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Parkins and Holmes Part II
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Author:  FJBlack8 [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Parkins and Holmes Part II

A coworker asked if I heard it. Nope. My "must listen to" portion of WSCR turns off after I shit, shower, and shave in the morning.

I just heard the podcast and here's my take:

1. Lawrence is a whiny little bitch and took a veiled shot at Parkins in the twitter video.
2. Parkins acted like one of them private school little girls feigning innocence when trying to get under someone's skin.

The problem is neither have the nuts to drop the ambiguity and confront someone. Lawrence resents Parkins, but is afraid to show it because that would be "uncouth". Lawrence has worked so hard to get into that white friends circle and dreads of ever being that 'angry black guy' his white friends dismiss and role their eyes at when he tries to make a point.

Parkins is the prep kid using leading questions to get his friends to side with him - "I don't know man, but I think Holmes was talking about me. What do you think?". Parkins is the popular sweater tied around his neck guy and his buds giggle with him so they'll stay in Parkin's circle but really can't stand Parkins (hence their tweeting to stir things up).

And then comes the dance on air - neither Holmes nor Parkins have the balls to say what they really feel and we get 15 minutes of "I was talking about people in general" and "But, who specifically?".

Here's how it should have went -

Parkins - I was wondering who were you talking about when you said "people" have (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky in the Hall of Fame.

Holmes - I was talking about you.

Parkins - Me? I don't have (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky in the Hall of Fame.

Holmes - Then stop being (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky's little bitch by defending him every time someone criticizes him.

Author:  Douchebag [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Parkins and Holmes Part II

This definitely needed it's own thread.

Author:  Nardi [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Parkins and Holmes Part II

FJBlack8 wrote:
A coworker asked if I heard it. Nope. My "must listen to" portion of WSCR turns off after I shit, shower, and shave in the morning.

I just heard the podcast and here's my take:

1. Lawrence is a whiny little bitch and took a veiled shot at Parkins in the twitter video.
2. Parkins acted like one of them private school little girls feigning innocence when trying to get under someone's skin.

The problem is neither have the nuts to drop the ambiguity and confront someone. Lawrence resents Parkins, but is afraid to show it because that would be "uncouth". Lawrence has worked so hard to get into that white friends circle and dreads of ever being that 'angry black guy' his white friends dismiss and role their eyes at when he tries to make a point.

Parkins is the prep kid using leading questions to get his friends to side with him - "I don't know man, but I think Holmes was talking about me. What do you think?". Parkins is the popular sweater tied around his neck guy and his buds giggle with him so they'll stay in Parkin's circle but really can't stand Parkins (hence their tweeting to stir things up).

And then comes the dance on air - neither Holmes nor Parkins have the balls to say what they really feel and we get 15 minutes of "I was talking about people in general" and "But, who specifically?".

Here's how it should have went -

Parkins - I was wondering who were you talking about when you said "people" have (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky in the Hall of Fame.

Holmes - I was talking about you.

Parkins - Me? I don't have (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky in the Hall of Fame.

Holmes - Then stop being (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky's little bitch by defending him every time someone criticizes him.

Nailed it

Author:  good dolphin [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Parkins and Holmes Part II

FJBlack8 wrote:
A coworker asked if I heard it. Nope. My "must listen to" portion of WSCR turns off after I shit, shower, and shave in the morning.

I just heard the podcast and here's my take:

1. Lawrence is a whiny little bitch and took a veiled shot at Parkins in the twitter video.
2. Parkins acted like one of them private school little girls feigning innocence when trying to get under someone's skin.

The problem is neither have the nuts to drop the ambiguity and confront someone. Lawrence resents Parkins, but is afraid to show it because that would be "uncouth". Lawrence has worked so hard to get into that white friends circle and dreads of ever being that 'angry black guy' his white friends dismiss and role their eyes at when he tries to make a point.

Parkins is the prep kid using leading questions to get his friends to side with him - "I don't know man, but I think Holmes was talking about me. What do you think?". Parkins is the popular sweater tied around his neck guy and his buds giggle with him so they'll stay in Parkin's circle but really can't stand Parkins (hence their tweeting to stir things up).

And then comes the dance on air - neither Holmes nor Parkins have the balls to say what they really feel and we get 15 minutes of "I was talking about people in general" and "But, who specifically?".

Here's how it should have went -

Parkins - I was wondering who were you talking about when you said "people" have (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky in the Hall of Fame.

Holmes - I was talking about you.

Parkins - Me? I don't have (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky in the Hall of Fame.

Holmes - Then stop being (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky's little bitch by defending him every time someone criticizes him.

The hostility towards Parkins by several Score employees has been open and obvious since he arrived. There is no hiding it. Parkins isn't popular because employees mistakenly think he took a job to which they had a right.

Author:  Nas [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Parkins and Holmes Part II

Parkins clearly loves what he does and is happy to be there. That's what has been missing for a while. When I first started listening to The Score I got that from North, Bernstein, Murph and Hood.

Author:  good dolphin [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Parkins and Holmes Part II

Nas wrote:
Parkins clearly loves what he does and is happy to be there. That's what has been missing for a while. When I first started listening to The Score I got that from North, Bernstein, Murph and Hood.

Sir loves his job and his employer. He may be frustrated by his lack of promotion but my guess is that he will retire as a Score employee

Author:  Jbi11s [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Parkins and Holmes Part II

good dolphin wrote:
Nas wrote:
Parkins clearly loves what he does and is happy to be there. That's what has been missing for a while. When I first started listening to The Score I got that from North, Bernstein, Murph and Hood.

Sir loves his job and his employer. He may be frustrated by his lack of promotion but my guess is that he will retire as a Score employee

Or he will be indicted for murdering Parkins.

Author:  WhiteSoxFTW [ Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Parkins and Holmes Part II

FJBlack8 wrote:
A coworker asked if I heard it. Nope. My "must listen to" portion of WSCR turns off after I shit, shower, and shave in the morning.

I just heard the podcast and here's my take:

1. Lawrence is a whiny little bitch and took a veiled shot at Parkins in the twitter video.
2. Parkins acted like one of them private school little girls feigning innocence when trying to get under someone's skin.

The problem is neither have the nuts to drop the ambiguity and confront someone. Lawrence resents Parkins, but is afraid to show it because that would be "uncouth". Lawrence has worked so hard to get into that white friends circle and dreads of ever being that 'angry black guy' his white friends dismiss and role their eyes at when he tries to make a point.

Parkins is the prep kid using leading questions to get his friends to side with him - "I don't know man, but I think Holmes was talking about me. What do you think?". Parkins is the popular sweater tied around his neck guy and his buds giggle with him so they'll stay in Parkin's circle but really can't stand Parkins (hence their tweeting to stir things up).

And then comes the dance on air - neither Holmes nor Parkins have the balls to say what they really feel and we get 15 minutes of "I was talking about people in general" and "But, who specifically?".

Here's how it should have went -

Parkins - I was wondering who were you talking about when you said "people" have (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky in the Hall of Fame.

Holmes - I was talking about you.

Parkins - Me? I don't have (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky in the Hall of Fame.

Holmes - Then stop being (Pro Bowl QB) Trubisky's little bitch by defending him every time someone criticizes him.

I searched out this board after I heard Mac mention it on the Podcast. I didn’t know about this on-air fight between Parkins and Holmes until I caught part of Cant Do It on Wednesday so I had to go consume all this stuff yesterday on Podcast form. I have to say you’re take on both men was spot on. The other thread went rally hard on the anti-Holmes rhetoric and I get it, but you nailed it from a Parkins angle too. Kudos to you to really getting behind this “beef”.

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