cookie23 wrote:
Wow, I didn't know who Shane was.....I don't think a lot of people did, but they do now.
With twitter, I saw this and have time on my hands, so here goes my thoughts
Some guy on Colin Cowherd Show asked him to name 3 cities he would want to live in and one of those was Chicago(which is kinda weird, first time I heard a relevant person say that, usually costal cities). That said the other guy said some thing to affect, "Chicago, its a war zone, Afghanistan, etc."
So for whatever reason Shane was upset someone "dissed" his city, which is so weird how butthurt and second city complex people are in the city and burbs in Chicago. That said, he linked the clip on twitter and said take my city out of f-ing mouth, etc, some thing like that.
Personally I love the city in fall, spring, and summer, a big Chicago fan, some people are not, who cares.
So Dan Proft(who I just heard of) with the former local NBC Amy who got in trouble with the pool thing with some killer trying to get a story, I guess spoke on it on their show.
Then a twitter beef erupted(which is how I found out).
A few things can be true
Dan Proft sounds like an idiot and horrible at politics. Typical far right wing guy, blowhard, etc.
I would assume the Score will suspend a producer who says he wants to bang a guys dead mom.
Also Spiegal and Parkins were laughing like a bunch of barstool dudes.
I cannot stand hypocrites more than anything. The station personalities are mostly far left guys. Spiegs might be the worst. Yes, Bernstein is a crazy far left twitter retweeter, follower of all things, etc, but Spiegs tries to always claim he is "above all the bad stuff" or "good karma guy," yet dude is always instigating, on his __ marriage, guy is a mess, no moral compass.
His self righteousness is the worst. Parkins is the youngest and most mature. He admits he is bleeding heart liberal and rarely talks or tweets politics.
IMO, probably nothing will happen and hypocrites will be hypocrites, but imo Shane should be suspended and have to offer a forced apology about wanting to bang a dudes dead mom.
We live in cancel culture, looks at the Barstool idiot who was reading a rap lyric to a song and got canned.
A suspension would be light. Proft sounds like an idiot and go all out, but why would you utter that and I dont get why it was so funny? Esp since the score is "smart radio"
Barstool is the frat house and the score has always been revenge of the nerds.
Just all weird, but entertaining.
You're definitely right about Spiegel being a bigger offender of leftist ideology than Bernstein. Spiegs still believe covid came from a bat and Fauci is the GOAT of covid.
What is so irritating about everyone at 670 is they're all objective when it comes to sports. They all have their own opinions and can most of the time discuss it civilly. But when it comes to politics it's one narrative, all lockstep with the same leftist talking points. Any deviation from these talking points and you're met with fire and brimstone (and members of). It's all very bizarre too me. Like they have this program in them that can't be challenged and if it is they'll blow up. They're not much different from MAGA crowd. In fact I think they're worse.
Almost everything I have heard Bernstein or Holmes say is factually wrong and almost all of it very, very far left. It's a complete echo chamber and they have no shame or filter on what they say - they don't seem to realize how far left they are and they think their opinions are fact with no regard that any sane people would disagree with their opinions. It's also sad that we even know their political/social positions, but they insist of sharing them regularly now.