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Krause Interview
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Author:  THE WIND SOCK [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Krause Interview

Good show today and if I may make a point about the show before I make a comment about Krause and that is have more guests Mac. You tend to tell the audience you don't like guests but I'd rather hear guys like Hampton, Bill Peterson, Teddy G and Jerry Krause. You have meatball callers most days and I think you build a show by bringing guys on like you had to day.

Now to Krause..... I have listened to you for years and every time you have had Jerry on you lob the softball questions and try to be his friend. He was the most hated guy in Chicago for years by not only the fans but Bulls players themselfs and you have let the guy off the hook for years and never challenged why MJ hated the guy and made fun out of him and why he couldn't wait to get rid of the Bulls who made him and why he failed at drafts and hiring coaches and failed to rebuild on organization he thought he could.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

Author:  Mac [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

I also enjoyed the guests we've employed this week, Sock.... because they were the right guys to get on board. Show philosophy hasn't changed, per se, but if we can grab somebody we think people really want to hear... we won't be shy about puttin' em on.

As for Krause... you're right. Hated. No doubt. I always thought it was unfair. He helped build the team... and the organization... and organizations build dynasties. Phil Jackson made the annual "Will Phil come back this year?" soap opera. Reinsdorf and Krause tried to lock him into a long-term but he never bit. I often wondered this about Jerry Krause.... if he hadn't been so coarse... so angry and combative.... and so... well... unattractive physically.... would he have been given more credit an had a higher "approval rating." I think the answer is yes. Discuss amongst yourselves if you wish.

Author:  Hatchetman [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

Mac wrote:
As for Krause... you're right. Hated. No doubt. I always thought it was unfair. He helped build the team... and the organization... and organizations build dynasties. Phil Jackson made the annual "Will Phil come back this year?" soap opera. Reinsdorf and Krause tried to lock him into a long-term but he never bit. I often wondered this about Jerry Krause.... if he hadn't been so coarse... so angry and combative.... and so... well... unattractive physically.... would he have been given more credit an had a higher "approval rating." I think the answer is yes. Discuss amongst yourselves if you wish.

i dunno mac, maybe you should've asked him. :wink:

Author:  spmack [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

Silvy wasn't afraid to ask non softball questions, IMO...Just heard their interview and it wasn't as "pleasant"..

Author:  spmack [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

Scottie Pippen wrote:
Who has gained more weight since '98?

Michael or Jerry? I'll hang up and wait for my answer.

I guess you didn' see him today Scottie RPippenB....I think he lost a lot of weight in preparation for this.....

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

Given Hendry's curt responses and quick getaway after last week's interview, I am not sure you wouldn't have gotten the same disappearing act from Krause if Mac threw him high hard ones.

Author:  Beef Rockmore [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

It's good to see Jerry Krause is employed again. He was awesome as he collected playbooks on Hard Knocks this year.

Author:  Frontman [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

I have to agree there is a time and a place to ask hard questions. Today though, really should be about MJ and the championships he lead the Bulls to. To get into the nastiness of the break up on today isn't the day to do it.

Go out fishing with him, Mac. Get in his good graces; THEN have him on and hit him with a double barrel shotgun blast of intense questions. Build him up, THEN knock him down.

It makes for better radio.

Author:  EG Greg [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

I havent really been a fan of this show recently, but what hard questions do you want asked?

I could care less what Krause has to say aside from discussing MJ and his time around him. He helped build a team that won six titles, thats good enough in my book.

Author:  Frontman [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

The hard questions would of been why did it seem that at the time, that team couldn't be stopped, and why allow all the players to go in different directions as well as the coaching staff.

But as they mentioned during transition; it wasn't just ownership, the players AND Phil were all showing signs it was time to let it go.

At least in Chicago.

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

There is a book on the soap opera..."Blood on the Horns" by Roland Lazerby.

Author:  THE WIND SOCK [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

EG Greg wrote:
I havent really been a fan of this show recently, but what hard questions do you want asked?

I could care less what Krause has to say aside from discussing MJ and his time around him. He helped build a team that won six titles, thats good enough in my book.

Well MJ on his special night sure had some harsh things to say about JERRY so I guess Mike waiting some 10 years to rip Jerry a new asshole was worth the wait. I guess it's not good enough in Mike's book there buddy.

Author:  bigfan [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

I would love for Krause to answer some real questions as well in response to his 'claims'

1. Yes they offered phil 'longer term deals' and he didn't want them because he did not want to work with Krause to rebuild a team. Thus he wanted to wait and see what everyone (MJ, Pipp, Rodman, etc) did after each year. This team was a special case and needed to be re-evaluated each year.

2. While Krause always claims he wanted Phil back, he never mentions how he hired Tim Floyd before they made a decision on Phil. Krause and Reinsdorf knew that once they hired Floyd as "President of Basketball Operations" Phil would be gone, then Jordan would follow.

3. Krause claims almost all his players were"DONE" and he uses the poor years they all had once they left? Maybe they were not that good and someone made them better? To claim you let guys go and 'Just the right time" is just stroking your own ego. Krause knows that every other GM knew it, when he tried to trade BJ for a 2nd round pick the year after he was an ALL STAR and couldn't get anything for him.

4.I am not one to say that Bulls had to go on, but the guys who should have made the call are Phil, Scottie and MJ. If they met and wanted to make one more run, they more than earned that right to do so.

5. Jerry Krause, GM, for 6 years after Jordan created the WORST 6 YEAR RUN N NBA HISTORY OF ANY TEAM EVER.

6. While I didn't expect Krause to land any superstars in the draft during the 90's, how about a guy sticking in the league? The only guy he drafted that stuck was Jason Caffey and 23 kids.

7. Reinsdorf is also to blame, as he knew how much money he would make right after Jordan left. UC paid for, Payroll ready to drop almost 50%, season ticket holders in pocket. He had no issue with Jordan leaving.

I have my person stories about interactions with Krause that don't paint him in the greatest light on many levels, but I will give him his due for 2 things.

A. Never once said anything bad about his own players no matter how much they ripped him, which kept the value of these guys that played with Jordan higher than it was, yet he still didn't turn that into as much as he should have.

B. He was a terrible evaluator of college talent, but was decent at recognizing talent in the NBA and what was needed to supplement Jordan. I think tons of GM could also have done this, but I will give Krause his due for Cartwright and the TRADE for Luc Longley even if I did tell him, to his face no less than 10 times, about Luc Longley while at New Mexico and instead he drated the "chest shooting" so called Center, Stacy King from Oklahoma.

Author:  Brick [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

Great post bigfan.

The advantage of hindsight shows that there is no valid reason to think rebuilding was the correct choice.

The Bulls may not have won a 7th title but they would have had a shot. They have yet to be a legitimate title contender since in any year since.

Instead of speculating on how good or bad the team would have been we should have seen it. The worst thing that would have happened is the team would have been devoid of talent a year later.

Author:  Frontman [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Krause Interview

After seeing MJ's pot shots everywhere and at everyone last night; maybe it just was better for Mac NOT to go full-bore on Krause.

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