Chicago Fanatics Message Board

What this show is missing...
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Author:  Mac [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  What this show is missing... flight miles. That's it. Nothing more than experience and, with that, increased comfort.

I returned from Canada late last night to find all the thoughts posted here. As always, thanks for the feedback. Some of the ideas were good ones... some made me laugh... some pissed me off. I'm comfortable with my decision to bring in Spiegel. He's more thoughtful than most hosts with whom I've worked and to whom I've listened. He has more radio skills than most. He has more energy, on and off the air, than most. We'll be fine... in fact... we'll be great. I've managed to make shows with lesser partners work, so I see no reason to believe this one won't go on a nice run. I'm every bit as focussed and determined as ever... maybe more so... but I refuse to force anything.

There is an adjustment period for the crew and for the audience. It's new... doesn't sound the same as the last show I did, which many of you heard regularly for more than seven years. Spiegel, to many of you, is new. It takes some time for an audience to get comfortable with a sound that's different from what you've grown accustomed. Same with the hosts and producers. It's a learning process. I view the rest of the summer as "continued training camp," with the season beginning in September.

We don't need forced bits (or laughter... that's a valid criticism).... a forced name for the show. We don't need a third guy. We need flight miles. That's it. By the way, would love to see a thread started on all the great bits done locally by our sports talk stations. Which one knocks you out the most? "Would you rather?" "Who you crappin'?" "I've got a rock in my shoe." I think most of 'em suck, and that includes the ones that appeared on shows I've driven. "Who Do You Love?" is one of the few redeeming bits and it took three or four years to get that right (and with the help of this board... thanks, good dolphin and others).

By the way, also wanted to let Darkside, Walt Williams Neck, and other critics of my vacation know my sons and I had a fucking awesome time in Canada. Fishing was good. Did our first fly-in to a muskie lake (Pincher Lake) and boated 15 toothy critters. On Eagle Lake, we hammered the walleyes in 30 feet of water off of some rock humps. Food and conversation were good. All in all, a great week. And in my best Col. Nathan Jessup.... I have neither the time nor the desire to explain to you why I left. I'd just as soon you leave me to my Rolling Stones music and walleye fillets and let me go my way. Either way, I don't give a damn about what you think you are entitled to.

Author:  RFDC [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Mac wrote:
By the way, also wanted to let Darkside, Walt Williams Neck, and other critics of my vacation know my sons and I had a fucking awesome time in Canada. Fishing was good. Did our first fly-in to a muskie lake (Pincher Lake) and boated 15 toothy critters. On Eagle Lake, we hammered the walleyes in 30 feet of water off of some rock humps. Food and conversation were good. All in all, a great week. And in my best Col. Nathan Jessup.... I have neither the time nor the desire to explain to you why I left. I'd just as soon you leave me to my Rolling Stones music and walleye fillets and let me go my way. Either way, I don't give a damn about what you think you are entitled to.


Please feel free to call Walt by his board approved name: Asswipe!

Author:  Seacrest [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...


May I suggest that you borrow "The Pulse" bit from Laurence.

I feel that may be the thing that your show is really missing.

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Who are the "lesser" partners?

Are any of them Cub Fans?

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

good stuff.

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...


You don't need to explain yourself to any of the people on this board. I think your career, if nothing else, shows your integrity and dedication to making a show work regardless of the circumstances.

I have gotten blue in the face from telling the naysayers and haters of the board (johnkirk, shakes, etc.) that this show needs time to gel and compared it to Waddle and Silvy's beginning, but they are more interested in spewing the typical Gloopy level hate and crap numbers to the board than giving the show a chance to breathe and gain legs.

So I say - with the exception of Darkside who is a pretty good guy - fuck em all. Don't waste valuable keystrokes on the meatheads that just live to get under your skin. I have allowed them to get under my skin but am trying my best to be a better man - Norman Udall reference noted.

Author:  T-Bone [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Welcome back ya hoser.

Author:  jackref [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

By the way, also wanted to let Darkside, Walt Williams Neck, and other critics of my vacation know my sons and I had a fucking awesome time in Canada. Fishing was good. Did our first fly-in to a muskie lake (Pincher Lake) and boated 15 toothy critters. On Eagle Lake, we hammered the walleyes in 30 feet of water off of some rock humps. Food and conversation were good. All in all, a great week. And in my best Col. Nathan Jessup.... I have neither the time nor the desire to explain to you why I left. I'd just as soon you leave me to my Rolling Stones music and walleye fillets and let me go my way. Either way, I don't give a damn about what you think you are entitled to.


