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"Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"
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Author:  Mac [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

For those who missed it, a few odd transitions have prompted questions and curiosity about Terry. He's made a few comments the past month or so about his friendship with me (his lack of interest in friendship in general). More recently, he brought up he's at odds with the station on some things and told me something like "It's not about you, but it has to do with you."

Terry is a tough putt to read. Let me try.

Terry doesn't trust many people. He depatred from that "keep-em-at-an-arm's-length mantra and trusted me about 18 years ago. I was a buddy and a reliable, trustworthy business partner. Boers is playful with almost everybody, but it's clear when somebody "wants in" just a little bit more, he has anxiety over friendship and pulls away. Long before Terry and I met, he lost a close male friend. They wrote at the Lansing Sun-Journal together and were attached at the hip in their early 20s. I didn't know a thing about this until after I quit the Score in 2000, when Boers told me he didn't want to know that pain again so he kept everybody at a distance, until about '92 when we launched the HFC.

My life has been more interesting with Terry in it. I've laughed a lot with him. Went through the death of mutual friend Gene Seymour in 1996 with him. Cried with him more than once, including at his sons' weddings. We partied and giggled at both of mine. I think the world of his wife Carol and so did my first wife. We were a pretty tightly knit group and it was a very satisfying time in my life... being in that circle of friends when the Score was young. There is nothing about Terry and his family that isn't genuine.

What he said recently about our run together and time spent together being a great thing for him is about all that needs to be said about our personal relationship.

On the work side, we've had just two discussions since June. He wasn't happy with my choice of Teddy Greenstein as a Spiegs sub this summer. After a few days of observing his overt withdrawal from transitions and from me, I called him and asked what's up. He said he still thinks Teddy G is a piece of shit and believes Jason and Matt should get some chances.

I told him that's a conversation he needs to have with Mitch. FTR, I'm all for giving Jason and Matt air time. We've been putting Jason on to talk Bulls. He's solid on Da Boo and gives us a much-needed connect with a younger audience. I hadn't thought much about having them partner with me on a non-Spiegs day, but I mulled it over for a several weeks.

In November, when I needed a sub in a pinch because Lawrence -- who was sitting in for Meatpants -- was sick, I asked Mitch for Jason and Matt and was denied. I asked for Teddy G and also was told no, so that none of the other guys' feathers were ruffled. This event marked the only one that's really gotten my blood up since I came back.

I told Mitch -- and Terry on the phone later that night -- that it was bullshit. I was jammed up at 7 a.m. waiting on Cory McPherrin's return call. Told 'em there is no f'in way I was starting the practice of getting permission from other hosts to do anything between 9 and 1. Can't do it. I told Terry I went to bat for Jason and Matt and was told no, so if I think Teddy G is what's best, that's what we're going to do. He didn't like it much.... went off about the stuff Teddy wrote when he was on sports media for the Tribune. I let him vent for a bit and then said "Stop. That's old shit, man. This is today and for today, I want the best sound possible coming out of the box." He went with it... it was handled calmly and he only requested when I have Teddy G in for Spiegel, or he's in for me with Matt, that his name not be mentioned in discussion. That was the end of it.

I have had discussions with Mitch about Jason and Matt and I've talked to Jason and Matt. They all have talked to each other. I'd be most comfortable if you asked THEM about this. Mitch is the program director. Get him, or Goff and/or Drinky, to answer these questions about the on-air roles. I'm only comfortable telling you about my small experience in this little web. We can have Jason in to do Bulls stuff. We will do that.

As for Terry's state of mind on the station... it could be a couple things. Terry didn't seem to want to do the B&B roast. As a favor to Mitch, and for the benefit of the station, I worked Terry on it so he'd do it. Told him all those years when management was kissing the Monsters' rings, he and I sometimes resented it. We never failed to credit Mike and Dan, but they went to several Super Bowls and other trips first and were treated like they mattered more. I told Terry the station, by the roast and recognizing 10 years of B&B, was making the statement "You're our franchise show." I don't think that's overstating it, either. Because I think this event means connecting with the audience, team building among air staff and producers, etc., recapturing the old Score fraternity house feel, I was pleased Mitch asked me to assist and get Terry on board. Terry's going to do the roast... and I think he'll enjoy reminding me that "I wouldn't be doin' this is if I didn't let your dumbass talk me into it." It'll be a fun event and the first chance for getting all the shows and many listeners together for a night of revelry.

