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Show Review/Recap
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Author:  bigfan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Show Review/Recap

Got there around 7, won $ 120 at the track (Sig and Sami, Race 6, Ex Box for $10, the main reason)

Spaulding and SjBoyd holding down a table on the deck.

I was in line for the fine meats and cheeses and then some dude comes out and tells me the jimmy buffet is open for business. Regardless, take me drink and sit at the table for a while , still nobody eating. I decide to break the silence, "fixed me a plate" Potato Salad, some pulled pork and some corn on the cob. Pork was smoked with a harsh hickory and overdone (Hey, I am a BBQ snob now, if your are gonna serve it, do it right), as soon as I lift the lid on the food, 30 people right behind me.

Hung out on the rooftop till show time.

Went in about 8 PM for the show.

It was kinda weird hearing a solid musical show, with good music being played and the attempt at humor in the lyrics, "...and where is Alex Brown........who'll stop the run........." I think some Jerseys might have been needed and some props, but I guess everyone who was there knew what was going on.

200-300 people in attendence, good enough crowd to occupy the main floor of the Durty.

Was funny seeing Spiegs keep talking to Mac between songs who was off stage right, getting socially lubricated in preparation for his first song.

Mac comes out for his first song and you can see the nerves are getting to him as he has his hand in his front pocket, but I did say to Spaulding it would take 1 song and he would be 100% into it.

2nd song with Mac (Forgot the first), was The AC/DC Duncan Keith tune and the hand came out of the pocket and a Rock n Roll star was born (Ok, I kid, I kid), but he was rocking after that.

Took a break, the boys came back and did all the Stones songs, Mac joined in for Dead Flowers.

All in all a good show.

In the who's who scene, I had 4 drinks! ONLY! 2 Beers! then was going to stop, and a Matty Rich forced me into Gin and Tonic, then Spiegs GF forced me to drink a Jack and Diet, and that was it!

Let me tell you a gang you dont want to run into, the OPV crew! Not only was OPV in the house, OPS (His Brother) and OPD (Dad) in the house and all I can say is if this gig was in Chicago, more shots would have been flowing and at that point I would not be responsible for what happens.

Pretty sure I saw Gloop and Magnus in the corner, but as I got closer I saw that they were not holding hands, so it couldn't have been them.

Good seeing Eaglo Jeff express some VITRIOL over the Stones songs he was waiting to hear.

DS/DW, EPD also in the house.

Met some guy named "Big Daddy", told me he calls the Score all the time, I asked him if he just calls or does he get on the air. Ironically, Big Daddy was about 5'6", 330 maybe, so the name didnt fit so well.

DJ Nozar, working the black sports jacket, like it was a real higher end

Jay Z / Miska / Mitch and the heavy dose of interns in the house, tons of Danny Mac show T shirts given out, didnt get one myself, Eaglo got about 7, ask him for one.

Classic moment of the first set ending at 9:56 and the deal was the open bar until 10 PM and the cheap ass motherfuckers run to the bar, thinking they have 4 minutes for the last of the free drinks start yelling out orders, 3 Beers! Jack and Coke! Vodka Soda! ...and the bartender says Free Drinks are done and douche and douche pulls out the IPhone showing it is 9:59! and these guys are Pissed!

1 Guy finally still places his order and the rest walk away, so the Bar is wide open except for me talking to the Bartendress and OPV walks up trying to figure out why nobody is at the bar!

Everyone was nicely drunk (Except me and Spaulding), I grabbed a new Turkey, Bacon, Guac from the Subway and made my drive home!

And I am thankful that all those people in the parking garage that I said it was OK to park there after 5, didnt get towed or ticketed or something else.

Good time.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

I was fine. I only had 5 beers and a coke. I did get tacos on the way home though...
I took a lot of video, but the sounds blows. I'll post what I have at some point.

Kerry Sayers is very pretty in person. I stand corrected...

Author:  Spaulding [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Got there around 6:30, talked to sjboyd, for about a half hour or so. It was nice to have a little one on one time with him.

bf showed up. I could listen to him for hours. He has good stories and is a nice dude. I would not want to stand by him at a bar though. People push him out of the way and he does not hold location well. And some of them were little, one guy was not much taller than me.

I wore a green dress which I was a little subconscious about because it was really green. A guy in a tie dye shirt told me I looked like a leprachun. Made me sad.

Kerry Sayers is very pretty. I saw my favorite radio personality OPV and was completely star struck. That man gives out more hugs than I do but I liked it. His dad and 3 Putt play a mean air guitar. They brought the house down at one point.

