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The Hendry Interview?
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Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  The Hendry Interview?

Missed the interview but I understand sparks flew and Jim was pissed off at Mac. Fill us in .

Author:  Bucky Chris [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

They only posted the first 2 minutes of it. WTF?

Author:  hackwilson's ribbies [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Oh, I would have loved to have heard that - they made mention of the fact that they interviewed him when I caught the end of the show - Any nuggets that anyone can share?? And not THOSE nuggets, but those would also be appreciated...

Author:  Matty [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Chris in St. Charles wrote:
They only posted the first 2 minutes of it. WTF?

Go get it now under MAC interviews...its updated with the FULL 5 mins in .mp3. Basically Hendry gave short PC answers to the obvious flaws of the team.

Author:  crosscheck [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

I don't know what mac was expecting... he was asking tough/confrontational questions to a man who has had a rough season, I would expect Hendry to be a little irritated with the questions...

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Matty wrote:
Chris in St. Charles wrote:
They only posted the first 2 minutes of it. WTF?

Go get it now under MAC interviews...its updated with the FULL 5 mins in .mp3. Basically Hendry gave short PC answers to the obvious flaws of the team.

cant listen...a bit more?

Author:  buryman [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

I don't think he was mad, Mac asked him why he was salty and Jim said he wasn't just not ready to give up on 2009 season. Mac was asking him about 2010 and looking forward to the off-season. Why would the GM of a team not mathematically out of it talk about trading guys still on the team and going forward. Think he'll throw in the towel on a radio interview with 20 games left with only being 6 out?

Author:  Ed_from_Lisle [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

buryman wrote:
I don't think he was mad, Mac asked him why he was salty and Jim said he wasn't just not ready to give up on 2009 season. Mac was asking him about 2010 and looking forward to the off-season. Why would the GM of a team not mathematically out of it talk about trading guys still on the team and going forward. Think he'll throw in the towel on a radio interview with 20 games left with only being 6 out?

Paging, Aggravated White Sox Fan Bob. Paging Aggravated White Sox Fan Bob. Where are you, AWSFB?

Author:  kidred77 [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview? ... ws/4574715

Author:  Scorehead [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

crosscheck wrote:
I don't know what mac was expecting... he was asking tough/confrontational questions to a man who has had a rough season, I would expect Hendry to be a little irritated with the questions...

Tough shit. I commend Mac for not lobbing softballs at Hendry & pressing him on the issues.

Author:  crosscheck [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Scorehead wrote:
crosscheck wrote:
I don't know what mac was expecting... he was asking tough/confrontational questions to a man who has had a rough season, I would expect Hendry to be a little irritated with the questions...

Tough shit. I commend Mac for not lobbing softballs at Hendry & pressing him on the issues.

as do I, but he should of expected Hendry to respond in the manner that he did...

Author:  Spiral Stairs [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

this is why most interviews with players, coaches, GMs are useless. they all use the same cliches and sound bites. does anyone hear think hendry is going announce his true feelings about zambrano for all of chicago to hear?

Author:  crosscheck [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Deacon Blues wrote:
this is why most interviews with players, coaches, GMs are useless. they all use the same cliches and sound bites. does anyone hear think hendry is going announce his true feelings about zambrano for all of chicago to hear?

Yeah, I agree, but then mac gets lit up for not having those people on his show, so it's sort of damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Downloaded the interview. Uncomfortable radio.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Downloaded the interview. Uncomfortable radio.

...yet I wanted to hear more. Hendry should've known what's coming. Don't do the interview if you have a problem with tough questions.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Same old shit with Hendry in every interview.

First off....he seems to disappear when times get tough. But if it's the preseason or things are going well, he'll gladly come on talk. And if one of his pickups is doing well, like last year with DeRosa, he'll be the first to bring up the naysayers about said deal.

Now if things are going badly and he miraculously comes out of his bunker, you sure as hell better not expect him to address any personnel moves that reflect badly on him. Nor sure you expect him to take any responsibility whatsoever. And if you have the nerve to actually ask him a tough question, he gets unbelievably defensive and short with his answers.

It amazes me how thin-skinned Hendry is. He was on with Murph (R.I.P.) shortly after he was named GM. Murph asked him kind of a tough question and Hendry automatically went into shutdown mode. I thought how odd that was considering he had just taken the job and he was already so defensive. I would think anyone who takes a GM job in a big market would have to realize you get the good with the bad, but Hendry has never caught on to that.

If he was in any other major market and got the results he has with the money he has spent, he would have been absolutely barbequed by the media long ago. His ass also would have been fired.

Hopefully the Ricketts will not be blinded by their Creighton connections with Hendry when it comes time to fire his ass. Which should be after this year, but we'll see.

I'll give Matt and Mac credit for trying to do get the answers that most Cubs fans would like.

Author:  Keyser Soze [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

It still astounds me that Hendry has a job. I hear cub fans say 'he won back to back division championships'. Big fucking deal. It's easy turning a bad team into a good team if you spend enough money. Give me half a billion dollars+ and I'll have the Washington Nationals winning divisions titles in two years.