You did right by your kids and thats all that matters at the end of the day. Keep tweaking the show, it'll get there.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Mac wrote:
We don't need forced bits (or laughter... that's a valid criticism).... a forced name for the show. We don't need a third guy. We need flight miles. That's it. By the way, would love to see a thread started on all the great bits done locally by our sports talk stations. Which one knocks you out the most? "Would you rather?" "Who you crappin'?" "I've got a rock in my shoe." I think most of 'em suck, and that includes the ones that appeared on shows I've driven. "Who Do You Love?" is one of the few redeeming bits and it took three or four years to get that right (and with the help of this board... thanks, good dolphin and others).

By the way, also wanted to let Darkside, Walt Williams Neck, and other critics of my vacation know my sons and I had a fucking awesome time in Canada. Fishing was good. Did our first fly-in to a mus On Eagle Lake, we hammered the walleyes in 30 feet of water off of some rock humps.

Mac- So the walleye that you landed were your tools of the week? :wink: :cheese:

I don't think that the show needs forced bits either. However, I always loved "Sports Jeopardy" back on HFC. I know you thought it was too long or maybe you thought that you lost listeners because of poor contestants. That never mattered to me. I was always a sucker for trivia. I always stuck with it (good or bad) while I was driving around delivering pizzas in Cal City for Pizza Pete back in '92-'93 (moment of silence)...................

Spiegs at times does sound like he has some forced laughter, but I think that's just the way he comes off. I think that in time, people will get used to his style. I also think that there are times that he's using big words that the general public may not understand (including myself), but I'd rather hear someone more intelligent than I on the radio. It makes me want to be a better man....said Melvin Udall.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

If you think all you need is time, you're pretty fucking delusional.

Author:  Bucky Chris [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Anyone who thinks Mac was wrong for spending time with his kids is a complete friggin' loser. There is just no other way to chalk it up. Aren't too many things in life more important than a job, but spending time with your kids is absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, one of them.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Chris in St. Charles wrote:
Anyone who thinks Mac was wrong for spending time with his kids is a complete friggin' loser. There is just no other way to chalk it up. Aren't too many things in life more important than a job, but spending time with your kids is absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, one of them.

Maybe those people don't like their own kids! :lol:

Author:  Wildcard_630 [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
If you think all you need is time, you're pretty fucking delusional.

:scratch: Then don't listen to the show if you don't like it? Problem solved!

Really interesting read Mac, I couldn't agree more with DD in the gel time of the show and I think it's actually a solid listen right now. Can't wait for you guys to get to Bourbonais and for it to really take off. Best of luck.

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Chris in St. Charles wrote:
Anyone who thinks Mac was wrong for spending time with his kids is a complete friggin' loser. There is just no other way to chalk it up. Aren't too many things in life more important than a job, but spending time with your kids is absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, one of them.

Chris as usual, well said. Forgot to give you a shout out in my 1000th post thread, but please know that it was an oversight not intentional.

Jobs come and go - simple as that. At the end of the day when you are on your death bed, I promise you that you won't be surrounded by the people that you worked with; you will be surrounded by your family and friends. Sometimes it's important to remember that. Time as a father to younger children is fleeting, jobs will always be around.

Author:  Walt Williams Neck [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Mac wrote: flight miles. That's it. Nothing more than experience and, with that, increased comfort.

I returned from Canada late last night to find all the thoughts posted here. As always, thanks for the feedback. Some of the ideas were good ones... some made me laugh... some pissed me off. I'm comfortable with my decision to bring in Spiegel. He's more thoughtful than most hosts with whom I've worked and to whom I've listened. He has more radio skills than most. He has more energy, on and off the air, than most. We'll be fine... in fact... we'll be great. I've managed to make shows with lesser partners work, so I see no reason to believe this one won't go on a nice run. I'm every bit as focussed and determined as ever... maybe more so... but I refuse to force anything.

There is an adjustment period for the crew and for the audience. It's new... doesn't sound the same as the last show I did, which many of you heard regularly for more than seven years. Spiegel, to many of you, is new. It takes some time for an audience to get comfortable with a sound that's different from what you've grown accustomed. Same with the hosts and producers. It's a learning process. I view the rest of the summer as "continued training camp," with the season beginning in September.

