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Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff
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Author:  Mac [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

A most entertaining and challenging set of queries. Thanks for being interested enough to post... and for listening. Some lighter stuff to warm up:

koach klaus wants to know if I'm excited about Nebraska joining the Big 10 so I can add to my collection of conference mini helmets that "so stylishly adorn the basement floor."

Indeed, I am, kk! Have moved the well mocked decorations to the fireplace, though. I added Ball State to the Big 10 this year so I could have six helmets facing (slanted) left to right and an even six from right to left. Two years ago, my beloved Cardinals would have been among the top tier in the BT. Next year, Nebraska will be. Next remote I'll bring my mini mini helmets out for all to admire. I have all six BCS conferences (fun in bowl season for match ups) and all 32 NFL teams. Fun being 11 years-old forever.

Keyser Soze asked if I ever slept with Jen Patterson.

Nope. Nor any other co-worker.... not even at my college station. As for Jen, when I took my son, Jack, to see AC/DC two years ago, we ran into Jen. She was decked out in Loop rock chick garb, including these black, freyed arm sleeves. She looked good. And she was real friendly. I like Jen Patterson. I think she gave Jack something for the spank bank that night.

rogers park bryan wants a Chet story.

Reggie Hammond: "Jack, tell me a story..."
Jack Cates: "Fuck you."
Reggie Hammond: "Oh, that's my favorite kind."
Love that exchange in "48 Hours." Here's a Coppock tell of the fuck you variety.

He and Dahl fucking hated each other. Wasn't that way at first (CC and I started at the AM Loop together in January of '88). Within a year and a half or so, they loathed the other's existence. Dahl fucked with us one night and turned the voice harmonizer on chipmunk mode. Chet starts the show in chipmunk voice. "All right, everybody... 7:05 the time." I was across from him on the board. Same room with no glass partition. Coppock turned 10 times pastier than he already was/is. We'd never used the harmonizer and I didn't know how to kill it. I quickly opened another mic, swung it in front of him and told him to talk. Same chipmunk. Threw it to a break and went running down the hall looking for Rick Kaempfer, Steve's producer, a talented radio guy (now media writer) and a great guy. I couldn't find him and I had nobody to punch the button on another :60 if I wasn't there to do it. You couldn't "bulk load" a commercial break in that era. Every commercial or soundbyte that you heard was the result of a button being punched. So I'm running back and forth with a :55 timer in my head.... shouting for Rick.... getting the next spot fired without a gap. The whole time...while I was freaked about the show I executively produced crashing into a mountain... I couldn't stop laughing. Steve really got him. Rick popped in at about 7:10 and the show went back on the air so Chet could call Steve and Garry "Tubby and his girlfriend who wears make up to do a radio show." Thanks for asking that, Bryan.

Vincent Antonelli asked several questions, one of which (about "anger and hate) will get its own thread. VA wanted to know if I'm still drumming and what's my fave Zep tune to play.

I never really started. Bought that nice Ludwig kit shortly before back surgery three years ago. Decided I like air drumming successfully as opposed to failing at actually playing. I tried a bit, but my mind isn't wired to do it. Requires a brain that can train both feet and both hands to do different things at the same time.... counting.... pauses with one or two but not the others. I'll stick to slappin' some bass every blue moon. As for Zep tunage.... I can punch out the high hat for the opening moments of "Rock N Roll," track 2 on Zep 4, a veritable greatest hits album. Jack, on the other hand (and Frank Coztansa asked about him) is still playing and he's become quite good. Three years of weekly lessons and a ton of hours of practice. He still plays guitar too, but drums are his strongest suit. I'm concerned about his discipline, though. He has a steady girl (a wonderful girl... the kind you hope your son is with in those tough teen years) and he's discovered there are other fun things to do in the basement.

Eaglo Jeff, you called it. My favorite Philadelphia Eagle (Iggle) is indeed Bill Bergey, good ol' No. 66, the linebacker out of Arkansas State. Also have been a fan of the nasty Jon Runyan's for a bit. Brian Dawkins is one of the NFL's best safeties in the last 25 years and is /was a Mighty Mouse type guy easy to like.

Crystal Lake Huffy wants me to be the guinea pig for Kangaroo meat. Says its out of his budget at $60 a pound.

