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Mac getting the ire of another scribe
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Author:  THE WIND SOCK [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Mac getting the ire of another scribe

I don't know what it is of late but Mac seems to be getting the middle finger from media types of late as Jim O'donnell takes a backhanded swipe at our hero today .

Quoting O'donnell: WSCR AM 670 listners heard the implosiveness continue to tick one recent Midday when a whiffy Mchost referred to Northen Illinois football as "Meaningless". That characterization was sure to set ledgers gnashing in Dekalb, where NIU administrators have guaranted significant coin to air Huskies games on 670 since 2005.

Jim might be suggesting that Mac was really not sick and was given a few days off to think about his lack of judgement.

Mac what is with you and the print media of late ?

Author:  bigfan [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

whiffy? lil help please

Author:  Hatchetman [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

didn't he rip boers recently as being senile?

Author:  Drop In [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

Sorry Big Fan. I'm proud to say I cannot translate Jim O'Donnell. I think it is one of my only signs of intellect.

Author:  THE WIND SOCK [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

whiffy" for meth is the equivalent of "dank" to weed as frequently used by potheads to describe things.

Dude, Carrie's titties are looking really whiffy tonight. You ever snort rocks off them thangs?"


Author:  Beef Rockmore [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

It appears the Suntimes folks have an axe to grind against their former associate editor, and anybody who jumped ship to the Tribune.

It's pretty clear that O'Donnell loathes Terry Boers, and Mac is merely collateral damage. Obviously O'Donnell fails to realize that Mac was at the Score during their hey day, and then made ESPN1000 relevant and dominant during his show hours. And now he's brought that lost ratings magic back to the Score.

Author:  Beef Rockmore [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

Quoting O'donnell: WSCR AM 670 listners heard the implosiveness continue to tick one recent Midday when a whiffy Mchost referred to Northen Illinois football as "Meaningless". That characterization was sure to set ledgers gnashing in Dekalb, where NIU administrators have guaranted significant coin to air Huskies games on 670 since 2005.

I'm sure the pittance they pay AM670 would be missed. It would give Drinky/Goff more weekend air time. They could do a remote at St. Charles Toyota like Jesse Rogers used to do annually.

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

whiffy" for meth is the equivalent of "dank" to weed as frequently used by potheads to describe things.

Dude, Carrie's titties are looking really whiffy tonight. You ever snort rocks off them thangs?"


As a pothead myself I find it offenseive to be called Whiffy. Unless Jim has been rolling fatties with Mac of late that's a bit of a slanderous statement calling a guy you have never lit up with a Pothead. :drunken: :drunken:

Author:  Beef Rockmore [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

I wonder who O'Donnell enjoys listening to. I love his grammatical and dick-tion prowess. I'm sure Joe Sportsfan would need a dictionary to understand what O'Donnell is trying to spew in $10 words. Furthermore, if he finds Michael Wilbon enthralling and engaging listen, no wonder why he lacks respect for Boers and Mac. class and style in sportsradio = boring as watching paint dry and PTFB material.

Bravos, brushbacks and other electrical bananas from the cluttered laptop of your admittedly atavistic sports media critic:

ESPN's suspension of Tony Kornheiser from ''Pardon the Interruption'' for his stupid and sexist remarks about network colleague Hannah Storm raises the old question: How did this Scaramouche ever get this far in the business to begin with?

If you like 'em talent-free, devoid of original thought and as telegenic as Barney Fife's nephew, Kornheiser is your man. To think he made his bones at the Washington Post only makes it that much more understandable how the extremely unctuous newspaper clings to LBJ-era JFK assassination theories and had Watergate spoon-fed by an embittered old FBI guy.

Kornheiser is expected back on ''Pardon the Dolt'' in two weeks. That's bad news for co-host Michael Wilbon, a beacon of understated class and style. Maybe ''Leering K'' will quit for good and land a more appropriate gig -- like waste-flow reporter at the Potomac PennySaver.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

I dunno, I thought "extremely unctuous" was a cute play on "extreme unction." O'Donnell's still a big-time asshat, though, don't get me wrong, but the guy who ganked his username from a David Foster Wallace book can't roll his eyes at the use of "atavistic," y'know?

