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kc johnson
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Author:  Beef Rockmore [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  kc johnson

somebody give this guy a caffiene IV.

Then pour a case of red bull down his gullet during every commercial break.

I've never HEARD paint dry, but I now have a good idea what it would sound like.

Author:  Pappy's Crappy [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Is my vodka-soaked brain just not remembering? Has All-Star week always been "school's-out-for-summer" week at the Score? Man, they got a boatload of subs in there this week, don't they?

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Pappy's Crappy wrote:
Is my vodka-soaked brain just not remembering? Has All-Star week always been "school's-out-for-summer" week at the Score? Man, they got a boatload of subs in there this week, don't they?

Probably because there isn't a damned thing to talk about.
Is Tom Dreesen a fill in?

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Pappy's Crappy wrote:
Is my vodka-soaked brain just not remembering? Has All-Star week always been "school's-out-for-summer" week at the Score? Man, they got a boatload of subs in there this week, don't they?

Yeah , this week and the week of Christmas is like bad guests host week.Although CJH had JD and Boyle in for them as all 3 are off this week and they brough their A game today. I thought Slappy's wet dream Kerry Sayers was in with Pants this week? KC Johnson was a better fit than Kerry ??? :roll:

Author:  jimmypasta [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

I think they should invite Mike North in.

Author:  bigfan [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Maybe they can wait 5 years like Joe Cowley to develop a personality on air.

Boith guys have good info, so I always liked checking in with them, but dont need them in the studio for any extended period. Cowley has gotten better, , but like I said, after 4/5 years of being on the air, you either have it or not.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

It was a bit odd to hear Pants come back from a break with some energetic pounding song and then hear KC do a read like Ben Stein. Speigs even said that KC was laughing during one of the reads, but I couldn't tell. :?

Author:  SHARK [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

I thought Ben Stein's been hanging out with Shaquille O'Neal in those Comcast ads when not being one of the talking heads on FOX News Channel Saturday mornings...

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Next thing you know he'll be getting into MMA, like Shaq wants to. :wink:

Author:  SHARK [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Eaglo Jeff wrote:
Next thing you know he'll be getting into MMA, like Shaq wants to. :wink:
Eaglo, I'd rather see Ben briefly remove his pants like he did one time on "Win Ben Stein's Money" when a contestant beat him in the "Head to Head" bonus round for $5,000.

Author:  No Clever Moniker [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

It's pointing towards a Bears/Cutler intensive August and nobody should be on holiday. I guess if you're going to take some time off, now is the time. Also, if you're going to give a shot to the various "media-types" now is as good a time as any.

Author:  Pappy's Crappy [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

K.C. may not be the most dynamic broadcaster out there, but he sounds a little more comfortable today, and . . .

I was just listening to them discussing the Tallon firing and to tell you the truth, it was nice to hear the two hosts of this show talking about some breaking news and sounding like two normal guys without the forced humor and the movie references every ten seconds and the Chet-Coppock-like phrases.

Author:  beni hanna [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Pappy's Crappy wrote:
K.C. may not be the most dynamic broadcaster out there, but he sounds a little more comfortable today, and . . .

I was just listening to them discussing the Tallon firing and to tell you the truth, it was nice to hear the two hosts of this show talking about some breaking news and sounding like two normal guys without the forced humor and the movie references every ten seconds and the Chet-Coppock-like phrases.

Spot on. Good listen. Beef apparently got the caffeine IV to the studios in time for today's show. Completely different from yesterday.

Author:  Tall Midget [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Pappy's Crappy wrote:
K.C. may not be the most dynamic broadcaster out there, but he sounds a little more comfortable today, and . . .

I was just listening to them discussing the Tallon firing and to tell you the truth, it was nice to hear the two hosts of this show talking about some breaking news and sounding like two normal guys without the forced humor and the movie references every ten seconds and the Chet-Coppock-like phrases.

I agree.

I will also say that Meatpants seems to be much better suited for a topic-driven, fact-laden, sports "news"-type show than the more meandering, general-format "guy" show Mac prefers.

Author:  Mr. Reason [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Tall Midget wrote:
Pappy's Crappy wrote:
K.C. may not be the most dynamic broadcaster out there, but he sounds a little more comfortable today, and . . .

I was just listening to them discussing the Tallon firing and to tell you the truth, it was nice to hear the two hosts of this show talking about some breaking news and sounding like two normal guys without the forced humor and the movie references every ten seconds and the Chet-Coppock-like phrases.

I agree.