Darkside and his wife are probably the one of the sweetest couples I've ever met. I love being around Eaglo Jeff and wish I got to see him more often.

People go absolutely nuts for a free t shirt. I've never understood this phenomenon. I got a little stepped on.

Went in stood around in the back for a while. I think I danced with everybody. Sometimes a little dirty. Had a nice time with doug on the rooftop listening to Britney Spears and he walked me to my car. All in all a good night and I'm really glad I got in the car and went. I laugh really hard when I'm with you guys.

Author:  Rod [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Spaulding wrote:
I wore a green dress which I was a little subconscious about because it was really green. A guy in a tie dye shirt told me I looked like a leprachun. Made me sad.

No reason to be sad, Spaulding.

Rule Number 1: Don't take fashion tips from people wearing tie-dye.

Author:  Spaulding [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

When a guy in a tie dye shirt tells you that maybe you don't look so good, then maybe you don't look so good.

Tacos was pretty funny. There are a lot of times when Darkside and I are on the same wavelength.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

that dude looked like an ogre....and you looked fantastic last night.
your dress was no more green than Kerry's was blue. :wink:

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

BF, I did meet you at the bar and we talked for a bit. Did not see Gloop there. Talked to the manager, 121 in attendance for the Mac gig but only 37 paid tickets...ouch.

Author:  Seacrest [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Magnus Buchan wrote:
BF, I did meet you at the bar and we talked for a bit. Did not see Gloop there. Talked to the manager, 121 in attendance for the Mac gig but only 37 paid tickets...ouch.

:lol: :lol:

He's gonna be racking his brain all day trying to figure out who you are Magnus.

Author:  Spaulding [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

I'll be sad if I didn't meet Magnus.

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

You did Spaulding, but we just sort of nodded at each other on the dance floor. The dress was a bit green but you looked fine. I will say though that your dancing reminded me a little of Elaine from Seinfeld.


Author:  Spaulding [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

I don't believe it. Tell me something you'd only know if you were there.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Magnus Buchan wrote:
BF, I did meet you at the bar and we talked for a bit. Did not see Gloop there. Talked to the manager, 121 in attendance for the Mac gig but only 37 paid tickets...ouch.

121 people seems right. the patio deck was the best visual indication of how many people were there.

Author:  jackref [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Thanks for the write-up BF. Sounds like you guys had a good time and it was worth it!

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Spaulding wrote:
I don't believe it. Tell me something you'd only know if you were there.

After BF's exhaustive review there's not much unique I could offer. Here's one: in the men's room above the urinal there was a sign touting the Tossers show at DN's on Aug 13. I will tell you this. You were a lot less drunk than you were at the B&B anniversary show when we spent a little more time together.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

another hint, but I still have no clue who Magnus is.

Author:  Spaulding [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

I didn't make my way into the men's room, so somebody else will need to verify. I carried something with me the whole night, what was it? Bf had a hat on what hat was it?

I was smashed at the B&B thing. I had one glass of wine last night, I wasn't less drunk I was completely sober. You should have introduced yourself at one.

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Spaulding wrote:
I didn't make my way into the men's room, so somebody else will need to verify. I carried something with me the whole night, what was it? Bf had a hat on what hat was it?

I was smashed at the B&B thing. I had one glass of wine last night, I wasn't less drunk I was completely sober. You should have introduced yourself at one.

I hope you aren't serious about that. We had a long chat at B&B's and I originally introduced myself by my real name and then, after a long, rather deep conversation, told you what my name on the board was. I hope you are kidding or you suffered a blackout that night.

Author:  Spaulding [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

I don't immediately recall a lot of stuff when I have too much to drink. If you jog my memory I will probably remember. I never blackout. I don't think this is true because if you would have said Magnus when I was drunk, I'd have given you a huge hug and told you I love that name.

What was out deep conversation about? I hope I was nice to you.

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

You were nice and you did love the name. We talked a lot about marriage and the pros and cons. You are a good egg but given that I'd rather not have been identified at an ALS fest as Magnus I just nodded at you, hoping you would keep the promise you made. Now it turns out you didn't even remember me...that's either a blow to my ego or a testament to the amount of booze you consumed at B&B's. I take it as the former. Anyway, no harm, no foul. You're a peach.

Author:  RFDC [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

doug, is Kerry a dougleaguer?

Author:  W_Z [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

was she the only board member you talked to at the roast?

