Clawmaster wrote:
HawaiiYou wrote:
vitoscotti wrote:
JM can speak freely not having ties to MLB. Not a TLR fan. Wish P & S would have pursued that topic deeper. But, they were in full restraint mode.
Spiegel kept stumbling asking JM about a 20+ year old music show. Then asking JM if he ever played for an owner who didn't love the game? JM is like we don't deal with those guys.
One ploy P & S use with dissenting opinions are snide remarks implying
the person is intellectually inferior. They can't do that with Stanford educated JM.
I noticed this too. It's been done in the past by hosts, but there was a comedic style to it. Nowadays its just comes off lame and arrogant.
Parkins and Bernstein are from very wealthy background, you find most folks that grew up that way often have difficulties understanding the fact that there are vast aspects of life that they know very little about because they rarely interacted with people that didn't think exactly like they do growing up, they don't know what they don't know.
Bernstein has always pushed heavily he deemed himself an aficionado on the Southside (restaurants, grocers, bars, music haunts, short cuts).
Bernstein has 4 separate voices he uses to portray inferior dis & dem lunch bucket Chicagoans, meatball Bears fans, crackers, sheep mentally PDT supporters. Leila has one voice for all 4 when she is given permission to chime in.