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"Ask Mac" answerage
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Author:  Mac [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  "Ask Mac" answerage

First.... unsolicited thoughts from me....

I'm crazy about the staff we have. Matt has been everything I thought he would be and more. He prepares hard.... and presents his angles intelligently... thoughtfully. He pushes me, on and off the air. He can be many things: angry, kind, funny, soulful, silly. We're going to do this together for a long time.

On the other side of the glass... Jay Zawasky and Dave Miska (and let me not forget the keyboard player, Nick Shepkowski) have been terrific. They took my direction well early on and now require very little of it. There's a lot of talent in the room when we assemble. It's a good mix. And we all like each other. Real good vibes. We had a damn good football season. In December, we were No.1 among adult men between 9 and 1. Satisfying finish to a wild, sometimes-unnerving year. And yeah, we won the fall book vs. S&W. As did M&H vs. M&M and B&B vs. MjrJH. The Score is back.

THE WIND SOCK was among those "confused" by comments Terry made about our friendship. I'm working on that in an adjacent thread. Give me just a bit more time on it. TWS also asked about what the show is lacking and what I think needs to be improved.

With the Bears now parked as a daily source of programming, we're looking for some "benchmarks." Many of you have been asking for this for some time: "segments," "bits." I understand their value, but also think there are two huge dangers. Putting the entertainment part of a show in the hands of the listeners (see WYC? Would You Rather?, etc.) is an invitation for disaster. Some may say this of callers period, but certainly when you count on audience participation for humor, you're rolling dice. I also think regularly scheduled bits can get old real fast and should be used in moderation. Later this week, we're debuting "The Problems Window," which is an actual location at the U.C. Always looking to improve, TWS, and after having a consistently scheduled, capable stable of rotating football slots (Miller, Hub, Lawrence, Florio, Charchian, Greenstein, etc.) we have to dial in on that with the winter sports. The Bulls and Blackhawks don't have the universal appeal of the Bears, but "locking in" a few slots and a few contributors is a good idea. Same with college buckets, although I'm not sensing an over-the-top thirst for college buckets among the masses just yet.

Beebo says it's time to "ditch the Harry shtick."

You're not alone, Beebs. My wife said something similar recently. I kindly offer to you what I offered to her: my warmest invitation to PTFB. What does it take, two seconds it takes to belt out a couple honks or a "fatha?" Honestly, Steve Dahl burned this into me years ago and it's not going away: don't ignore who you are, how you got there and who the competition is. I won't. I don't pre-meditate Tiny mentions, but if something happens in natural conversation -- which it did when I saw Bernsy's reaction to the idea of Chicago media wearing jerseys in the lockerroom recently -- I will not hold back. A very high percentage of listeners consume both stations and I never will pretend like the other doesn't exist. That doesn't make me right and those who don't reference the competition wrong.... it's just part of the Mackage. And the story I told about Tiny running away (stumbling is more accurate) from me at a Hawks game like he'd seen the Grim Reaper was something I believed many listeners would want to know about. You guys like gossip, dirt and behind-the-scenes tales of woe, right? I'm your guy for that and won't hold back, regardless of affiliation.

Chris in St. Charles asks: "When will we hear you've been locked up for more than one year?"

It won't be any time soon, CISC. I did a one-year deal, with their option to pick up the second year. I've got five months before the contract expires. In June, they can bring me back or kick me to the curb. In this economy, I was pleased doing a short-term deal. Long term (four or five years) is more of an albatross than a benefit. What if you want out? What if the station wants to whack you but can't? Both parties protect themselves with this type of arrangement. I was confident 12 months would be enough time for me to prove my value and, like Lovie Smith, we'll go from there.

Puckhead is angry at "the business-ification" of the Blackhawks.... rising ticket prices, excessive marketing, etc.

I won't deny you your disdain for ticket prices. My jaw dropped when I got the invoice for tix for my sons, their girlfriends and Patrick's aide recently. But, this goes with the territory. Succeed and prosper financially -- that's what they're doing. Demand exceeds supply so prices go up. I've been among those who've wanted the Hawks to be more accepted and matter more, so I can't have it both ways and say I'm pissed when people pay attention. Think about it, though, Puckhead. We endured a decade with only the '02 team making the playoffs (quick exit vs. St. Louis). Most of us stopped going and barely watched on TV. We were mad as hell and divorced ourselves emotionally from the Indian. Now that they're among the best in the NHL, we can't bitch about ticket prices without sounding whiny and hypocritical. We wanted a great team. They've given us one. Let's deal with it.

