Panther pislA wrote:
from (
[i]Details are beginning to trickle in on Jay Mariotti's sudden resignation from the Land of Newsprint, and it's pretty much what you would expect: Jay quitting in a hissy fit over a perceived slight.
Fine. Well, I can see him getting a little wound up, but not enough. Now of course, if you counted (say) 95% of the Beijing press corps as being web guys, and then got this slight, you might consider it the final straw, but the actuality of it truly is, being concerned about newspapers' future as they all shrink to Redeye size. Or just concerned that the Sun-Times won't survive if they shrink and the Trib shrinks.
The stupidity of it, the 'perfect Jay' part is thinking he can still walk into the place to record his segments. What a putz. Walk over to MVP, Jay.