We don't need forced bits (or laughter... that's a valid criticism).... a forced name for the show. We don't need a third guy. We need flight miles. That's it. By the way, would love to see a thread started on all the great bits done locally by our sports talk stations. Which one knocks you out the most? "Would you rather?" "Who you crappin'?" "I've got a rock in my shoe." I think most of 'em suck, and that includes the ones that appeared on shows I've driven. "Who Do You Love?" is one of the few redeeming bits and it took three or four years to get that right (and with the help of this board... thanks, good dolphin and others).

By the way, also wanted to let Darkside, Walt Williams Neck, and other critics of my vacation know my sons and I had a fucking awesome time in Canada. Fishing was good. Did our first fly-in to a muskie lake (Pincher Lake) and boated 15 toothy critters. On Eagle Lake, we hammered the walleyes in 30 feet of water off of some rock humps. Food and conversation were good. All in all, a great week. And in my best Col. Nathan Jessup.... I have neither the time nor the desire to explain to you why I left. I'd just as soon you leave me to my Rolling Stones music and walleye fillets and let me go my way. Either way, I don't give a damn about what you think you are entitled to.

If you didn't care about what Darkside or I think, why go out of your way to make a point of it?

Author:  Darkside [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Mac wrote:
By the way, also wanted to let Darkside, Walt Williams Neck, and other critics of my vacation know my sons and I had a fucking awesome time in Canada. Fishing was good. Did our first fly-in to a muskie lake (Pincher Lake) and boated 15 toothy critters. On Eagle Lake, we hammered the walleyes in 30 feet of water off of some rock humps. Food and conversation were good. All in all, a great week. And in my best Col. Nathan Jessup.... I have neither the time nor the desire to explain to you why I left. I'd just as soon you leave me to my Rolling Stones music and walleye fillets and let me go my way. Either way, I don't give a damn about what you think you are entitled to.

Ok Mac, I sure am glad you had fun dude. Really man. Coming from a guy who needs a vacation badly.
For the record, I never said you were not entitled to take time. I think I'm on the record as saying that I have no problem with you earning, negotiating or taking you time when you saw fit. I think I was critical of the timing of your absence. I thought that taking time while the show was in infancy was not a good idea. In fact, I believe I said it was absolutely dumb.
I use my real life example of how I've moved back to 1000 and S&W had a great week during even a boring sportsweek. Your guys were talking to the sodfather...??? Weird.
Anyhow, I really AM glad you've had a good time. I know what it's like to need some time off. So bully man!

Author:  Darkside [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Chris in St. Charles wrote:
Anyone who thinks Mac was wrong for spending time with his kids is a complete friggin' loser. There is just no other way to chalk it up. Aren't too many things in life more important than a job, but spending time with your kids is absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, one of them.

For me, Chris, it wasn't about his kids. To me it a wrong move to his employer and his co host and really anyone with something invested in his show.
I thought the wrong was done to the show. Just get it goin then stop it dead in the tracks. I thought it wasn't a good move. I thought a competent PD would probably ask that the vacation move up a few weeks or back a while until they can get the show rolling. For the record, I don't blame Mac entirely for that.
It's been noted that this show isn't "there yet", and while that's to be expected as it's brand new, I think that consistancy is brought by tireless practice and repetition. My opinion is ONLY about this show and not about Mac's personal life, which is of little importance to me. You guys seem to take the fact that I thought the vaca was a bad idea and turn it into some strawman about him and his kids and does he deserve what not and all that. His kids are completely irrevelant to my opinion of the timing of his departure.

Author:  Beebo [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

That may well be true, that you need time to gel.

But the destroyers and mashers are busy, and Spiegs and/or you are a target.

It bugs me as other hosts/slots have been given their demise; valid criticisms, bloodthirstiness or just perceived power (mixed with boredom)?

MORE things for me to watch play out...

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

MAC please address the SodFather really is kinda ridiculous.

Why do you continue to have this guy on?

Author:  Mustang Rob [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

The show is missing tension and edginess.
You're still in the honeymoon/reunion phase where you're still catching up and are much too respectful of each other's views.
Once you get over all that reminiscing, start busting on each other, and become more disagreeable you'll be a much better listen.

