#1. What exactly were the influences Jiggetts had on North?
Jigs was someone who could wheel North back in when Mike just started popping of in one of his mindless rants, Jigs wasnt a "great" radio guy, just someone who could put Mike in his place. But now, I dont think North would allow that to happen, because he is bigger then the show in his mind, it isnt the score, its his station in his mind, thats a problem.
#2. What are the qualities required of North's next partner so that North's next show is better? Based on who is available, who is the best partner out there for North?
Like Annie told me once, there is no one out there who can come in as a co-host with him because once his arguments start springing leaks, he will do what he does, shout them down. So I think the person asked to cohost with him will need to be patient beyond words, willing to stay the shows course when North wanders into one of his incoherent babble-thons and mostly, just be a professional, because North isnt and someone has to be.
I would like to see Matt paired up with him, because he has proven in the past that he will not take Norths shit, he will call North out when he is wrong, isnt awed by North "aura" and of course, has the fire and passion.
With that all said, North isnt going to go for a co-host or partial control of his show, so I say he walks, because his ego is to much out of control to take a step down, he wont do it. Yes, he helped put the score on the map, but he wasnt the only one, Mac did, Terry and Dan also, but the difference is that they are willing to do what is best for the station, Mike isnt, it is what is best for him, that isnt a guy I wouldnt want working for me.
Mike is going to have to give up so much, I personally dont think he will be able to be paired with anyone, he also has had free run of the place for so long, having to answer to someone is just something he cant do, that is why I see him walking and it will be a ugly walk out the door, problem for Mike, I dont think there will be any other doors to walk into.