Seacrest wrote:
Let me get this straight.
You went to school at a an evangelical or fundamentalist school of sorts.
Just for middle school, thankfully.
You were picked on and bullied by others for asking questions related to God's existence.
You move to IL and take up residence in the very town that is their Mecca of sorts, Wheaton.
Happened to be the only town in the western suburbs that had an apartment we could get that not only was the most affordable, but in an area that my roommate needed for work. At the time we found it, I hadn't gotten a job yet. Just a pile of money to live off of while I found work.
You work out at the school that trains many of these folk who teach at schools like the one you attended in MO where you were treated so unjustly.
Do you mind if I ask why?
Well, that's past, and they were assholes and it's over. I'm only at this gym for the interim of my regular gym going through its renovations, though. Once it's back up, I'll go back to it. The college gym is incredibly convenient for me as well, it's just that during the school year it's going to be bombarded with students. So it works out. Plus, I don't converse with anybody there, I just work out there. Not really gonna hold anything against these kids for believing in God and stuff. Everyone that works out there seems nice and respects everyone's space.