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Author:  RFDC [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Rozner

So is this seacrest on with meatpants???

Whoever he is, he is brutal.

Author:  Seacrest [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner


Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Seacrest wrote:

If your posting this a few minutes AFTER he/you were on the air...its more an admission than a denial

Author:  Seacrest [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

rogers park bryan wrote:
Seacrest wrote:

If your posting this a few minutes AFTER he/you were on the air...its more an admission than a denial

If you believe that you are more du-------... aw forget it.

Author:  denisdman [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

It is Rozner. I am a long time Daily Herald reader, which means you get Rozner's commentary all the time. He is a know-it-all pain in the butt, and I rarely agree with him. The highlights of his columns are:
-He calls himself an idiot all the time, but then he is smarter than everyone else,
-He uses "we" told you here all the time as if there are multiple people writing his column or multiple people inside his body,
-If he likes the athlete (i.e. Sandberg, Maddux, etc), you can do no wrong. If he doesn't like you, then he will find every opportunity to rip you (i.e. Bud Selig),
-He likes to "write" columns that are 75% quotations from sports figures,
-He often quotes online columns and e-mails to further reduce his need to write original material.
-He was 100% certain the Cubs were winning the World Series in 2003 when they were up on FL. But with Barry, he is always right until he isn't. He is explaining his Prior "miss" right now on the air.

I used to e-mail him, but I had enough on a recent column where he wrote about one of his mentors/editors. He made a classic argument how things aren't as good as they used to be in newspaper business. When I e-mailed him, he claimed his comments had nothing to do about the past. I read the column three times and found it to be an old man wishing for the days gone by.

Oh well. I still read every one his columns.

Author:  Tall Midget [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Rozner lacks a compelling broadcasting style, but I've been enjoying his analysis of the Blackhawks contract quandary.

Author:  denisdman [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Tall Midget wrote:
Rozner lacks a compelling broadcasting style, but I've been enjoying his analysis of the Blackhawks contract quandary.

He is a big time hockey lover, so he is about as good as it gets in knowing the game. It would be interesting to have him debate B&B about fighting in hockey. Barry believes that fighting prevents big players from taking runs at smaller, skill players. I don't know the game well enough to have an opinion.

I just don't like his writing style. Unfortunately, when you read the paper everyday you either read stale AP stories or you take the few original thoughts that the local paper offers. In Barry's case, that is why I read him. I still don't read Imrem. The beat reporters in the Herald are solid.

Author:  denisdman [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Tall Midget wrote:
Rozner lacks a compelling broadcasting style, but I've been enjoying his analysis of the Blackhawks contract quandary.

Also, if you didn't pick this up or know this- Barry hated the Campbell and Huet signings, and he advocated trading Havlat and Habby before they became free agents (i.e. in Feb 2009). Keep in mind, if the Hawks had traded those guys, they probably would not have had the playoff run that excited us all. But, he is right about the salary cap issues caused by Huet and Campbell signings.

Author:  Brian's Mojito [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

He's got the "beat a dead horse" racket down. How many times has he talked about giving away the host's money or sprinkled in odds for the British Open?
Barry, the money thing was sort of funny the first time. That's it.
BTW, Matt, you don't need to explain that joke. Enough already.

Author:  spmack [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

I still think its Seacrest.

Author:  good dolphin [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

I am unfamiliar with any of his work as Rozner. I like him as Seacrest.

Author:  Seacrest [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Think again.

Rozner has been an unabashed shill for all things McDonough for years.

Tallon loses his job because of Stan's mistake, and Rozner prints exactly what McDonough wants him to. Absolutely pathetic.

From Sports Illustrated: Allan Muir

It didn't take long for the letters to start rolling in about the dismissal of Chicago Blackhawks GM Dale Tallon. Let's take a look at that hot topic, and a few more that showed up repeatedly in the mailbag.

Do you think that Dale Tallon was set up so that Scotty Bowman's son could take over as GM in Chicago? It seems to me that Tallon is being made a scapegoat for someone else's mistake with those RFA offers.
-- Michael Koltuniak, Plymouth, MI

I remember wondering what led Rick Dudley to leave a position as Chicago's assistant GM for an associate GM job in Atlanta late last month. Men with his experience rarely make lateral moves. I guess all those beer-league concussions finally caught up to me. Seems pretty obvious now in hindsight, doesn't it? Dudley could hear the whispers, and he was gettin' while the gettin' was good.

Dudley's departure was just one bit of evidence pointing to a classic internal power struggle in a crowded front office. And barring a surprise Stanley Cup, it was a struggle that Tallon was destined to lose. It was reported on Monday night that he'd been dismissed and replaced by long-time assistant GM Stan Bowman.

A lot of the speculation about this firing will center on the improperly-filed qualifying offers that failed to reach eight of the team's restricted free agents in time. Tallon fell on his sword for that screw-up, and rightfully so. He's always been a buck-stops-here kind of guy, even if he wasn't personally responsible for that particularly embarrassing, and ultimately costly, episode.

But no one should think that a GM is actually licking stamps and dropping off contracts in the mail . . . and that's why this imbroglio has led to speculation that maybe whoever was responsible for moving those offers along might have applied the brakes on purpose. Not usually a fan of conspiracy theories myself, but this incident was so inexcusable that it is hard to imagine an experienced executive making that mistake.