Terry's "weirdness" the last year or so also could be he's feeling his age and isn't thrilled with doing five hours a day. That extended shift started when I came back. Maybe he connects them. Remember?: "It's not about you, but it has to do with you." He knew I was stoked for the return of transition, but that I had nothing to do with them having to start at 1. I suspect it's this or the other thing I mentioned above. Maybe it's both. Maybe it's that Terry likes to have people guessing about what's going on between his ears.

In summation, the truth is that we've been enjoying the vibe between the shows lately. It's a much healthier culture at the station now. And winning helps that enormously. All three major dayparts beat ESPN in the fall book. In December, all three shows were No.1 M25-54. Ratings wise and for diversity of shows, plausible arguments could be made the Score has never been better.

Author:  denisdman [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Mac, thanks for all that. You are one of the most real individuals in the media world.

This is great stuff.

Author:  spanky [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Thanks Mac, good read. I think there is a lot about Boers in there that a lot of us have been saying around here lately - you just put a few more details with it.

I remember that Boers has bad feelings toward Teddy G, but can't remember the exact details. What did Teddy G do to Terry specifically that makes him feel this way? Anyone?

Author:  RFDC [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Good stuff Mac, as always, thanks.

What is this roast you are talking about and when is it taking place?

FTR, I am glad Terry has went to bat for Drinky and Goff. I hope he continues to do so.

Author:  Northside_Dan [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Solid read, thanks Mac. Good to get a glimpse into the mind of Terry for sure

Frustrating to see that Mitch is sort of blocking the way for guys like Goff and Drinky, at least from the small example in your story.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

I hope that Terry is taking your advice about letting stuff from the past go. Life's too short to worry about that shit and get all worked up. Have Terry and Teddy G. ever tried to resolve their differences or is it one-sided?

I'm glad The Score is having a B&B Roast. I hope that alot of us guys here can get there somehow. Somebody has to shoot video of it at least. 8)

Author:  RFDC [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Northside_Dan wrote:
Frustrating to see that Mitch is sort of blocking the way for guys like Goff and Drinky.

This is the part that makes no sense to me. Why is he doing this? If Mac requests one of those guys to fill in for his show, especially at the last minute when he is in a bind, why would Mitch say no? Frustrating to say the least.

Author:  Darkside [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Ah, Mac, I guess stuff like this is why I just cain't quit yew.

Author:  RFDC [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

spanky wrote:
I remember that Boers has bad feelings toward Teddy G, but can't remember the exact details. What did Teddy G do to Terry specifically that makes him feel this way? Anyone?

I am not completely sure, but didn't Teddy G write some stuff basically saying that sports radio was stupid and useless??

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

spanky wrote:

I remember that Boers has bad feelings toward Teddy G, but can't remember the exact details. What did Teddy G do to Terry specifically that makes him feel this way? Anyone?

He wrote that MJH was the best afternoon show in town and then shortly after that he was a guest host on MJH

Conflict of interest.

Thats part of it, but it seems like pure hatred, so maybe there's more.

Author:  T-Bone [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Thanks for the info Mac. Nice to get the straight dope on your feelings and
what is going on at The Score. Like others mentioned, I am curious to know
more about this roast.

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Wish your Sun -times and Trib articles were this good as maybe I would of picked up the papers a little more. :wink:

Bores still comes off childish and now you should have Teddy in more often.

Author:  LanceBriggs'Lambo [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Mac, if Terry wasn't pissed at you, he will be now.

Author:  WestmontMike [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

This may be the single greatest post I've ever read. I got hard just reading it... thanks Mac

Author:  Mac [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

I doubt it, Limo. There's nothing I wrote that I haven't said to him or would say to him again. He knows I'm a full disclosure guy. And it would be inaccurate to suggest anything expressed here was a character assassination. Quite to the contrary.

