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Author:  HOVA [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Why?

Why are you so bitter about ESPN Mac? You're back at the Score and doing well but it would probably kill you not to take shots at ESPN. I don't get why you won't let it go since you have proven they made a mistake. You were bitter about the Score when you were working for ESPN. Just doesn't make sense to this listener/reader.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

HOVA wrote:
Why are you so bitter about ESPN Mac? You're back at the Score and doing well but it would probably kill you not to take shots at ESPN. I don't get why you won't let it go since you have proven they made a mistake. You were bitter about the Score when you were working for ESPN. Just doesn't make sense to this listener/reader.

I'm going to jump on your bandwagon here, sir. I know he would take shots here and there every once and while but ever since Harry got "asked to leave" the locker room, Big Chief MacHawk has been throwing punches left and right about anything related to his tenure there. From bosses not having your back, to Harry, to getting drunk to this, to was funny when it was sparse but now it's a bit much.

Author:  Martin [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

I admit, I find it entertaining to hear Mac throw jabs towards 'MVP and the ESPN dynasty.

Taking that aside, it is obvious Mac holds some real grudges towards those people. He is entitled, but it was the 8 years working there that got him towards that big payday. If Mac were to stop and think about his run at ESPN 1000, was the entire MJH tenure awful? Was Harry always that big of a d-bag?

If I were to have achieved Mac's level of obvious success, I would hope I'd be able to not let the past bother me so much. Maybe it doesn't bother him, and the jabs are just fun. I don't know.

For as awesome as a host Mac is, he is sometimes his own worst enemy (i.e. that Phili sports interview).

Author:  bigfan [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Stop with the jabs....TIME FOR SOME UPPER CUTS!!!!!!!!!!

Is your listeniong enjoyment less complete for these jabs?


I did a 4 year online college course with Les Complete back in 1999! :D :D

Author:  reents [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

I think he does it because they told him we can do this without you, and they were wrong, why not take shots at them, wouldn't most people felt if they were let go wrongly from a job, went to the competition and you were doing better than your former employer.

On the Harry thing with the WHite Sox, Mac knows he would have been suspended for sure, Harry wasn't, it would make me have a little resentment and take shots at the situation.

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

I think its gotta be sweet for Mac. He moves to the Score, and every Score show now dominates the ratings with ESPN fading fast. My philosophy is enjoy it when you're on top, cause it don't last forever.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

johnnyfontane wrote:
I think its gotta be sweet for Mac. He moves to the Score, and every Score show now dominates the ratings with ESPN fading fast. My philosophy is enjoy it when you're on top, cause it don't last forever.

Johnny- Has NSJ commented on your pizza place of choice? If not, he might. Be ready to stand your ground. :wink:

The only time I listen to the four letter network anymore is occasionally when Mac talks all hockey, I'll switch to S&W....but not for long. I just can't do all hockey all morning no matter if the Blackhawks are on the verge of winning it all or not. If B&B are yelling at callers, then it's The Saloon for me and I've liked ESPN lately with Fred Huebner getting some shifts.....MY GUY!!!!!
Other than that, I'm almost always tuned to or streaming The Score.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Mackey is too stupid to realize that this is why he keeps getting recession contracts and gets stuck working with a idiot like meatpants.

Go ahead and piss off the one sports radio station for self gratification, then the other can low ball you every time since they are the only bidder. You're only hurting yourself, Mackeyfish. Hope you get as much satisfaction dumping on ESPN as you do when you look at your paycheck.

Author:  eddie [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
Mackey is too stupid to realize that this is why he keeps getting recession contracts and gets stuck working with a idiot like meatpants.

Go ahead and piss off the one sports radio station for self gratification, then the other can low ball you every time since they are the only bidder. You're only hurting yourself, Mackeyfish. Hope you get as much satisfaction dumping on ESPN as you do when you look at your paycheck.

I swear that makes no sense but I'm not surprised to see vitriol coming from you. Mac was never lowballed by either station.... the industry changed. Nobody makes North money anymore in sports talk so I guess everybody has been lowballed. Even North was lowballed with a 'recession contract'; don't forget North wasn't fired from the Score he was lowballed with a 750k contract. North was insulted that his salary was cut in half and left. Mac's took a haircut to work at the Score but all the top acts in the industry have. Compared to what the rest of his industry makes he's doing quite well lol. I'm not a sycophant just can't stand the inane prattle you throw up here because you hate someone. You hate the guy but know everything about his show and him.... Fascinating :shock: By the way the station boss (Pastor) Mac worked for is gone and L. Justin will be out the door soon too if the ratings keep tanking. Since Mac left the ESPN's rating are down and the Scores are up... Coincidence? Yeah I'm sure you'll say there's no correlation... just a blind squirrel finding a nut. Can't wait to see how I get flamed by you later.... :roll:

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Ok genius. I'll spell it out for you in terms you can understand. You live in a small town that only has a Burger King and a McDonalds. You are the worlds best fry cook. You worked at McD's but had run ins with the boss and got canned. Does BK have to pay you above minimum wage, especially since you make it known day after day how much you hate McD's? BK just laughs and says keep it up asshole. Then I don't have to bid against anyone.