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

OOgie wrote:
I will admit I am confused at this point. Mr Magnus dislikes the mac show? yet, he pays or sneaks in to this event? Knows the attendance numbers in details? Sounds like he works at the Score with mac and just doesn't like the guy? am I missing anything here Mr Mag?

Yes, dislikes Mac's show
Did not pay or sneak in, received a free ducat
Always curious about attendance, ratings, etc. In other words, likes to know the score
No, doesn't work with Mac or at the Score
Don't really know him to like or dislike personally...just don't like the show, the blowhard on-air persona , etc.
Only spent about an hour to check out the crowd before heading to the Lamplighter on Bothwell in Palatine for the evening
Oh, also didn't take free drinks as had to pay for Ketel One and tonic and Stella draft, not included in "open bar"

I think that's about it Oogie

Author:  Scorehead [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Magnus Buchan wrote:
BF, I did meet you at the bar and we talked for a bit. Did not see Gloop there. Talked to the manager, 121 in attendance for the Mac gig but only 37 paid tickets...ouch.

Wow. This is even worse than I thought it would be. 121 in attendance with only 37 paid??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry that I missed it. :roll: :roll: :roll:
This event will go down as the worst WSCR event in the history of the Score. Suffice to say there wont be a 2nd anniversary party. Who's idea was this anyway?

Author:  W_Z [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

magnus who was that guy in your first avatar? random question i just popped in my mind.

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

W_Z wrote:
magnus who was that guy in your first avatar? random question i just popped in my mind.

That was the original magnus buchan from Wes Anderson's Rushmore...:


Author:  sjboyd0137 [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

To fill in the after-party, Eaglo, the Darksides, and I decided to venture into downtown Palatine for more beer. We walked 2 blocks to Lamplighter, elbowed our way in, walked through the lower level, tried to get drinks and hang out upstairs on their patio, didn't happen. It was elbows to assholes in that place. Walked across the train tracks to a bar called Pops. We got 1 pitcher, but once again, elbows to assholes, although Darko made a crack about feeling a little like Jersey Shore in the bar, which led to some over-tanned sorta drunk chick with a butterface to utter "do I look like Snookie?!?". Which led to a little more mocking on our part, most of which she couldn't hear.

Leave Pops, get stuck in a monsoon walking back to the car to go for burritos. Burritos acquired anyway, even though we were soaked. Is there much better than a chorizo burrito at 1:30 in the morning when you're pretty fucked up? I say no.

Darksides drop Jeffro and myself off at the casa de sj, and that was about it. It was raining really fucking hard at that pooint though.

Author:  W_Z [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Magnus Buchan wrote:
That was the original magnus buchan from Wes Anderson's Rushmore...:

ah yes. you should've kept that!

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

i could see the lightning, but it barely rained here.

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

Magnus Buchan wrote:
OOgie wrote:
I will admit I am confused at this point. Mr Magnus dislikes the mac show? yet, he pays or sneaks in to this event? Knows the attendance numbers in details? Sounds like he works at the Score with mac and just doesn't like the guy? am I missing anything here Mr Mag?

Yes, dislikes Mac's show
Did not pay or sneak in, received a free ducat
Always curious about attendance, ratings, etc. In other words, likes to know the score
No, doesn't work with Mac or at the Score
Don't really know him to like or dislike personally...just don't like the show, the blowhard on-air persona , etc.
Only spent about an hour to check out the crowd before heading to the Lamplighter on Bothwell in Palatine for the evening
Oh, also didn't take free drinks as had to pay for Ketel One and tonic and Stella draft, not included in "open bar"

I think that's about it Oogie

Falls off horses and gets kicked out of clubhouses.

Author:  Magnus Buchan [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Show Review/Recap

johnnyfontane wrote:
Magnus Buchan wrote:
OOgie wrote:
I will admit I am confused at this point. Mr Magnus dislikes the mac show? yet, he pays or sneaks in to this event? Knows the attendance numbers in details? Sounds like he works at the Score with mac and just doesn't like the guy? am I missing anything here Mr Mag?

Yes, dislikes Mac's show
Did not pay or sneak in, received a free ducat
Always curious about attendance, ratings, etc. In other words, likes to know the score
No, doesn't work with Mac or at the Score
Don't really know him to like or dislike personally...just don't like the show, the blowhard on-air persona , etc.
Only spent about an hour to check out the crowd before heading to the Lamplighter on Bothwell in Palatine for the evening
Oh, also didn't take free drinks as had to pay for Ketel One and tonic and Stella draft, not included in "open bar"

I think that's about it Oogie

Falls off horses and gets kicked out of clubhouses.

Maybe I should change my avatar to:


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