Author:  SHARK [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

I think Jim O'Donnell is very envious & jealous of Terry Boers...

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

Very possible. One bitter jaded asshole has a popular radio show. Who's heard of Jim O'Donnell?

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

O'Donnell has always made it personal.

When the folks at Sportsman's Park saw the writing on the wall as far as local horseracing being viable and went belly up with the horsetrack-car track idea, he blasted them in print for about two years....

He talked up the Carey Family and Hawthorne like it was Churchill Downs or Santa Anita....

The closing of Sportsman's has had exactly what long term effect on the metropolitan area?

How many people are on track at Hawthorne these days?

Author:  Brick [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

So we are to believe that NIU called up the Score and got Mac knocked off the air? :lol:

NIU has no power at the station. If they did, they wouldn't be paying for the chance to broadcast games at a time when very few people are listening to sports talk radio.

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

NIU is totally irrelevant...even to a lot of people who have degrees from there.

There is more local interest in High School Football than N.I.U. football.

Author:  Old Man River [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

Aggravated Sox Fan Bob wrote:
NIU is totally irrelevant...even to a lot of people who have degrees from there.

There is more local interest in High School Football than N.I.U. football.

+1 from an NIU grad.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

Boilermaker Rick wrote:
So we are to believe that NIU called up the Score and got Mac knocked off the air? :lol:

NIU has no power at the station. If they did, they wouldn't be paying for the chance to broadcast games at a time when very few people are listening to sports talk radio.

Actually, sports talk ratings have really gone up since the switch from diaries to PPMs, but your point about NIU's irrelevance to Score management and listeners stands. Bernstein made fun of their announcer a few days ago (hey you know who he sounds like? remember WCW? remember Lee Marshall?). Are we to believe NIU got him suspended too?

Author:  Brick [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

Curious Hair wrote:
Actually, sports talk ratings have really gone up since the switch from diaries to PPMs, but your point about NIU's irrelevance to Score management and listeners stands.

Just to be clear since I see how it looks like that, I was talking about how very few people listen to sports radio on Saturday afternoons and NIU still has to pay in order to get on the radio.

Author:  spanky [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

So, I'm thinking about organizing a CSFMB outing to an NIU game next fall. Who's in?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

Boilermaker Rick wrote:
Curious Hair wrote:
Actually, sports talk ratings have really gone up since the switch from diaries to PPMs, but your point about NIU's irrelevance to Score management and listeners stands.

Just to be clear since I see how it looks like that, I was talking about how very few people listen to sports radio on Saturday afternoons and NIU still has to pay in order to get on the radio.

Okay, gotcha. Yeah obviously Saturday afternoons are a dead zone.

Author:  TDEPAUL [ Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

I think Matt can carry the show when Mac is gone anyway.Jim O'donnell seems to be trying to be the "new" Marriotti:only write negatively about sports talkers,fans and owners.

Author:  C_Howitt_Fealz [ Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

spanky wrote:
So, I'm thinking about organizing a CSFMB outing to an NIU game next fall. Who's in?

GREAT! Count me in! :roll:

Actually, I'd probably find standing along 88 watching the windmills more interesting.

Author:  SHARK [ Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac getting the ire of another scribe

TDEPAUL wrote:
I think Matt can carry the show when Mac is gone anyway.Jim O'donnell seems to be trying to be the "new" Marriotti:only write negatively about sports talkers,fans and owners.

If you're referring to Matt as in Spiegel, TD, I think Mac would definitely agree with you. When Mac returned to The SCORE last summer, he wanted someone who he thought would keep the show afloat whenever he's away. Mac & Speigel go way, way back, and I tend to agree with you regarding Spiegs driving the show whenever necessary.

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