Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Responses lost
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Author:  Mac [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Responses lost

I just spent 90 minutes answering almost every question from the Ask Mac thread and they vanished... like a fart in the wind, Warden Norton. I hit "submit" ... it said I must be logged in. Logged in. Gone. Damn it. I edited all the typos and everything.

Why don't we schedule a live chat.

Author:  Mac [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Okay... while this is fresh in my brain... I'm going to blitz through what I'd written. I apolojai for it being a bit impersonal.

I am a Carmen DeFalco fan, but I have not heard a lot of sports talk in the past two weeks. What I suspect is tough on Carmen is he has 25 people in his ear everyday. I will use upcoming weeks to "study" the market more and hear some out of market sports/guy talk.

Don't know if Allen Brothers canceled its buy. I never have asked, nor will I ever ask, a sponsor to pull its commitment because I'm out. I have had a couple e-mail exchanges and face time with several key advertisers and all I ask is they remain "friends of the program" when I'm back in the game.

The future of satellite radio is a big debate in the industry right now. I'd bet on it surviving. There's too much talent on it for it to go away. I always will believe talent will triumph over mismanagement. People said cable wouldn't last. It did. People said satellite tv wouldn't last. It did. People generally are afraid of technology, then realize they have to have it.

I did NOT want Harry gone. I think it's an extreme long shot we ever work together again. I'm told he's mad at me, likely for the S-T column where I called him a "third wheel" and/or a "worldly, failed actor/comedian." Would like for him to get over it. He's a fine dinner companion and if ESPN sends the Saloon to spring training, would like to enjoy a dinner with him. I will be in Phoenix, likely for at least a week.

I do not regret having North in the studio last summer. So what if he had an agenda. Guests with an agenda are more entertaining. I have an agenda, too: keep people listening. If North helped me accomplish that by bad-mouthing Score management or me, so be it. It was interesting and I thought Spaulding summarized well when she said it was (paraphrasing) like a public scrap between brothers.

Best interview: the ones we don't do. For every Mark DeRosa, there are 10,000 guys who are boring.
Worst interview: at Score, Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Last summer: Derrek Lee. This winter: Brent Seabrook.
Athlete I'd like to hang with: Would love to hang with Otis Wilson.

Jack is doing well on the drums, but becoming frustrated with guitar. He aspires to become a rock star and I support that dream emotionally and financially. And he rocks, unlike big brother who's been into rap for a couple years. Jack has slacked a bit in English lately, so I asked him to e-mail me 300 words on how music "called him." It was really cool. Didn't know he was onto Neil Peart.

I prefer neither the 2-man booth nor the 3-man booth. It all depends on the individual parts. Like some of you, I've enjoyed the smattering of Ben Finfer/Jason Goff "fly bys" when I've heard it. Especially in a morning format, more voices add to the mix. Roles need to be defined clearly in anything that exceeds two voices. I'm scheming something for the next show, in which the update person might have a role as a "third wheel."

Best restaurants: Harry Caray's, the Chop House (wanting to try again soon as first visit since ownership change underwhelmed), Sullivan's. Near the U.C., Carmichael's is solid. Met Slappy and Stu there recently before puckdrop. In NW Indiana, Gamba's in Merrillville is awesome. Great steaks, pastas, salads and desserts. Keith's Bar & Grill in Whiting also is good and I think has a cigar-friendly bar.

Regarding the post made by Chris in Joliet: "I left a message for you at your house in Valparaiso but you didn't call me back." It's a joke. Chris and I were gabbing at Charleston's last Friday when some guy I'd never seen before came up to me and said that. Chris and I both were creeped out. I don't have a house in Valpo.... and I hope that guy doesn't call me in Dyer. He almost, and Chris can attest to this, seemed confrontational about it. Weird.

Regular Reader's question about Hawks fans morphing into Sox fans is a good one. I suppose there's some truth to it. Jealous of all the attention "the other" receives. I've admitted to that. When the Hawks were good in the early '90s, the Bulls were winning back-to-back titles and, as a hockey fan, I resented the Bulls for stealing "my" team's thunder. Regarding Sox fans, however, I'd say that goes both ways now. Cubs fans who used to ignore Sox fans find it more difficult because Sox fans have something they don't: World Series victory memories.

