Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Frontman outdoes himself!
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Author:  Mac [ Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Frontman outdoes himself!

It's early in the month... but here's my entry for dumbest complaint of the month. It's from Frontman: I'll deal with Silvy's love of Erin Andrews any day of the week; over Mac's over-abundant use of "lighting the Kingsfords." (Seriously, besides Mac; do you know a single individual who doesn't refer to BBQ/Grilling as BBQ/Grilling?!?!?!)

Now that I know it upsets you, I'm going to use it more. And here's an idea... think outside the box once in awhile. Life is more colorful when we choose to make it that way.

Author:  Frontman [ Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Use it all you want, Mac. Your show is not gaining any ground, and is grinding to a halt. You got 5 months of being in your "comfort zone" then after football you and Speigs will have nothing to stand on OTHER than music talk and occasionally mentioning sports.

I've said it a number of times; your show is stale and its less than 6 months old. The two of you talk more about everything NOT related to sports more than anything sports related. I tune in; I get the same stupid bits and nonsense talk.

If you enjoy it, fine you enjoy it. You get paid no matter what you're talking about; but I was stoked to hear you get your own show. I tuned in every day; and after a few weeks of "Crack Slippers" and music parodies, I found your show lacking and found myself going up the dial. Every time I tune in? Same stuff, different day. Rinse, lather, repeat. You talk more about Webio than you do sports. You talk about North, more than you talk about sports. You talk about music acts, more than you talk about sports.

You're on sports radio. I'm not expecting 100% sports, but I certainly think the show should be a MAJORITY of sports.

Now, since you think its nothing but hate; I'll give you at least credit for standing up and asking a few solid questions of Jim Hendry. Your predecessor in mid-days wouldn't of ever dared do so. He might bash the man's decisions right and left, but talking to him? He was a big suck up.

You need to get moving Mac; this show is stale. You talk more about the toys you've got, and the fun you have AWAY from sports; than you ever talk about Bears/Bulls/Sox/Cubs/Hawks. Period.

Author:  newper [ Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Frontman wrote:
Don't catch a case of Dahl syndrome.


Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

There is a lot dumber things said on this board than that.

Some, hell maybe even most of them, come from me.

Author:  Beef Rockmore [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Mac wrote:
It's early in the month... but here's my entry for dumbest complaint of the month. It's from Frontman: I'll deal with Silvy's love of Erin Andrews any day of the week; over Mac's over-abundant use of "lighting the Kingsfords." (Seriously, besides Mac; do you know a single individual who doesn't refer to BBQ/Grilling as BBQ/Grilling?!?!?!)

Now that I know it upsets you, I'm going to use it more. And here's an idea... think outside the box once in awhile. Life is more colorful when we choose to make it that way.

I prefer to think of Erin Andrews's colorful box.

Author:  shakes [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Mac wrote:
Now that I know it upsets you, I'm going to use it more. And here's an idea... think outside the box once in awhile. Life is more colorful when we choose to make it that way.


Author:  Frontman [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!


Just read your lineup of rotating guests to talk football during the football season in the "too comfy" thread. Sounds like good ideas, including the plan to dust off and add new content to the show.

My question is to you is two pronged:

A: What's the plan post Superbowl to keep a rotating crew coming in to talk current sports (Bulls/Hawks in Winter; Cubs/Sox in the Summer.)


B: Why the hell would you wait to start this approach come the fall, when you lose an entire quarter of the year in your summer of "throw crap at the wall and sees what sticks" appoach?

You're a better radio personality than that. You've done better radio than that. Whey the hell allow people to tune in then tune out when its more about Zepplin than it is Zambrano back in July? The Cubs were still viable in July. So were the Sox. But you were talking more about Webio's demise, the old days of working with Terry or with Chet, who you've seen in concert, the promise (and I'll remind the readers, no pay off) of going "full out" on ESPN, North's Affliction T-shirts (which you ripped that joke off here, by the way. Nice job on dropping that one on the air today!) But come on, Mac. Get moving and talk SPORTS.

Not all the time, but for crying out loud, ESPECIALLY approaching transition shouldn't be about "top 5 rock tunes." Great way to set up Terry and Dan to talk college football and the NFL. Oh, wait, it isn't a great way. Great way for me to flip over down the dial and see who Scott Van Pelt might have on, as in that one hour, I'll probably get more sports than I get in the 4 hours of Mac and Speigs good time show.