What's difficult is turning a good team into a great team and Hendry has failed so miserably he turned a good team back into a bad team. It's time to bring in someone who has a plan other than 'let's write a check'!

Author:  jimmypasta [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Keyser Soze wrote:
It still astounds me that Hendry has a job. I hear cub fans say 'he won back to back division championships'. Big fucking deal. It's easy turning a bad team into a good team if you spend enough money. Give me half a billion dollars+ and I'll have the Washington Nationals winning divisions titles in two years.

What's difficult is turning a good team into a great team and Hendry has failed so miserably he turned a good team back into a bad team. It's time to bring in someone who has a plan other than 'let's write a check'!


Author:  schmitty1121 [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Hendry thought he was going to get the Murph softball questions.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Scorehead wrote:
crosscheck wrote:
I don't know what mac was expecting... he was asking tough/confrontational questions to a man who has had a rough season, I would expect Hendry to be a little irritated with the questions...

Tough shit. I commend Mac for not lobbing softballs at Hendry & pressing him on the issues.


I can understand why he would not want to talk about next year, but he also sidestepped a number of fair (and respectfully delivered) questions on Soriano, Bradley, team chemistry, and Zambrano's mental health. Once Hendry realize Mac and Meat weren't going to patronize him with the "if it wasn't for this injury and that injury" type of shit, Hendry bailed. He looked like a pussy and came off as even more of a failure.

"I can't hear you, I'm in the dugout."
My ass he couldn't hear. When he side stepped the Soriano/$$ questions, you guys should have said, "Sorry Jim, the line went dead for a second, what is it exactly that you said about the contracts that you gave out affecting you in the long run now?"

It was uncomfortable radio, but entertaining radio. I hope maybe they can get Ozzie or Cooper or somebody from the Sox on and grill them a bit too. Though, their GM has put them in a better position to win next year that Hendry seemingly has, but fair is fair...both teams have underacheived bigtime this year. At least one show in this town had the balls to call Hendry out to his face about it.

Author:  good dolphin [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Frank Coztansa wrote:
[ I hope maybe they can get Ozzie or Cooper or somebody from the Sox on and grill them a bit too. Though, their GM has put them in a better position to win next year that Hendry seemingly has, but fair is fair...both teams have underacheived bigtime this year. At least one show in this town had the balls to call Hendry out to his face about it.

Cooper's a complete douchebag in interviews. He doesn't regard anyone who hasn't played as being qualified to question him.

Author:  Keyser Soze [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

After listening to the interview again I can't blame Hendry for getting upset over a question about 2010 with a month left in the 2009 season. Mac and Meat should have questioned him about the decisions he made last off season that have put the cubs in the position they are currently in (and Hendry opened the door to those questions!). The DeRosa deal? The Marquis deal? The Gregg deal? The Wuertz deal? Signing Milton Bradley? Releasing Casey McGehee? Hendry had an AWFUL off season and they question him about next year?!? Thumbs down.

Author:  SHARK [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Listening on a couple occasions to the replay of the Jim Hendry interview, first with Brian "The Whipping Boy" Paruch during the Bears' preseason yawner vs. the Kevin James-looking Eric Mangini and the Browns & then this morning on "The Mac Show", it sounded to me like Mac was Tom Cruise wanting the truth on the witness stand from Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men". Nicholson, I mean Hendry, wouldn't give it to Cruise, I mean Mac...

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Ed_from_Lisle wrote:
buryman wrote:
I don't think he was mad, Mac asked him why he was salty and Jim said he wasn't just not ready to give up on 2009 season. Mac was asking him about 2010 and looking forward to the off-season. Why would the GM of a team not mathematically out of it talk about trading guys still on the team and going forward. Think he'll throw in the towel on a radio interview with 20 games left with only being 6 out?

Paging, Aggravated White Sox Fan Bob. Paging Aggravated White Sox Fan Bob. Where are you, AWSFB?

I was in St.Louis watching a real baseball where fans don't feel the need to jump up and down like kangaroos when there are two strikes on an opposing hitter in the top of the second.

Mac was on today saying he should have followed up on questions to Hendry....GONE AFTER THE LATEST ARCHITECT OF CUBBIE FUTILITY.

Hey Ed, being delusional and thinking a garbage team is truly a good team because it is in some phony baloney "race'; is a Chicago fan birthright.

Psych up for that September Cubbie push led by the great Soriano, Bradley and Zambrano....
ENJOY!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Keyser Soze wrote:
After listening to the interview again I can't blame Hendry for getting upset over a question about 2010 with a month left in the 2009 season. Mac and Meat should have questioned him about the decisions he made last off season that have put the cubs in the position they are currently in (and Hendry opened the door to those questions!). The DeRosa deal? The Marquis deal? The Gregg deal? The Wuertz deal? Signing Milton Bradley? Releasing Casey McGehee? Hendry had an AWFUL off season and they question him about next year?!? Thumbs down.