SomeGuy is curious about "the story behind the Waddle and Silvy quasi-bashing."

Not sure what you mean exactly, SG. I play dirty and always will, but I don't think I've taken the blade to these guys. I did Silvy's voice on Who Do You Love? when the Sun-Times dropped me and went with his picks... because I joined the Tribune. It wasn't a shot at him.... just recognizing the change the S-T made and that Silvy would be picking the NFL games for "The Cheat Sheat." I've been instrumental in Marc Silverman's career and I'm fond of the guy. I've enjoyed watching him grow and it's been a privilege to be asked to counsel him because he works hard and demand a lot from himself. He carries that show and I know what that takes. I've said all along that I liked that show and I embraced the challenge of competing head-to-head with it. Giangreco, on the other hand, has taken some shots. I still consider him more of a Channel 7 guy, though... not a S&W cast member.

Mel Junior's question about the bone-in ribeye was answered deftly by Mr. Reason. Since gout surfaced in my life last March, I haven't been consuming a lot of animal flesh, but bone-in prime beef is one of the greatest joys in life. I think I'm doing a 7-bone prime rib roast for the Super Bowl. Slow roasted at a low temp for 5 hours, bathed in garlic, rosemary, thyme and salt & pepper. Slice 'er up, onto hot Kingsfords (600-700 degrees) for a charred edge after six minutes a side.... a little horseradish as a side car..... mmmmm.

Keyser Soze wants my thoughts on Kerry Sayers' performance.

Love having her on the show, Keyser. Not because of her appearance, either. I don't deny that could be an appeal for some listeners who liked seeing her on Comcast SportsNet, but to me that means nothing unless she also delivers. She brings something I've never had -- EVER -- on a show: a woman's perspective. Interesting dynamic, isn't it, when you consider that no show in town really has ever successfully incorporated a female's voice in a sports format. Kerry is willing to be forthright about sensitive issues (the Tiger, spousal abuse stuff was good). She's willing to be one of the guys and not run to human resources.... in fact... she pushes US on innuendo sometimes. She gives max effort. I enjoy bringing her on the show -- and so does Matt -- to provide the female viewpoint. The Scoreboards still need some tightening up.... she's a little "gappy".... but she's been doing daily radio for less than six months. That's not a very long time.

bigfan is wondering if I've plunked down on the Blackhawks at 9/2 to win the Cup. I haven't yet, but I plan to. Maybe our odds improved today after blowing a four-goal lead against the Wild last night. Yuk. It's the hardest championship to win, the Stanley Cup, but they've got a good club... one capable of it. And for the next several years.

DropIn was wondering if there was discussion of a three-man booth before the show actually debuted.

There was a ton of dialogue at five different outlets (The Score, WGN, The Loop, Content Factory and the ill-fated Webio) and many different partnerships were discussed. I think we've been over this a bunch already, so the most concise way of phasing it is: I got what I wanted: Spiegel as my partner and the promise for all to be open-minded to changes the show would require. If we ever felt a third voice was a good idea, we'd add it. We don't feel that way. Kerry often is a third voice. Dave and Jay chime in as third voices. We have regular contributors (pals-y contributors, like Jason Goff and Teddy G) who serve in that role.

Frank Coztansa was wondering about my relationships with former ESPN pals.

Yes, I still talk to almost all of them... or at least e-mail or text. Not everybody shares my fondness for assessing NFL officials, so Ben Finfer and I remain kindreds. I always will be kind to and expect kindness from Adam Delevitt, one of my favorite people in radio. Silvy and I are supposed to have a late lunch or meet for a drink before a Hawks game this winter. Jurk and I remain pals, as Frank mentioned. Roman Modrowski has been a buddy for almost 25 years and will continue to be. Zederman... liked him a lot when we were out on the town or on the road. It was a good culture there... a lot of back slapping and getting along. Next Saturday will mark the one-year anniversary of ESPN firing me... thus marking the anniversary of when I last had a conversation with Tiny. It's up to him to change that. I've made the effort, but so far he's chosen to keep me in the rear view mirror. That's fine, too.

kujoe_7 asked if I feel bad for taking the time slot that could have been filled by Drinky and Goff.