Like I said, you're better than that. Step up to the level you were at before, both with ESPN and with WSCR back in the day.

This half-hearted show you do now isn't the best you can do; you know it. The listeners know it. And eventually, management will realize it.

Author:  Mac [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Frontman wrote: You talk more about the toys you've got, and the fun you have AWAY from sports;

Actually, I rarely am the one who brings up my "toys," unless you're talking about a few extra TVs. Maybe I should talk a bit about my "Big Green Egg," a grill/oven that gets to 800 degrees. It's awesome for searing steaks, Fronty, and is a nice departure from standing over hot, white Kingsfords. While listening to Led Zeppelin, of course. You should try having some fun away from sports. Never know... it may agree with you.

Author:  Mac [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

By the way... NOBODY has talked more about Zambrano than I have. Nobody has pointed at him as the single biggest fly in the Cubs' ointment than I have. That's part of what sent Hendry off last week. As for winter plans, I'll go Hendry on you and tell you it's "inappropriate" to talk about 2010 when the football season is just starting.

Author:  Frontman [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!


The most hilarious thing of your defense of your show?

Is that I should be into more things than just sports. That's a riot, as I enjoy far more than just Sox/Bears/Bulls/Hawks/Cubs (in that order.) I'm an avid reader, I love some television shows; I paint and I edit fan made music videos. However, unlike you; I probably will not mention much of those other interests in the next 10 posts I make, as I know the audience (the readers of CSFMB) could not care what I do in my free time.

But again, want to waste time pointing out to me how to live a better life?

Have at it. Here, on your show, wherever. You make my point for me. How does you talking to me about enjoying more than my White Sox and Bears would be interesting for more than 2 minutes to anyone else?

Author:  Irish Boy [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

It's increasingly clear that the show exists, in its current form, to entertain him, not necessarily to entertain the listeners. If what entertains Mac happens to coincide with what entertains the audience, he's happy. If not, he's happy to have you be one of the growing number going up the spectrum (or, to use his colorful language, punching the fucking button).

The North comparisons on this board are legion, but let me provide another; one source of Mac's remaining popularity is his generosity, especially to friends. The fact that he's a nice guy (to them), pays for expensive BBQs, etc. creates a clientele that's reluctant to ever criticize him. They're less offering up opinions on the show than they are remarking on how wonderful the person is, which I'm sure is true when he's dropping copious amounts of coin on your behalf.

Finally, let's put aside the fact that the show started three months ago and has, if anything, regressed (I don't listen to sports talk very often- I'll hear maybe 30 minutes a week of your show- but all the same problems are there, and that seems to be the general consensus around here). What special insights are you going to bring to football season? We're already through the preason (which is about 15% of the football season) and things haven't turned around. Is your plan to rely upon football-related guests to pull you through? If so, what's the value that you're adding to the show that someone else couldn't do (i.e., book guests and ask them questions)? Or are you going to rely on your increased interest in the sport? Because if that's the case, and the show will get better simply because you care now, maybe you should return some of those checks to WSCR. Or put an advisory before each show warning listeners that you don't really care today.

I'd also have a concern, if I were you, that your partner has done far more baseball-related programming- or, at least, quality baseball programming- than football programming. Even if everything you say is true, and you do get that much better, what's to ensure he won't get that much worse?

Author:  Killer V [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Maybe part of this is that following all of the hype about something "new" coming, it's basically your standard talker. Although honestly, what would be ground-breaking sports radio? It's two guys chatting on the radio. How innovative can you get with that? Maybe a host with a different partner each month? I have no idea, but then again, it's not my job and lively-hood.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Irish Boy wrote:
The North comparisons on this board are legion, but let me provide another; one source of Mac's remaining popularity is his generosity, especially to friends. The fact that he's a nice guy (to them), pays for expensive BBQs, etc. creates a clientele that's reluctant to ever criticize him. They're less offering up opinions on the show than they are remarking on how wonderful the person is, which I'm sure is true when he's dropping copious amounts of coin on your behalf.

If Big Fan had a "Post of the Day" segment, this would be it.

DaMaNa got big-spenda tickat...

Author:  good dolphin [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

I don't get to listen to mid day radio much so I do not frequently interject into these conversations. Dan has never spent a dime on me. I have never won a prize on his show. I have never asked nor recieved a special consideration. I have never even physically met the man.