Nice Mac = Boring Mac

Author:  shakes [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

More time? Righhhht. You need more time for what? To work on your Coppick impersonation? To ease the transition for the 3 man booth between you, Spiegel and your new partner, Soddy?

The problem isn't Spiegel or the lack of time....the problem is you. You're really bad at what you do for a living and have been for a number of years. That's why your last job tossed you to the curb and that's why the Score will also when they figure out your tired act.

The only reason you've lasted as long as you have is because on some levels you appeal to the lowest common denominator, a segment of the local population that flourishes.

Lose the Chet Coppick crap.
No one cares about your classic rock.
No one cares about what you grilled last night.

Do those 3 things and you might have a shot at not getting fired....again.

and for the record I was happy you went on vacation...I wish you stayed there.

Author:  spmack [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Damn Shakes, That post even made Gloopan wince a little...

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

shakes wrote:
More time? Righhhht. You need more time for what? To work on your Coppick impersonation? To ease the transition for the 3 man booth between you, Spiegel and your new partner, Soddy?

The problem isn't Spiegel or the lack of time....the problem is you. You're really bad at what you do for a living and have been for a number of years. That's why your last job tossed you to the curb and that's why the Score will also when they figure out your tired act.

The only reason you've lasted as long as you have is because on some levels you appeal to the lowest common denominator, a segment of the local population that flourishes.

Lose the Chet Coppick crap.
No one cares about your classic rock.
No one cares about what you grilled last night.

Do those 3 things and you might have a shot at not getting fired....again.

and for the record I was happy you went on vacation...I wish you stayed there.

Shakes - just keep listening buddy. Move those numbers. You say you want to stay away but yet you clearly listen, don't you? You are a closet fan - admit it.

I am amazed by you guys - the Shakes, the Gloopys and the other detractors. For someone that HATES Dan and his show so much, you have an even more intimate knowledge of every thing that is said and done on the show than the ASL'ers like myself.

So as I am sure Dan would say if he were here - THANKS FOR LISTENING!



Author:  Rupert Pupkin [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

Mac -

If you guys already do this, my apologies, I don't get to hear the whole show...

I'd like to see a media critique segment again. I liked the critics at extra large segment where you mentioned the good and the bad across the medium. I'm always interested in that kind of stuff, and a lot of the things that you guys would highlight were things I wasn't aware of.

Author:  Douchebag [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

This show is missing "What's in the vending machine?" That was ratings gold.

Author:  Darkside [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

DING! Critics was my favorite segment, but, <Insert comment about minutiae here>. It could be an attraction. I LOVE dirty laundry.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

The show is missing SodFather free broadcasts.

Seriously...what is that about?

Author:  670 [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

All this show is missing is a good co-host. Spiegel is brutal & you know it Mac.
You can only hang on so long with this goof. Surely you know that he is a lightweight, right?
No one likes him & if you let him continue to drag your show down, then your return to WSCR may only last 52 weeks.
You must think that you are right & everybody else is wrong.

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

670 wrote:
All this show is missing is a good co-host. Spiegel is brutal & you know it Mac.
You can only hang on so long with this goof. Surely you know that he is a lightweight, right?
No one likes him & if you let him continue to drag your show down, then your return to WSCR may only last 52 weeks.
You must think that you are right & everybody else is wrong.

JohnKirk - why hide behind your mults? Just post as JohnKirk already damn.

It's not rocket science to deduct your writing style is exactly the same.

Author:  THE WIND SOCK [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What this show is missing...

I agree with Dave that the Mac detractors are closet fags who listen to the show more than anyone but keep up the sophomoric posts and it gives me something to chuckle at during a quiet work day. I find it funny that guys or boys won't to take the time to post 3 rd grade stuff like that .

I'll be honest and say the Score has always seemed like a second class station to me as the callers are morons for the most part and it seems the shows and hosts are filling dead air time and it's stayed the same for almost 20 years. I'll give 1 big reason why I like S&W better at this time and that is guests. Mac tends to want to stay away from guests but I have to hand it the folks that produce the S&W show as it has more content and not as many meatball callers who call up with no point and or know nothing about sports.

Your a sports talk station Dan and you should have a guy Like A.J. calling in once a week or have a Bear on once a week or a Hawk or Cubs player. S&W had Tom Watson on after his round at the British open yesterday for Christ sakes , now that's getting it done.

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