Mac said today he was not pleased with his interview....Hendry sounded like a complete dumb ass...typical failing executive of a Chicago professional sports franchise...curt short snappy answers....


Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Peoria Matt wrote:
Same old shit with Hendry in every interview.

First off....he seems to disappear when times get tough. But if it's the preseason or things are going well, he'll gladly come on talk. And if one of his pickups is doing well, like last year with DeRosa, he'll be the first to bring up the naysayers about said deal.

Now if things are going badly and he miraculously comes out of his bunker, you sure as hell better not expect him to address any personnel moves that reflect badly on him. Nor sure you expect him to take any responsibility whatsoever. And if you have the nerve to actually ask him a tough question, he gets unbelievably defensive and short with his answers.

It amazes me how thin-skinned Hendry is. He was on with Murph (R.I.P.) shortly after he was named GM. Murph asked him kind of a tough question and Hendry automatically went into shutdown mode. I thought how odd that was considering he had just taken the job and he was already so defensive. I would think anyone who takes a GM job in a big market would have to realize you get the good with the bad, but Hendry has never caught on to that.

If he was in any other major market and got the results he has with the money he has spent, he would have been absolutely barbequed by the media long ago. His ass also would have been fired.

Hopefully the Ricketts will not be blinded by their Creighton connections with Hendry when it comes time to fire his ass. Which should be after this year, but we'll see.

I'll give Matt and Mac credit for trying to do get the answers that most Cubs fans would like.

Great observations, Matt.....The media here is so damned soft...the Tribune actually saying the Sox win yesterday gave the Sox fans some sort of bragging rights here in the Hooterville of Ameican sports cities where some fans would rather be hopeful and lead cheers and defend incompetence rather than learn something about the damned games being played right in front of them.
Matt and Mac are trying..Carmen and Silvy tried with Captain Queeg, Reinsdorf....this idea that these sports figures are not accountable to the folks who buy the tickets is a Chicago media invention for the last century.

Author:  Ed_from_Lisle [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Aggravated Sox Fan Bob wrote:
Ed_from_Lisle wrote:
buryman wrote:
I don't think he was mad, Mac asked him why he was salty and Jim said he wasn't just not ready to give up on 2009 season. Mac was asking him about 2010 and looking forward to the off-season. Why would the GM of a team not mathematically out of it talk about trading guys still on the team and going forward. Think he'll throw in the towel on a radio interview with 20 games left with only being 6 out?

Paging, Aggravated White Sox Fan Bob. Paging Aggravated White Sox Fan Bob. Where are you, AWSFB?

I was in St.Louis watching a real baseball where fans don't feel the need to jump up and down like kangaroos when there are two strikes on an opposing hitter in the top of the second.

Mac was on today saying he should have followed up on questions to Hendry....GONE AFTER THE LATEST ARCHITECT OF CUBBIE FUTILITY.

Hey Ed, being delusional and thinking a garbage team is truly a good team because it is in some phony baloney "race'; is a Chicago fan birthright.

Psych up for that September Cubbie push led by the great Soriano, Bradley and Zambrano....
ENJOY!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bob, for a change, I'm glad you were here to rail against the Cubs. I am on the record as saying I'm no longer a fan. They didn't get one dime from me this year. I put out the call for you so that you could be the voice of reason. As much as it sometimes pisses me off that you seem to be more concerned about the Cubs than the Sox, in this instance, that's exactly what I was looking for because you tell it like it should be. The truth hurts.

Hold me, Bob. :wink:

Author:  Frontman [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

Deacon Blues wrote:
this is why most interviews with players, coaches, GMs are useless. they all use the same cliches and sound bites. does anyone hear think hendry is going announce his true feelings about zambrano for all of chicago to hear?

"We're going to keep fighting until there's no fight left, then see where we stand."

after a tough loss

"Have to give credit to those guys in that clubhouse. They wouldn't back down, gave it their all, they just wanted it more."

Hendry doesn't want to throw up the white flag because not only is the team fighting for the playoffs still; he's fighting to keep his job with the new boss.

Author:  EG Greg [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hendry Interview?

good dolphin wrote:
Frank Coztansa wrote:
[ I hope maybe they can get Ozzie or Cooper or somebody from the Sox on and grill them a bit too. Though, their GM has put them in a better position to win next year that Hendry seemingly has, but fair is fair...both teams have underacheived bigtime this year. At least one show in this town had the balls to call Hendry out to his face about it.

Cooper's a complete douchebag in interviews. He doesn't regard anyone who hasn't played as being qualified to question him.

I have not heard all of Cooper's interviews, but the ones I have heard are horrible. He usually sounds like he has just woken up after having finished a 12 pack and two packs of cigarettes the night before. That was acceptable the morning after the WS ended in 2005, but not since. His Mully and Hanley appearances are terrible. He usually has one or two good pieces of info but you have to suffer through him clearing his throat, coughing, sniffling etc. while he tries to wake up.

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