Yesterday, I did have the opportunity to sample the show. I was shocked to hear radio that I liked in light of all the harsh reviews of the broken records in this section. There was heavy discussion about several sports mixed with a touch of talk about the hosts non sports lives. It kept me interested and entertained for the parts of 2 hours I was able to listen.

Irish, ALL of my favorite talk radio hosts over the years have had a show that, ultimately, was about them. Dahl, Stern and to a lesser extent Brandmeier and Mathews all presented themselves and their lives as the hub of the show with their interests as the daily content. North did this to perfection in the early days of the SCORE. Generally, the hosts who open themselves to their audience have had the greatest success in sports radio (excluding B and B).

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

good dolphin wrote:
I don't get to listen to mid day radio much so I do not frequently interject into these conversations. Dan has never spent a dime on me. I have never won a prize on his show. I have never asked nor recieved a special consideration. I have never even physically met the man.

Yesterday, I did have the opportunity to sample the show. I was shocked to hear radio that I liked in light of all the harsh reviews of the broken records in this section. There was heavy discussion about several sports mixed with a touch of talk about the hosts non sports lives. It kept me interested and entertained for the parts of 2 hours I was able to listen.

Irish, ALL of my favorite talk radio hosts over the years have had a show that, ultimately, was about them. Dahl, Stern and to a lesser extent Brandmeier and Mathews all presented themselves and their lives as the hub of the show with their interests as the daily content. North did this to perfection in the early days of the SCORE. Generally, the hosts who open themselves to their audience have had the greatest success in sports radio (excluding B and B).

This is probably the most sense I have ever read in a post for or against Dan McNeil. Well done Dolphin.

I was a fan of all the people you mentioned above, especially Kevin Mathews. His show for the most part centered around him and his alter egos - Jimmy Shorts, Devon, etc - but that's what made it entertaining. I think for the most part you have to be a fan of the host in order to give it a chance or tolerate it during the bad times and I don't think that's any different with Dan's show. There are things I don't like about Dan's show and I turn it off until there is a segment I enjoy. Meat's conversation last week or the week before with his nephew was 100% PTFB material - and I did and came back to find Dan making fun of the horrible "interview" with Meat's nephew. Some things work, some things don't. It's finding that mix and balance for yourself personally that allows you to partake of the good things of the show and PTFB for the bad segments, guests, interviews, grilling tips, etc.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

good dolphin wrote:
Irish, ALL of my favorite talk radio hosts over the years have had a show that, ultimately, was about them. Dahl, Stern and to a lesser extent Brandmeier and Mathews all presented themselves and their lives as the hub of the show with their interests as the daily content. North did this to perfection in the early days of the SCORE. Generally, the hosts who open themselves to their audience have had the greatest success in sports radio (excluding B and B).


Author:  hawkeyecheesehead [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

From Irish Boy:
"The North comparisons on this board are legion, but let me provide another; one source of Mac's remaining popularity is his generosity, especially to friends. The fact that he's a nice guy (to them), pays for expensive BBQs, etc. creates a clientele that's reluctant to ever criticize him. They're less offering up opinions on the show than they are remarking on how wonderful the person is, which I'm sure is true when he's dropping copious amounts of coin on your behalf."

I've never met Mac and have never enjoyed his largesse. My most personal interaction with him was recommending a Sly & Robbie CD of Led Zeppelin songs that I later regretted having endorsed. And I listen to the show every day. Some of it I like, some of it I don't. On the whole I'm happy with what I hear, and it may be affecting my listening habits in that after Mully & Handley and Mac & Meat I find myself opting to PTFB when Bernstein launches into a sabremetrics harangue or some other ad hominem crap.

"I don't listen to sports talk very often- I'll hear maybe 30 minutes a week of your show"

Yet you feel qualified and called upon to disquisit about the many things you find wrong with the show? I spend 30 minutes a week at certain stoplights. Guess I need to start posting on traffic engineering.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

fix your damn quote functions already...

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Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

good dolphin wrote:
I don't get to listen to mid day radio much so I do not frequently interject into these conversations. Dan has never spent a dime on me. I have never won a prize on his show. I have never asked nor recieved a special consideration. I have never even physically met the man.

Yesterday, I did have the opportunity to sample the show. I was shocked to hear radio that I liked in light of all the harsh reviews of the broken records in this section. There was heavy discussion about several sports mixed with a touch of talk about the hosts non sports lives. It kept me interested and entertained for the parts of 2 hours I was able to listen.