In a word, no. But I'm wondering why k'7 excluded Holmes and Hampton from the discussion because they actually occupied the shift before last summer. I'll get to Drinky and Goff in the Terry thread I'm working on because they are directly related to the Terry "rift" I had. As far as feeling badly for taking somebody's spot.... never. I never will experience any guilt for going to work. I don't think anybody should.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Dan,I'm not wondering about nuthin! I do listen when my schedule permits & enjoy you & Speigs. Steve Dahl gave some good advise. It must be hard when your talking some 20 hours a week to edit this comment and "don't bring up that". Just let it fly!
Best of Luck in 2010!

Author:  Keyser Soze [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Great stuff, Mac.

I miss the roman numeral in the 'Ask Mac' threads.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Mac wrote:
But I'm wondering why k'7 excluded Holmes and Hampton from the discussion because they actually occupied the shift before last summer.

Mac, we're all trying to forget about that. You and Matt are well on your way to doing it. Keep up the good work.

Author:  Puckhead [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Mac wrote:
Puckhead is angry at "the business-ification" of the Blackhawks.... rising ticket prices, excessive marketing, etc.

I won't deny you your disdain for ticket prices. My jaw dropped when I got the invoice for tix for my sons, their girlfriends and Patrick's aide recently. But, this goes with the territory. Succeed and prosper financially -- that's what they're doing. Demand exceeds supply so prices go up. I've been among those who've wanted the Hawks to be more accepted and matter more, so I can't have it both ways and say I'm pissed when people pay attention. Think about it, though, Puckhead. We endured a decade with only the '02 team making the playoffs (quick exit vs. St. Louis). Most of us stopped going and barely watched on TV. We were mad as hell and divorced ourselves emotionally from the Indian. Now that they're among the best in the NHL, we can't bitch about ticket prices without sounding whiny and hypocritical. We wanted a great team. They've given us one. Let's deal with it.

Why? During the past 15 years, I havent sat at the games and thought "man, if I could just go out and tell everyone how great the Blackhawks could be if there was 19,000 fans in the place..." I enjoyed hockey for what it is. Its a sport that I like. I dont care if its not popular. I do think it should at least be respected. Let me and the small amount of hockey fans have our little place to get away from the annoying overchatter of football, baseball and basketball. Does this make me an annoying bitch for acting this way? Probably.

As I have said, I just want a happy medium. I just want to avoid the sensationalism that creeped in to the hockey discussion. Hockey is not the greatest sport. Its a tough watch. Trust me, they did studies on it and came up with an entire technology to allow people to follow the puck. Its a violent sport and likely not that family friendly. But when I listen to people on the radio describe their experience at the game, I cant determine if they attended a hockey game or if they had just attended the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Author:  Jalapenos and More [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Did he call Carmen "Mac Junior?"

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Yes, Mjr is not new.

I kinda agree with Puckhead on this. I fell infatuation with hockey at my first Wolves game in 2007, blue line on the glass.
I'm still not sure what I'm watching, but it is always damn fun. I like the visual math.

Author:  RFDC [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Good stuff Mac, thanks.

Author:  Beebo [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Mac wrote:
Beebo says it's time to "ditch the Harry shtick."

You're not alone, Beebs. My wife said something similar recently. I kindly offer to you what I offered to her: my warmest invitation to PTFB. What does it take, two seconds it takes to belt out a couple honks or a "fatha?" Honestly, Steve Dahl burned this into me years ago and it's not going away: don't ignore who you are, how you got there and who the competition is. I won't. I don't pre-meditate Tiny mentions, but if something happens in natural conversation -- which it did when I saw Bernsy's reaction to the idea of Chicago media wearing jerseys in the lockerroom recently -- I will not hold back. A very high percentage of listeners consume both stations and I never will pretend like the other doesn't exist. That doesn't make me right and those who don't reference the competition wrong.... it's just part of the Mackage. And the story I told about Tiny running away (stumbling is more accurate) from me at a Hawks game like he'd seen the Grim Reaper was something I believed many listeners would want to know about. You guys like gossip, dirt and behind-the-scenes tales of woe, right? I'm your guy for that and won't hold back, regardless of affiliation.