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Eaglo, one of the only things I won't argue about is pizza. I had to pick one, but I love them all.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
Mackey is too stupid to realize that this is why he keeps getting recession contracts and gets stuck working with a idiot like meatpants.

It just flat out makes me smile with a tinge of pain when I see a typo like this. Where's Grammar Dick at?

Author:  BlackSox [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

I like the shots and find them amusing. Maybe it's because I love the old Steve & Garry/Howard Stern "rag on the competition" radio.

Steve & Garry used to rag on WGN all the time (hilariously), and now Meier works at WGN. No big deal.

Author:  eddie [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
Ok genius. I'll spell it out for you in terms you can understand. You live in a small town that only has a Burger King and a McDonalds. You are the worlds best fry cook. You worked at McD's but had run ins with the boss and got canned. Does BK have to pay you above minimum wage, especially since you make it known day after day how much you hate McD's? BK just laughs and says keep it up asshole. Then I don't have to bid against anyone.

Ok if you're spelling this out for me you need a dictionary b/c what your spelling makes no sense.... Burger King and McDonald's analogy don't hold because they don't have RATINGS. ESPN's ratings tank and they shake up the staff, now all the people that you clashed with are gone. Mac brings listeners and lest you forget, the SCORE employed Danny Mac once before. He was a huge asshat then but in the name of ratings a new mgmt brought him back. Mac has delivered people to the Score.... again. That's why Mac will always get a job in this market provided he out lasts the mgmt that ousted him. Mac is a game changer in his industry and his current contract will probably be a bargain compared to the next. ESPN went from a tie with the Score in ratings to about a 20% drop in certain time slots. As long as the ratings improve Mac has what's called leverage; look that up in that dictionary you need as long as your spelling things out. :arrow:

Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

eddie wrote:
Burger King and McDonald's analogy don't hold because they don't have RATINGS.
Au contrare... ... off-ov.htm :wink:

Author:  eddie [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
eddie wrote:
Burger King and McDonald's analogy don't hold because they don't have RATINGS.
Au contrare... ... off-ov.htm :wink:

Those ratings for fast food joints don't get managers fired... The stock price gets executives fired... Arbitron is the end-all be-all in radio. Consumer Reports doesn't count for anything unless you make cars.

Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

eddie wrote:
Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
eddie wrote:
Burger King and McDonald's analogy don't hold because they don't have RATINGS.
Au contrare... ... off-ov.htm :wink:

Those ratings for fast food joints don't get managers fired... The stock price gets executives fired... Arbitron is the end-all be-all in radio. Consumer Reports doesn't count for anything unless you make cars.
Lighten up Francis...jeez

Author:  Beef Rockmore [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

The bigger question is Why NOT?

I have absolutely no problem with Mac being puffy chested after SCR parted ways with him, and MVP did the same.

In a two-station sportsradio market , he's pretty fortunate to end up back at WSCR after WMVP cut him loose.

It's good to see the ratings have followed, as I'm sure Mitch Rosen put his neck on the line bringing Mac back.

Author:  Seacrest [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

eddie wrote:
Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
Ok genius. I'll spell it out for you in terms you can understand. You live in a small town that only has a Burger King and a McDonalds. You are the worlds best fry cook. You worked at McD's but had run ins with the boss and got canned. Does BK have to pay you above minimum wage, especially since you make it known day after day how much you hate McD's? BK just laughs and says keep it up asshole. Then I don't have to bid against anyone.

Ok if you're spelling this out for me you need a dictionary b/c what your spelling makes no sense.... Burger King and McDonald's analogy don't hold because they don't have RATINGS. ESPN's ratings tank and they shake up the staff, now all the people that you clashed with are gone. Mac brings listeners and lest you forget, the SCORE employed Danny Mac once before. He was a huge asshat then but in the name of ratings a new mgmt brought him back. Mac has delivered people to the Score.... again. That's why Mac will always get a job in this market provided he out lasts the mgmt that ousted him. Mac is a game changer in his industry and his current contract will probably be a bargain compared to the next. ESPN went from a tie with the Score in ratings to about a 20% drop in certain time slots. As long as the ratings improve Mac has what's called leverage; look that up in that dictionary you need as long as your spelling things out. :arrow:

eddie, you are missing a few key points about ESPN. They don't need the ratings like you claim that they do. They run a fair amount of national spots that are not tied to ratings.

Secondly, the SCORE charges the same money for a spot today in most day parts that they did five years ago. And the rate is NOT dependent upon show ratings.

Finally, Mac brings is sponsors like Allen Bros. I'm sure there are others, but i rarely listen. It's the same thing that kept Chet working for years. He had Coke and Chevy everywhere he went. And his ratings sucked.