I will also say that Meatpants seems to be much better suited for a topic-driven, fact-laden, sports "news"-type show than the more meandering, general-format "guy" show Mac prefers.

Mac = North MATCH

Both of their shows are better without them. Who could have imagined Mac was holding back Meatpants?

Author:  Spaulding [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Tall Midget wrote:
Pappy's Crappy wrote:
K.C. may not be the most dynamic broadcaster out there, but he sounds a little more comfortable today, and . . .
I was just listening to them discussing the Tallon firing and to tell you the truth, it was nice to hear the two hosts of this show talking about some breaking news and sounding like two normal guys without the forced humor and the movie references every ten seconds and the Chet-Coppock-like phrases.

I agree.
I will also say that Meatpants seems to be much better suited for a topic-driven, fact-laden, sports "news"-type show than the more meandering, general-format "guy" show Mac prefers.

I never thought about their styles being different but yeah they are. I would like to have heard Mac with Drinky. I enjoyed what I heard of Speigel today, he sounded more relaxed. I'd like to know if today was closer to what good dolphin was expecting fromhim.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Also thought today was a good listen.

K.C. was very good today.

Author:  Pappy's Crappy [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Wow. I expected to be raked over the burning coals for my comments. Not so, I guess.

I'm sorry. I just can't can't get into the Mac style of broadcasting. I tried to like the new show; I really tried. Sometimes when the whole world seems to be gushing over a guy and you just can't see it, you feel like you must be missing something, you better try harder. I did. I blamed Spiegel at first, I pretended it was his voice that turned me off, but I find him much more listenable sans Mac. Good god, I thought even the inexperienced KC was better with Spiegs today.

I don't claim Danny Mac is a bad person or by any means a bad broadcaster, so don't jump all over me for that; I personally just don't care for his on-air offerings. With that, I'll let it go, but I just wish he didn't now occupy 4 1/4 hours of the Score day.

Mac lovers, I'm not ripping you; I just think we must have different tastes.

Author:  shakes [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Pappy's Crappy wrote:
Wow. I expected to be raked over the burning coals for my comments. Not so, I guess.

I'm sorry. I just can't can't get into the Mac style of broadcasting. I tried to like the new show; I really tried. Sometimes when the whole world seems to be gushing over a guy and you just can't see it, you feel like you must be missing something, you better try harder. I did. I blamed Spiegel at first, I pretended it was his voice that turned me off, but I find him much more listenable sans Mac. Good god, I thought even the inexperienced KC was better with Spiegs today.

I don't claim Danny Mac is a bad person or by any means a bad broadcaster, so don't jump all over me for that; I personally just don't care for his on-air offerings. With that, I'll let it go, but I just wish he didn't now occupy 4 1/4 hours of the Score day.

Mac lovers, I'm not ripping you; I just think we must have different tastes.

People on here are scared of the Mack Mafia for some reason I can't comprehend. I know I'm new around here, but seriously, why is everyone so hesitant to say negative things about Mack?

I think Mack has always been terrible, a step above the Murphs an Norths of the world, but a very small step at most. His last show sucked, I was ecstatic when his ass got canned. I was pissed when the Sun Times hired him and it was one of my last straw reasons for finally switching over to the Trib (along with the price increase and the hiring of North). I was disgusted when the Score brought him back, but i was too excited for the death of Murph that I didn't dwell on who was replacing him. I never heard of Spiegel till a month ago so I was willing to give the show a chance, but now its obvious that Mack is the worst host on the radio now that Murph and North are gone.

The only people I could see enjoying Mack are degenerate gambling addicts and 40 somethings still obsessed with classic rock.

Author:  Jalapenos and More [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

KC Johnson's voice reminds me of WaPo columnist Eugene Robinson.

Author:  Pappy's Crappy [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

shakes wrote:
People on here are scared of the Mack Mafia for some reason I can't comprehend. I know I'm new around here, but seriously, why is everyone so hesitant to say negative things about Mack?

It's not that I'm scared, it's like I said--there has been so much Mac love on this board for years that I seriously thought I must be missing something. I wasn't. He's a Chet-Coppock-sound-alike locked into some bad TV sitcom mode where the men are all idiots who obsess over old rock, "guy" movies, and the size of their TV screens.

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: kc johnson

Pappy's Crappy wrote:
there has been so much Mac love on this board for years that I seriously thought I must be missing something. I wasn't. He's a Chet-Coppock-sound-alike locked into some bad TV sitcom mode where the men are all idiots who obsess over old rock, "guy" movies, and the size of their TV screens.

According to Mac?

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