Author:  Spaulding [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

I'm not happy about Teddy filling in but I'm not mad at you. It's none of my business, it's not Terry's either. This is stupid.

Beardown needs to start the thread about Goff/Matt vs Mitch. Maybe they should be looking into firefighting.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Terry ripped Teddy G. a while ago on one of his "Roars". It went on far a good bit and was he knifed him pretty good.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Panther pislA wrote:
Spaulding wrote:
I'm not happy about Teddy filling in but I'm not mad at you. It's none of my business, it's not Terry's either. This is stupid.

Beardown needs to start the thread about Goff/Matt vs Mitch. Maybe they should be looking into firefighting.

I think the bigger concern is how Dan B. willfully withdraws himself from going to bat for Matt and Jason. I have had heated exchanges with Dan on text and he came off as nothing but a "Cover My Ass" sissy. Not willing to stick his neck out at all for his crew. If Matt and jason could have seen some of the texts Bernstein sent me they would be very disappointed and/or angry.

So you're just going to drop that bomb and leave us all hangin'?

Not cool man.

Author:  Spaulding [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Panther pislA wrote:
I think the bigger concern is how Dan B. willfully withdraws himself from going to bat for Matt and Jason. I have had heated exchanges with Dan on text and he came off as nothing but a "Cover My Ass" sissy. Not willing to stick his neck out at all for his crew. If Matt and jason could have seen some of the texts Bernstein sent me they would be very disappointed and/or angry.

I could see that but what if it's not a cause he wants to support. That's Bernstein's right too. There are plenty of people I worked with that I wouldn't go to bat for either. He cares most about himself, that doesn't make him a dick. If those 2 want to get ahead maybe they should do a better job. They had some chances, what I'm more confused by is why those chances have (seemingly) been taken away by Mitch.

I've never heard much of Goff. Matt doesn't come off as exceedingly professional either.

Author:  Mac [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Very presumptuous suggesting Berns hasn't gone to bat for Jason and Matt I don't know if he has or hasn't, but it's really not fair to Berns assuming that about him.

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Unfair assumptions are what drive this board, Chicago!

Author:  RFDC [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Mac wrote:
Very presumptuous suggesting Berns hasn't gone to bat for Jason and Matt I don't know if he has or hasn't, but it's really not fair to Berns assuming that about him.


Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

WestmontMike wrote:
This may be the single greatest post I've ever read. I got hard just reading it... thanks Mac


Author:  NearWessSideHussra [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

So Boers is like a woman only more pissy.

Author:  Spaulding [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

RFDC wrote:
Mac wrote:
Very presumptuous suggesting Berns hasn't gone to bat for Jason and Matt I don't know if he has or hasn't, but it's really not fair to Berns assuming that about him.

Or it could be that what ever happened with Goff/drinky and Mitch Bernstein agrees with Mitch or just doesn't care. I don't think he'd be covering his ass. If Bernstein believes he is right which is all the time there is no way he could keep quiet about it. It doesn't fit his personality, unless he has a thing for superiors and authority.

Author:  kujoe_7 [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

mac seems to be toeing the company line here just sayen.

B and B know drinky and goff got screwed more than once by the powers that be @ the score. they should have their own show by now @ least on the weekends insteed of the retreads they give us....

Author:  Matty [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Great stuff Mac. Terry seemed open to the idea of a HFC reunion show a few months ago, is that still on the table?

Author:  Spaulding [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

kujoe_7 wrote:
B and B know drinky and goff got screwed more than once by the powers that be @ the score. they should have their own show by now @ least on the weekends insteed of the retreads they give us....

Maybe this is what bugs me. How do we know Goff and drinky got screwed?

Author:  Mac [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Yeah, we're gonna do it. Hell, I'd play nice with anybody on the staff here. We've talked about doing ALL FOUR OF US for an eight-hour shift. A guy could lay out for a long chunk or go take a break for a bit (I'll do that when Luke Harangody bashing is on the docket). I'll update you cats when this gets closer to being a reality.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Ask" about Terry and "his peeps"

Its a free country here, guys. Goff and/or Drinky are feel to seek airtime on another station you know.

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