What if you/we could get some tasty herbal waftage for $60 an elbow? Hell yeah, I'd marsupial flesh! Another boarder posted that he has and he loved it (sorry can't remember who.... he's got a naaaaame). There's a meat market near my house I noticed driving west on Glenwood-Dyer Road the other day headed to Glenwoodie en route to a memorable 111. Sign said goat meat and other specialty items. Gonna pop in there this week. I'll try the kangaroo if they have it. I'll try the weirdest shit behind the glass and file a report Huffy. Hoping they just have some good old fashioned venison. Van and Jack love game products and I do too.

Darkside says I was overtly nervous when signing with Tributo at our first anniversary party at Durtie Nellies... but he says he caught a change in body language later. He asks what it's like to sign on stage.

It's fucking awesome. I mean, when you have a song you actually can sing and you like the lyrics.... the vibe in the band... it's an incredible rush. I was nervous when my first role was "The 12 Days of Bearsmas." I mean... it's a fucking Christmas carol and that ain't exactly the opportunity to show 'em you can rock. "Buff Enough" was much more comfortable and I thought I hit it okay. "Dead Flowers" by the Stones I've done with a couple bands in Indiana gin mills. I love the song. I know every nook and cranny of it. I own it. It was fucking awesome singing and seeing the band -- real talented musicians smiling and a bit surprised it was on key and from the gut -- an amazing power trip fronting a band and it sounds good. Hope I can sign "Gone Shootin' " with my AC/DC tribute band buddies "Bonfire" soon. Have done that three times and I'm 2-for-3. Ya gotta act like ya belong and people buy in. If I really like a song and it's not too rangey or too high and I can hit it, I can fuck it sell it. Loved it. All of it. Being nervous. Prepping for it. Pointing to the audience. Bringing it. I think being a rock star would be pretty cool.

t-bone asked for my best golf moment of the year.

Button 48 time. Eagled No.11 at Woodbine. Short par 4, about 300 from the back tee box. Winds were out of the south a bit. Hole goes south to north. Drove the fucking green and snaked home about 20 feet of downhill putt. Later birdied No.17. Shot 37 or 38 on the back (par 35). Best round of the year 81. No triple bogeys all day. Kept it in play all but one hole and saved bogey on that one.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Great big rock candy mountain story Mac.

That story reminded me of Steve and Garry v Lujack. That was also a great listen.

The more Chet stories, the better. Also love the Jiggs during Sports Jeopardy.

Keep up the good work.

Author:  badrogue17 [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Great Steve and Chet story Mac. When radio was radio. Bet Chet spit out his Cobb salad when he heard his voice sound like that.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Mac wrote:
Decided I like air drumming successfully as opposed to failing at actually playing. I tried a bit, but my mind isn't wired to do it. Requires a brain that can train both feet and both hands to do different things at the same time.... counting.... pauses with one or two but not the others.

I call bullshit on this, Mac. Start slow and simple then build with your fills. Hit 1 on the bass drum and 3 on the snare with your basic 4/4 and go from there. I believe that much of the timing that's involved in being an on-air talent and your producer/board skills would come in handy when playing drums. If I can do it, anybody can fucking do it. Now guitar on the other hand takes someone with some true talent as well as the dedication to practice and whatnot.

Author:  Northside_Dan [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Very good and interesting reads. Thanks for posting

Author:  Mac [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

I'll do two more sections tomorow. Gonna spend some time with Patrick now. He'll probably kick my ass in wrastlin' (5-9, 210 and stronger than he knows) before he morphs into tickle me mode. Ya know what? Autism can be a blessing a lot more than a curse if you make it that way.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Mac wrote:
I'll do two more sections tomorow. Gonna spend some time with Patrick now. He'll probably kick my ass in wrastlin' (5-9, 210 and stronger than he knows) before he morphs into tickle me mode. Ya know what? Autism can be a blessing a lot more than a curse if you make it that way.

does your son have any sort of hyperfocus relative to his autism?

a friend of mine has an autistic older brother who bowls in a league and has something like a 200+ average. he also has an amazing jump shot that has the potential to absolutely obliterate you in a basketball game, however, he doesn't really have the capacity to engage you in a proper game, so you basically have to up and get your ass kicked in horse.

the other thing about dannie (the aforemention friend's brother) is that he's such a genuinely nice guy and always really pleasant. to say his smile lights up the room would be a severe understatement. god bless him.