And of course Nas wants me to learn about the NBA while I have some time on my hands. Good effort by Team Vinny last night, eh Nas? First win in Sac-Town since '97. Here's the rub: when the Bulls are important again, I'll watch more NBA. I watch what I have to watch. The NFL has universal appeal here, even if the Bears suck. The NBA and NHL do not. We all know the reasons why. If you want guy talk with a heavy Chicago sports bent, I'm your guy. If you want Boston Celtics talk, I am not your guy. I think the Celtics won it last year, right? (Silvy voice) Right?

Speaking of time on my hands... gonna start a new thread this weekend on how I've spent some of that time lately. I'm not going to be "vacationing" much longer.

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Mac wrote:
Okay... I did NOT want Harry gone. I think it's an extreme long shot we ever work together again.

He was a brown-nose, you hated him . :wink: :P

Author:  spanky [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Mac wrote:
What I suspect is tough on Carmen is he has 25 people in his ear everyday.

I want more on this one. Too many cooks? Jurko/Harry throwing their weight around?
Mac wrote:
Don't know if Allen Brothers canceled its buy. I never have asked, nor will I ever ask, a sponsor to pull its commitment because I'm out.

That's a shot! :lol: Are you kiddin' me?
Mac wrote:
I did NOT want Harry gone. I think it's an extreme long shot we ever work together again. I'm told he's mad at me, likely for the S-T column where I called him a "third wheel" and/or a "worldly, failed actor/comedian." Would like for him to get over it. He's a fine dinner companion and if ESPN sends the Saloon to spring training, would like to enjoy a dinner with him. I will be in Phoenix, likely for at least a week.

I am one of the few that was a fan of Harry on MJH. If I had a complaint, it would be that he is too damn sensitive. Your honor, I submit exhibit A. Although, at times Mac is too.
Mac wrote:
I do not regret having North in the studio last summer. So what if he had an agenda. Guests with an agenda are more entertaining.

You're being too kind with this one. He used you and the show, and was not only unappreciative, but disrespectful about it. BTW, I had a very interesting conversation w/ J-hood that night about this. How many people have his perspective on the two of you?
Mac wrote:
Athlete I'd like to hang with: Would love to hang with Otis Wilson.

Me too! And Robert "Chief". And Marty Booker. And Bo Outlaw. I get it!
Mac wrote:
Regarding the post made by Chris in Joliet: "I left a message for you at your house in Valparaiso but you didn't call me back." It's a joke.

Wait, wait, wait. All this time, and none of us knew that Chris's wife lets him have a sense of humor? :shock:

Thanks for the answers Mac - this yet another reason why you are head-and-shoulders above your peers.

Author:  Chris_in_joliet [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

I was waiting for my brother in law to show up to the show, which he never did, so I was "the creepy guy" at the end of the bar sipping a jack and coke by myself. I went up to Mac finally and asked him if he noticed anyone from the message board at the remote. Literally within seconds of introducing myself again to Mac, this guy came up and said in a drunken tone(mind you it was about 3:30) that he called Mac at his house inviting him to come up. Oh man if you could have seen the look on Macs face it was priceless.

Spanky. It was a Friday and my wife was tired. I snuck my personality out when she wasnt looking.

Author:  Walt Williams Neck [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

It is better to have responded and lost than never have responded at all!

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Mac wrote:
Worst interview: at Score, Kareem Abdul Jabbar. .

"And there's no reply at reply at all" :lol:

Mac wrote:
Athlete I'd like to hang with: Would love to hang with Otis Wilson..

and so would Julianne Moore's character in Boogie Nights. :wink:

Mac wrote:
Jack is doing well on the drums, but becoming frustrated with guitar. He aspires to become a rock star and I support that dream emotionally and financially. And he rocks, unlike big brother who's been into rap for a couple years. Jack has slacked a bit in English lately, so I asked him to e-mail me 300 words on how music "called him." It was really cool. Didn't know he was onto Neil Peart.

That's terrific. :D It's great to be driven by something and find what you love. I'm still frustrated with guitar, but haven't completely given up. Some advice on drums for Jack if he hasn't already got it: Always know where 1 is and know your sticking (so that you don't end up in drum fill hell). Neil Peart's almost impossible to mimic, but a great study.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Mac, Re: your son on the guitar. Read this thread, it should be helpful.


