real stars of the shows to focusing more on the personalities, the quirks, the senses of humor of the hosts. In that more host-driven vs. caller-driven world, North quickly became a "dislike" of mine and thousands of words have been posted here by me and others to explain why. I do not believe any partner he would have would make me like him or his show any better.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:11 am 
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The only people I could see being paired with North to create a successful (ratings) run would be the only two people with the panache to stand up to North and create a genuine contrast--Dan Bernstein and you, Mac. But I don't imagine either show, respectively, would be broken up just to give Mike North a new partner.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:43 am 
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You know what Good Dolphin? I could never tell that Jiggs was Harvard educated. It never came across. He seemed like a stumbling fool more often than not. I think Harvard has a lot more people they're proud of.

We all know Mac's long running joke. Jiggs would talk to the dial tone after he accidently hung up on a caller.

Jiggs - You still there Joe? Hmmm. Joe? Joe? Hmmm. Put Joe on hold. Hmmm.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:15 pm 
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Keeping Score wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
Although I cannot speak for my other African Americans,


I'm allowed to speak for them. They think North sucks.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:41 pm 

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Beardown wrote:
Keeping Score wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
Although I cannot speak for my other African Americans,


I'm allowed to speak for them. They think North sucks.

"hey now, i'ze got plenty of blacks as friends, therz my good friend jessie jackson, ozzie gullien, a black from basta pasta, jerry riles, don't youse ferget allison payne either"

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:21 pm 
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good dolphin wrote:
I agree with others that Jiggs was a contrasting figure. His value was even greater in that the roles were the opposite of what you expect from a sports program. The overweight host did not play the role of the meatball. The African American host did not play the role of loud speaking, language challenged, ignoramus. The former athelete did not play the role of the flashy bon vivant.

The thing about Jiggs is, he represented the sane listenership, which made the other guy, who's baying at the moon funny. He really didn't need to argue with North to get his point across. Because he's a former player of some size? Maybe. Because he was a voice of (relative) reason? Definitely.

Everyone brought up would have to actually engage Pappy in arguments. Hell, Eric Beverly engaged him in arguments, and I don't hear much from him anymore. So forget Matt (because he's just another producer type), and forget Bernsie (because it'd be all whiney, all show long)

To hell with this; just call out the firing squad! Then you can put Mully and Hanley in, and get something listenable.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:43 pm 
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North misses the Score, much more than the Score Misses Mike North

I predict <ring>

""I am now done at the Score."
Mike North, June 24, 2008

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:26 pm 
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Mike North’s next partners should be some Vienna Beef hotdogs and St. Rosen's poppyseed buns.

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