Author:  Douchebag [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Did Spaulding really sit on Stu-Gotz's lap?

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

This is some funny stuff, Mac. I think it's great that you take the time to do this. I wish some other hosts would also. I think Bernsie would enjoy mixing it up here. He likes to argue. He likes to make an argument.

Author:  Northside_Dan [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

johnnyfontane wrote:
This is some funny stuff, Mac. I think it's great that you take the time to do this. I wish some other hosts would also. I think Bernsie would enjoy mixing it up here. He likes to argue. He likes to make an argument.

Bernsie did an Ask Dan thread a while back...i think thanks to Doug? He is a bit more...careful.. on what he talked about though in fear of, what he said, violating his contract.

Author:  Hatchetman [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

funny story. chet and dahl get along fine now.

Author:  Rod [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Hatchetman wrote:
funny story. chet and dahl get along fine now.

The best was when Dahl and Meier were making fun of Ditka's heart attack at the end of their show and Chet came right out of the box with Steve Kazor who didn't appreciate it much.

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Northside_Dan wrote:
johnnyfontane wrote:
This is some funny stuff, Mac. I think it's great that you take the time to do this. I wish some other hosts would also. I think Bernsie would enjoy mixing it up here. He likes to argue. He likes to make an argument.

Bernsie did an Ask Dan thread a while back...i think thanks to Doug? He is a bit more...careful.. on what he talked about though in fear of, what he said, violating his contract.

I'd like to see Goff and Drinky post more too.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

johnnyfontane wrote:
This is some funny stuff, Mac. I think it's great that you take the time to do this. I wish some other hosts would also. I think Bernsie would enjoy mixing it up here. He likes to argue. He likes to make an argument.

See STU-GOTZ for your ALS membership card.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Northside_Dan wrote:
Bernsie did an Ask Dan thread a while back...i think thanks to Doug? He is a bit more...careful.. on what he talked about though in fear of, what he said, violating his contract.

I'll ask him at the remote Friday if he'll do another one.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

More Chet stories! More Dahl Stories!

We need a When radio was radio section...Ill just make a thread.

Author:  A7X [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Hatchetman wrote:
funny story. chet and dahl get along fine now.

The best was when Dahl and Meier were making fun of Ditka's heart attack at the end of their show and Chet came right out of the box with Steve Kazor who didn't appreciate it much.

Kazor: I think your station needs to take a look at this

Chet: Can you amplify this?

Kazor: We had something precious happen

Chet: Ah-ha

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
johnnyfontane wrote:
This is some funny stuff, Mac. I think it's great that you take the time to do this. I wish some other hosts would also. I think Bernsie would enjoy mixing it up here. He likes to argue. He likes to make an argument.

See STU-GOTZ for your ALS membership card.

See Panther for your fuckhead card

Author:  Telegram Sam [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Mac wrote:
Rick popped in at about 7:10 and the show went back on the air so Chet could call Steve and Garry "Tubby and his girlfriend who wears make up to do a radio show."

A lesser broadcaster might have grabbed his fur coat and stormed off.

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Panther pislA wrote:
He's got you nailed, JizzFountain.

Everybody's got you nailed, Panther Pussy. God forbid someone actually LIKES a show they listen to.

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Panther pislA wrote:
johnnyfontane wrote:
Panther pislA wrote:
He's got you nailed, JizzFountain.

Everybody's got you nailed, Panther Pussy. God forbid someone actually LIKES a show they listen to.

JizzyFountain. . .

Nuff said.

Any time you speak is nuff said.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

The Jizz Fountain-Panther Pussy rivalry is really heating up

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

rogers park bryan wrote:
The Jizz Fountain-Panther Pussy rivalry is really heating up

You've got the genders correct.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Panther pislA wrote:
johnnyfontane wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
The Jizz Fountain-Panther Pussy rivalry is really heating up

You've got the genders correct.

I can't help that I am what I eat.