Author:  DegenerateDave [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Mac - why not do an off-air remote at an establishment of your choice?

Give everyone a chance to ask the questions you can't or won't answer here, break some bread, etc.

We will even keep the weird 3:30 drunk callers from bothering you!

BTW thanks for the restaraunt suggestions - I may try one this weekend.


Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Hey Mac - Do you know what Terry's Phil Donahue story is about?

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
Hey Mac - Do you know what Terry's Phil Donahue story is about?

Good question. Somebody has to post this here. Goff? Mac? c'mon....

Author:  City of Fools [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

I asked Goff about it Saturday, but just then Webby's team lost and he went back onto the court. He and I did talk at length, which is part of what made Hoops 2 so much fun. Jason is one cool dude.

Author:  City of Fools [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

DegenerateDave wrote:
Mac - why not do an off-air remote at an establishment of your choice?

Give everyone a chance to ask the questions you can't or won't answer here, break some bread, etc.

We will even keep the weird 3:30 drunk callers from bothering you!

BTW thanks for the restaraunt suggestions - I may try one this weekend.


the board hockey event (Feb. 22nd) would be an excellent place to do this, Mac...

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Mac wrote:
And of course Nas wants me to learn about the NBA while I have some time on my hands. Good effort by Team Vinny last night, eh Nas? First win in Sac-Town since '97. Here's the rub: when the Bulls are important again, I'll watch more NBA.

Mac, for once, why not just be honest about why you don't like the NBA?

Author:  Hatchetman [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Mac wrote:
And of course Nas wants me to learn about the NBA while I have some time on my hands. Good effort by Team Vinny last night, eh Nas? First win in Sac-Town since '97. Here's the rub: when the Bulls are important again, I'll watch more NBA.

Mac, for once, why not just be honest about why you don't like the NBA?

what, like the nba is the equivalent to lesbian porn, something by nature all men must enjoy?

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Mac wrote:
And of course Nas wants me to learn about the NBA while I have some time on my hands. Good effort by Team Vinny last night, eh Nas? First win in Sac-Town since '97. Here's the rub: when the Bulls are important again, I'll watch more NBA.

Mac, for once, why not just be honest about why you don't like the NBA?

KID...Ill tell you my theory...MAC hated(sports hate not life hate) Jordan and the type of guy he was. He hated that Jordan and the Bulls took away any tiny amount of attention the Hawks would get.

I really think thats about it.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

That could be it, but if that's the case then he's living in the past because M-Jeff hasn't been relevant here in over 10 years.

I don't think it's that though. You might not have been here when Mac dropped the, "The NBA isn't exactly a big seller in suburban America." A comment like that has some serious undertones and I'd like for him to explain exactly why he feels that way. I think he's trying to say something without really saying it.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
That could be it, but if that's the case then he's living in the past because M-Jeff hasn't been relevant here in over 10 years.

Yeah Im thinking he took an anti NBA stance in the midst of the Jordan years and has never wavered

Author:  Brick [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
I don't think it's that though. You might not have been here when Mac dropped the, "The NBA isn't exactly a big seller in suburban America." A comment like that has some serious undertones and I'd like for him to explain exactly why he feels that way. I think he's trying to say something without really saying it.

I'm an NBA fan but I don't think the serious undertones should be attributed to Mac. The post-Jordan years have not been able to capture a large portion of the Chicago audience. They have a very loyal following that shows up and watches consistently but I would say that most of the Chicago suburbs don't really take a great interest in the Bulls. They did the same to the Hawks for years up until this year when "everything changed and now we love the Hawks".

It's 100% true that most of Chicago were not Bulls fans but Jordan fans. They were spoiled because they started paying attention when championships were won just about every year. They then became the worst team in the league for half a decade and then a team of overachieving players who became good but not great.

I won't say that there isn't a racial factor involved but ironically the Bulls are pretty much devoid of the supposed "thug league" players. I would think the Hinrich, Gordon, Nocioni and Deng era wouldn't really qualify as a team you couldn't like. I personally respected how hard they played and how they seemed to overachieve. Then again, I think the whole NBA image thing is dumb and pales in comparison to the NFL.