But even the botching of a simple exercise isn't as telling as is the fact that aspects of the story were leaked to the press on at least two occasions from what had to be internal sources. Sure seems as though someone in the Hawks organization had an ax to grind. Whether that was for personal gain, the perceived betterment of the franchise or managerial homogeneity is wide open for speculation, but I think it might have been the latter.

Tallon, like Stan Bowman, was a rare holdover from the Bill Wirtz era. But Bowman the younger had his connections to the new group thanks to the hiring of his father, Scotty, as a senior adviser last summer. Tallon? He had no ties to the new regime. And you know how those scenes usually play out.

It could certainly be argued that there was basis for staging a coup. Tallon made his share of questionable decisions, including a pair of failed coaches (Trent Yawney and Denis Savard) and some brutal free agent signings, from Theo Fleury and Adrian Aucoin to the recent extravagances of Brian Campbell and Cristobal Huet, and the crippling Marian Hossa deal at the opening of this year's free agency bonanza.

Sure, Tallon had his share of wins along the way (hiring Joel Quenneville, trading rolls of hockey tape for Kris Versteeg and Patrick Sharp), but it's impossible to overlook the potential impact of those last three free agent deals.

Although there's been speculation that the Campbell and Huet signings were the brainchild of club president John McDonough, they still came on Tallon's watch and contributed to an onerous financial load on the books that may prevent the team from re-signing young cornerstones Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews and Duncan Keith after this season. And if you make those decisions, or don't have the power to fend them off, you're wide open to internal attack.

So the RFA scandal may have led to Tallon being pushed out the window, but he clearly put himself on the sill. It'll be interesting to see how Bowman goes about addressing the team's issues. He's generally well thought-of, but hasn't been in this position before. Having dad Scotty's experience to call on will help, but the Hawks' precarious financial position calls for some particularly bold strokes.

Hopefully, Stan already has a few ideas in place. No doubt the thousands gathering for the annual Blackhawks fan convention this weekend will be all ears.

Author:  Tall Midget [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Seacrest wrote:
Think again.

Rozner has been an unabashed shill for all things McDonough for years.

Tallon loses his job because of Stan's mistake, and Rozner prints exactly what McDonough wants him to. Absolutely pathetic.

I have been wondering about this aspect of the front office reshuffling. Tallon has taken the fall for the mistake, but wasn't this stuff Bowman's responsibility?

Author:  Seacrest [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Yes it was. And Rozner knows that.

Tallon made salary cap mistakes. There is no arguement there.

But truth be told, his biggest mistake was not suffering the McDonough snitches well. Dale also didn't have patience with a know nothing president like McDonough.

Author:  denisdman [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Brian's Mojito wrote:
He's got the "beat a dead horse" racket down. How many times has he talked about giving away the host's money or sprinkled in odds for the British Open?
Barry, the money thing was sort of funny the first time. That's it.
BTW, Matt, you don't need to explain that joke. Enough already.

Or kissed Tiger's a$$.


Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Seacrest wrote:
Yes it was. And Rozner knows that.

Tallon made salary cap mistakes. There is no arguement there.

But truth be told, his biggest mistake was not suffering the McDonough snitches well. Dale also didn't have patience with a know nothing president like McDonough.

Rozner came off like George some sort of salary cap he knows what the club's books look like...Rozner stated the HAWKS HAVE TO start trading guys OFF NOW!!!!

According to this cap wizard...forget the coming season and unload salary to keep Toews, Kane and Keith.

Tallon cost Wirtz millions and Rocky's name is still Wirtz...PERIOD.

Salary Cap mistakes....Blaming the mail service for the latest screw up....

Rozner implied that McDonough signed Campbell......this is one bored sportswriter looking under rocks.

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Seacrest wrote:
Yes it was. And Rozner knows that.

Tallon made salary cap mistakes. There is no arguement there.

But truth be told, his biggest mistake was not suffering the McDonough snitches well. Dale also didn't have patience with a know nothing president like McDonough.

Yet somehow Tallon is on the payroll for 3 more years...McDonough is a real prick, I guess...a real know nothing.


Author:  Spaulding [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

I agree with Seacrest on the Rozner/McD thing and think he is a complete an total hack. It took me all of 10 seconds to flip today.

Author:  Jalapenos and More [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

McDonough comes across as a real smile-to-your-face, knife-in-your-back kind of guy. And you may need that to run a successful franchise. He doesn't strike me as someone who loses sleep over his ethics.

Author:  Seacrest [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rozner

Aggravated Sox Fan Bob wrote:
Seacrest wrote:
Yes it was. And Rozner knows that.

Tallon made salary cap mistakes. There is no arguement there.

But truth be told, his biggest mistake was not suffering the McDonough snitches well. Dale also didn't have patience with a know nothing president like McDonough.

Rozner came off like George some sort of salary cap he knows what the club's books look like...Rozner stated the HAWKS HAVE TO start trading guys OFF NOW!!!!

According to this cap wizard...forget the coming season and unload salary to keep Toews, Kane and Keith.

The Hawks will have to unload salary. Some of it paid on McDonough's watch. Like Campbell and Huet.

Tallon cost Wirtz millions and Rocky's name is still Wirtz...PERIOD.

Full houses made Rocky millions. Tens of millions.

Salary Cap mistakes....Blaming the mail service for the latest screw up....

This was a screw up by Stan Bowman, your new GM

Rozner implied that McDonough signed Campbell......this is one bored sportswriter looking under rocks.
Lame would be a better word.

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