Other than all this, your posts were spot on.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

you are using North logic. Neither Mac's nor North's sponsors paid all the bills for the big salaries and that is why neither is making the big money any longer. Mac took a cut of at least half and more likely 2/3 of what he was making. ESPN apparently felt he was far too much trouble to pay big money to and that stands today. If he messes this up, he has no where to go, just like North.

Author:  eddie [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Seacrest, your comments about ESPN not needing ratings might be true if this was Beloit or Des Moines. In this market even if your nationally syndicated you still need ratings. If Mike and Mike's ratings continue to tank ESPN will look for local programming to try and pick up the slack. Remember ESPN used to have 2 full national shows and low ratings drove them to go local here. Ratings drive your total revenue and while I won't pretend to know what the Score charges per ad; it's easier to sell ad time when you can pull out a ratings book and say "I can bring you X more men to your product than anyone else in town". Ratings help you make money and bigger ratings mean more money. (I know you and everyone else knows this I'm just trying to be complete with the thought.) As far as Mac carrying sponsors from ESPN to the Score I haven't heard AB mentioned in forever. I can't think of any of the other old sponsors at the moment so I might be wrong.

Author:  eddie [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Score is doomed wrote:
you are using North logic. Neither Mac's nor North's sponsors paid all the bills for the big salaries and that is why neither is making the big money any longer. Mac took a cut of at least half and more likely 2/3 of what he was making. ESPN apparently felt he was far too much trouble to pay big money to and that stands today. If he messes this up, he has no where to go, just like North.

SID Mac's cut wasn't as bad as you think. It was in the neighborhood the "lowball" offer North got. Mac didn't get a raise but it wasn't as drastic as you think.

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

eddie wrote:
Score is doomed wrote:
you are using North logic. Neither Mac's nor North's sponsors paid all the bills for the big salaries and that is why neither is making the big money any longer. Mac took a cut of at least half and more likely 2/3 of what he was making. ESPN apparently felt he was far too much trouble to pay big money to and that stands today. If he messes this up, he has no where to go, just like North.

SID Mac's cut wasn't as bad as you think. It was in the neighborhood the "lowball" offer North got. Mac didn't get a raise but it wasn't as drastic as you think.

eddie, pull your head out of your ass. Mac took a huge hit, by his own admission, and is making about 35% of North's lowball offer.

Author:  eddie [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Magnus Buchan wrote:
eddie wrote:
Score is doomed wrote:
you are using North logic. Neither Mac's nor North's sponsors paid all the bills for the big salaries and that is why neither is making the big money any longer. Mac took a cut of at least half and more likely 2/3 of what he was making. ESPN apparently felt he was far too much trouble to pay big money to and that stands today. If he messes this up, he has no where to go, just like North.

SID Mac's cut wasn't as bad as you think. It was in the neighborhood the "lowball" offer North got. Mac didn't get a raise but it wasn't as drastic as you think.

eddie, pull your head out of your ass. Mac took a huge hit, by his own admission, and is making about 35% of North's lowball offer.

I have a source that says it wasn't that bad. It's more than 35% of North's lowball by about a third. It's a good source too. I know you're happy for me. :mrgreen:

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

eddie wrote:
I have a source that says it wasn't that bad. It's more than 35% of North's lowball by about a third. It's a good source too. I know you're happy for me. :mrgreen:

I have a source too...only difference is mine knows what he is talking about...I'm guessing your source is someone really well-informed, like Stu-Gotz.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Let's see, north turned down $800k and Mac is getting high $200'a low 300, down from over $600k. Eddie, I think your math is way off and your source is useless.

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Score is doomed wrote:
Let's see, north turned down $800k and Mac is getting high $200'a low 300, down from over $600k. Eddie, I think your math is way off and your source is useless.

Bingo! :salut:

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Magnus Buchan wrote:
eddie wrote:
I have a source that says it wasn't that bad. It's more than 35% of North's lowball by about a third. It's a good source too. I know you're happy for me. :mrgreen:

I have a source too...only difference is mine knows what he is talking about...I'm guessing your source is someone really well-informed, like Stu-Gotz.

You are correct as my well informed source tells me you enjoy tea-bagging donkey balls. SID SAID that came straight from the donkeys mouth. :cheese:

Author:  Beef Rockmore [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

I kind of agree that ratings aren't as important for ESPN radio as they are for the Score.

ESPN just wants their 'brand' to be present in the Chicago market, whether it's ESPN radio, or the mothership.

They also don't want to be in the press for any of the wrong reasons: Hosts calling somebody a bitch on the air, cell phone pictures of dicks, hosts bouncing off their caucasia-fro off of horses, or drunkard hosts in the locker room after games.

I'd like to think that competition makes everybody better - but sometimes I wonder.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why?

Ratings are the only thing that keep Mac employed at all.

They do not have to pay him the full amount that his ratings demand because they have no competition. They low ball him and put him on middays where he could never command huge bucks even if he had superb ratings.

It makes absolutely no sense to keep crapping all over one of the two guys in town who would even remotely consider hiring you.

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