I think Derrick Rose will flip things. He'll become a big star in this city as soon as the Bulls are winning and title contenders. It may take a few years to get there but we are going to see the NBA become a factor in this city again.

I personally think the Hawks are getting way too much credit for basically having a guy die, some good pr moves, and finally being a halfway decent team. However, right now, the Hawks are the better story and the team seemingly on the upswing. The Bulls will have the same story written about them as long as Paxson makes good moves or his replacement makes good moves.

Derrick Rose could end up owning this town.

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Excellent post, Rick. I could get used to this...

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Krazy Ivan wrote:
Excellent post, Rick. I could get used to this...


Rick, you were right on the money with that one.

Author:  Brick [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Krazy Ivan wrote:
Excellent post, Rick. I could get used to this...


Rick, you were right on the money with that one.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often.

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Boilermaker Rick wrote:
The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Krazy Ivan wrote:
Excellent post, Rick. I could get used to this...


Rick, you were right on the money with that one.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often.

I'm sure your next few posts will be huge embarrassing failures...

Author:  liam malone [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Mac, with Pat Quinn newly installed is there a chance by gubanortial(sic) fiat that you could leap frog Roland "Henry" or "Plaxico" or "Ray" Burress(Love Childrens, for the late Harry) to become junior senator of Illinois by way of Crown Point, also newly annexed by Gov. Quinn?

Everything you do and say needs to be heard by the proletarian. In troubled times such as these, you are a clarion; for the rudderless bloggers find validation in everything you represent; everything you eat, drink and smoke. For you are what they can never be, its a gift that you embody and like Gandhi, MLK, Blago and Jarred you bear a cross of illumination. We wait with bated breath for your next foray into paid public life; endorses never fade away, the come in freeze dried styrofoam containers and Chet Coppock. Godspeed!

Author:  Chus [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Mac wrote:
I did NOT want Harry gone. I think it's an extreme long shot we ever work together again. I'm told he's mad at me, likely for the S-T column where I called him a "third wheel" and/or a "worldly, failed actor/comedian." Would like for him to get over it. He's a fine dinner companion and if ESPN sends the Saloon to spring training, would like to enjoy a dinner with him. I will be in Phoenix, likely for at least a week.

Harry took quite a few not so subtle jabs at you last week, Mac.

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Chus wrote:
Mac wrote:
I did NOT want Harry gone. I think it's an extreme long shot we ever work together again. I'm told he's mad at me, likely for the S-T column where I called him a "third wheel" and/or a "worldly, failed actor/comedian." Would like for him to get over it. He's a fine dinner companion and if ESPN sends the Saloon to spring training, would like to enjoy a dinner with him. I will be in Phoenix, likely for at least a week.

Harry took quite a few not so subtle jabs at you last week, Mac.

Care to elaborate? Por favor...

Author:  Chus [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

One day, Mac's name was brought up, and Harry said something to the effect of, "Well, he isn't on the radio anymore."

There may be nothing there, what do I know? It just seemed like he would get chirpy whenever Mac's name was brought up.

Author:  liam malone [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Yeah Mac, what ya gonna do about it? Call him out, Mac. You can't permit further career tarnishment! Radio execs. are watching your every glyph, if your typin' finger's gettin' itchy and you see Harry in the middle of the sidewalk outside of Ditka's....what's gonna happen? All heck gonna break loose? Harry wetting trow? Ooooo, the possibilities are endless when in the midst of a media temper transim!

Krazy Ivan wrote:
Chus wrote:
Mac wrote:
I did NOT want Harry gone. I think it's an extreme long shot we ever work together again. I'm told he's mad at me, likely for the S-T column where I called him a "third wheel" and/or a "worldly, failed actor/comedian." Would like for him to get over it. He's a fine dinner companion and if ESPN sends the Saloon to spring training, would like to enjoy a dinner with him. I will be in Phoenix, likely for at least a week.

Harry took quite a few not so subtle jabs at you last week, Mac.

Care to elaborate? Por favor...

Author:  chaspoppcap [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Responses lost

Chus wrote:
One day, Mac's name was brought up, and Harry said something to the effect of, "Well, he isn't on the radio anymore."

There may be nothing there, what do I know? It just seemed like he would get chirpy whenever Mac's name was brought up.

Could be he is scared he is next(rightly so) and trying to suck up to corporate teat?

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