Too ease the blow, a friend will say:

"So you're a lesbian?" :P

Author:  Mr. Belvidere [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Eaglo Jeff wrote:
Mac wrote:
Decided I like air drumming successfully as opposed to failing at actually playing. I tried a bit, but my mind isn't wired to do it. Requires a brain that can train both feet and both hands to do different things at the same time.... counting.... pauses with one or two but not the others.

I call bullshit on this, Mac. Start slow and simple then build with your fills. Hit 1 on the bass drum and 3 on the snare with your basic 4/4 and go from there. I believe that much of the timing that's involved in being an on-air talent and your producer/board skills would come in handy when playing drums. If I can do it, anybody can fucking do it. Now guitar on the other hand takes someone with some true talent as well as the dedication to practice and whatnot.

Dont quit Dan. May I suggest something? Play Highway to Hell. Its simple with not many fills but one of the best songs to learn a basic drum beat. Play it with headphones on. When you barely hearyourself playing, it kind of blends. And loosen up. Body and hands. Move your head around to the beat and lighten your grip on the stix. When you're tight, you cant bounce around the kit. I taught my son and daughter starting with that song. I learned to play that whole album when I was ten with my first set from the Sears catolog. And dont feel so much pressure to use your left foot. That will come in time. In the meantime, Hold that fucker to the floor on your hi hat and mash it. You're not Neil Peart so dont try to be.

If this guy can play it you can. See how uptight he is. ... re=related

Author:  Rod [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Mr. Belvidere wrote:
You're not Neil Peart so dont try to be.

Is it okay if he tries to be John Rutsey?

Author:  A7X [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Mr. Belvidere wrote:
You're not Neil Peart so dont try to be.

Is it okay if he tries to be John Rutsey?

Well played! 8)

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

Mr. Belvidere wrote:
Eaglo Jeff wrote:
Mac wrote:
Decided I like air drumming successfully as opposed to failing at actually playing. I tried a bit, but my mind isn't wired to do it. Requires a brain that can train both feet and both hands to do different things at the same time.... counting.... pauses with one or two but not the others.

I call bullshit on this, Mac. Start slow and simple then build with your fills. Hit 1 on the bass drum and 3 on the snare with your basic 4/4 and go from there. I believe that much of the timing that's involved in being an on-air talent and your producer/board skills would come in handy when playing drums. If I can do it, anybody can fucking do it. Now guitar on the other hand takes someone with some true talent as well as the dedication to practice and whatnot.

Dont quit Dan. May I suggest something? Play Highway to Hell. Its simple with not many fills but one of the best songs to learn a basic drum beat. Play it with headphones on. When you barely hearyourself playing, it kind of blends. And loosen up. Body and hands. Move your head around to the beat and lighten your grip on the stix. When you're tight, you cant bounce around the kit. I taught my son and daughter starting with that song. I learned to play that whole album when I was ten with my first set from the Sears catolog. And dont feel so much pressure to use your left foot. That will come in time. In the meantime, Hold that fucker to the floor on your hi hat and mash it. You're not Neil Peart so dont try to be.

If this guy can play it you can. See how uptight he is. ... re=related

:lol: :lol: :lol: He looks thrilled. I almost fell asleep to that.

You're right Belvidere. Start easy and build, Mac..... and be into it. :wink: That guy looked like he was auditioning for a band and didn't want to miss any beat, although he missed coming back in on the next verse. :lol: But you hear it Mac, right? 1(bass drum) 3(snare) right hand on high hat (1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and). It's like building a house and this 4/4 is the foundation. The fills and variations and syncapated stuff is all the fancy decorations.

Author:  Telegram Sam [ Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

spmack wrote:
this may be a really dumb question, so I'm apologizing in advance....

But, I'm noticing that while others guys at the gym can lift a lot more than me (like double), I look a hell of lot more "defined" than them, especially in the this because I also do treadmill, thus burning more fat? These guys only hit the weights, I never see them hit the treadmill.

I also try to eat somewhat decent too, avoiding anything heavy during the week, focusing on fruits and veggies and water and eggs for protein during the week.

Author:  HossasSlavicRage [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the lighter stuff

I don't know if this will be considered light but here goes:

Mac, I know that you had some issues related to substance abuse/misuse. It seems like today that you have a good handle of the issue and can enjoy a few drinks once and awhile without a problem. But did you ever have to take a "time out", attend a few meetings or therapy?

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