One of my peeps just called me to tell me about Mr. Genius and his sidekick Fred explaining Trey.
Correct me if you heard it and I am wrong.
Mike was making fun of Trey Wingo for using the name Trey and not being his real name. I have no idea if his real name is TREY but MINE is! It is a fairly common name in England where my grandfather was from and I was named after him. No, my last name is not WINGO, but it did become a nickname.
The reason then my buddy called me was the moron, FRED decided to chime in to explain the name Trey.
His explanation was that many people Named Joe III or Jim III are nicknamed 'trey'- Maybe there is a kid named 'trey' as a nickname, but it's a real fucking name Fred, you loser suckup.
It's like the moron teaching the fool.
My buddy the English teacher, always points out that over the years for some reason Mike looks to Fred for grammar, definitions, spelling etc and he thinks Fred is just a High School Grad as well, who should not be correcting anyone.
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