Actually, I thought that story of his running away was funny, and don't mind mention of Jurko visiting the house, etc. But those are things those guys DID. I've no problem with that...

Working in "Fatha" jokes because its easy to bust his chops... well, that gets tiresome. That's what I was trying to convey.

I'm not a PTFB guy. Switching stations means I listen to the other station, and station #1 is "fired." Other people are happy to jump back and forth; I know...

Author:  Mark Prior's Calves [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

as usual, thanks for the honesty, mac. looking forward to your thoughts on boers.

Author:  Mr. Belvidere [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Thanks Mac. Just wonderin when it will be "the Mac and Spiegs show". I think Matt deserves that. He's way better with a partner then when he was solo on SN Radio. And he wasnt bad there. He's paid his dues in my opinion.

Show is improving and its great to have two very sound and listenable shows back to back in the morning.

Terry's days are numbered anyway so who cares. I can care less about him. He's not relevant and its painful to hear him bitch just to hear himself. I feel bad for him. Why bothr breathing if you just hate everything?

Author:  redskingreg [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Mac wrote:

Chris in St. Charles asks: "When will we hear you've been locked up for more than one year?"

It won't be any time soon, CISC. I did a one-year deal, with their option to pick up the second year. I've got five months before the contract expires. In June, they can bring me back or kick me to the curb. In this economy, I was pleased doing a short-term deal. Long term (four or five years) is more of an albatross than a benefit. What if you want out? What if the station wants to whack you but can't? Both parties protect themselves with this type of arrangement. I was confident 12 months would be enough time for me to prove my value and, like Lovie Smith, we'll go from there.

So Mac is almost halfway into the third quarter of his contract.

Author:  Northside_Dan [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Mr. Belvidere wrote:
Thanks Mac. Just wonderin when it will be "the Mac and Spiegs show". I think Matt deserves that. He's way better with a partner then when he was solo on SN Radio. And he wasnt bad there. He's paid his dues in my opinion.

Show is improving and its great to have two very sound and listenable shows back to back in the morning.


I'm really starting to like Matt. He has definitely worked on his performance and it really shows. Usually very insightful and makes me laugh quite a bit.

Maybe the Mac & Matt show?

Author:  IkeSouth [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

should be called 'the big/mac show'

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage


You told your wife to PTFB? Did she?

Mackage? Give me a fucking break.

Author:  LanceBriggs'Lambo [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Gloopan Kuratz wrote:

You told your wife to PTFB? Did she?

Mackage? Give me a fucking break.

Hey Bro, if you aren't feeling the Mackage, you can just drive your Lexus SUV to Mackeyland and tell DaMaNa yourself. He will be watching his 60 inch plasma.

Author:  Mac [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

plasma is overrated. the lexus is 350 and allen brothers products are not.

Author:  LanceBriggs'Lambo [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Mac wrote:
plasma is overrated. the lexus is 350 and allen brothers products are not.


Author:  Beebo [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Mac & Matt shew. Or Meatpantz...

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

Mac wrote:
First.... unsolicited thoughts from me....

Keyser Soze wants my thoughts on Kerry Sayers' performance.

Love having her on the show, Keyser. Not because of her appearance, either. I don't deny that could be an appeal for some listeners who liked seeing her on Comcast SportsNet, but to me that means nothing unless she also delivers. She brings something I've never had -- EVER -- on a show: a woman's perspective. Interesting dynamic, isn't it, when you consider that no show in town really has ever successfully incorporated a female's voice in a sports format. Kerry is willing to be forthright about sensitive issues (the Tiger, spousal abuse stuff was good). She's willing to be one of the guys and not run to human resources.... in fact... she pushes US on innuendo sometimes. She gives max effort. I enjoy bringing her on the show -- and so does Matt -- to provide the female viewpoint. The Scoreboards still need some tightening up.... she's a little "gappy".... but she's been doing daily radio for less than six months. That's not a very long time.

I think we all know who that is....not sayin', just sayin'. (cue "Enter Sandman") :wink:

Author:  Spaulding [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask Mac" answerage

I'm gonna start calling in. I'll give you a woman's perspective.

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