Irish, ALL of my favorite talk radio hosts over the years have had a show that, ultimately, was about them. Dahl, Stern and to a lesser extent Brandmeier and Mathews all presented themselves and their lives as the hub of the show with their interests as the daily content. North did this to perfection in the early days of the SCORE. Generally, the hosts who open themselves to their audience have had the greatest success in sports radio (excluding B and B).

This has to be in consideration for Post of the Year. Nice job GD! Sums up many people's thoughts nicely (an assumption of course). :thumleft: :salut:

Author:  crosscheck [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

I'm a big fan of Mac and his show/borderline ALS member, but I think it's kind of douchebagish to single Frontman out...

Author:  Don Tiny [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

crosscheck wrote:
I'm a big fan of Mac and his show/borderline ALS member, but I think it's kind of douchebagish to single Frontman out...

I fail to see why ... if something Frontman said sounded completely stupid to Mac (or, as was the case initially, vice versa), how else should it be addressed - obliquely?

Yeah, some person said something at some point that in some way for some reason gave me some reaction ...

Author:  crosscheck [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Don Tiny wrote:
crosscheck wrote:
I'm a big fan of Mac and his show/borderline ALS member, but I think it's kind of douchebagish to single Frontman out...

I fail to see why ... if something Frontman said sounded completely stupid to Mac (or, as was the case initially, vice versa), how else should it be addressed - obliquely?

Yeah, some person said something at some point that in some way for some reason gave me some reaction ...

I'm willing to be that there are a lot of dipshit complaints for Mac to choose from yet he only singled out Frontman, just my two cents...

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

I find it laughable that two assclowns want to criticize a guy on contents of a show and who both admittedly listen to the show 10 minutes a day and other 30 minutes a day. I also find it funny both Irish and Frontman use the same grammar and quote functions to pretty mirror each others thoughts. (not saying just saying ).

Mac has sent me to Florida, bought me Rolex watches, and let me use his Yacht a few times but I still have have criticized him here.

I hope when I watch 5 minutes of Jay Cutler on Sunday night I can sum up his season in a paragraph. :roll:

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

STU-GOTZ wrote:
I find it laughable that two assclowns want to criticize a guy on contents of a show and who both admittedly listen to the show 10 minutes a day and other 30 minutes a day. I also find it funny both Irish and Frontman use the same grammar and quote functions to pretty mirror each others thoughts. (not saying just saying ).

Mac has sent me to Florida, bought me Rolex watches, and let me use his Yacht a few times but I still have have criticized him here.

I hope when I watch 5 minutes of Jay Cutler on Sunday night I can sum up his season in a paragraph. :roll:

This is why I can't do funny. Stu walks in and slays it in about 2 seconds.

Stu you need to let your kids post more often - they are funny as fuck.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Mac, when are you going to let DegenerateDave use the yacht?

Author:  good dolphin [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

I am really disappointed that no one has created a STU's kids character.

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
Mac, when are you going to let DegenerateDave use the yacht?

Gloopan - much as in the mafia, you have to work your way up the Mac tree. Right now, I am just a simple soldier, running street games and general thuggery type issues. I have been told by Mac that my loyalty has been questioned and I must prove myself before moving up to a Capo.

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

good dolphin wrote:
I am really disappointed that no one has created a STU's kids character.

Would this one work?


Author:  Spaulding [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Irish Boy wrote:
The North comparisons on this board are legion, but let me provide another; one source of Mac's remaining popularity is his generosity, especially to friends. The fact that he's a nice guy (to them), pays for expensive BBQs, etc. creates a clientele that's reluctant to ever criticize him. They're less offering up opinions on the show than they are remarking on how wonderful the person is, which I'm sure is true when he's dropping copious amounts of coin on your behalf.

If Big Fan had a "Post of the Day" segment, this would be it.

DaMaNa got big-spenda tickat...

Of all the stupid crap in the past month (excluding ES & DD posts) this takes the cake. I've never sampled Mac's meat, been to his house, nor am I his friend. The fact that you attribute his popularity among his friends to his geneorsity makes you both seem like petty angry people. It is as insulting to Mac as it is to his friends. They are all amazing people and whether you realize it or not you owe them an apology.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frontman outdoes himself!

Well Spaulding, I apologize but with the excuse that it's much easier for me to cast aspersions on people I haven't actually met. No, it's not right but I'm not gonna act like I'm above it. I ain't perfect.

I'm sure some people here thought I sucked too until they met me in person and saw how cool I was.

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