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Ask Mac -- the Beardown section
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Author:  Mac [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Beardown is one of my wife's favorite posters so a bonus section all to his own for challenging queries.

1. My comments regarding Bernstein a couple years ago: "I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him."

Yeah, I wrote it and I'm sure I said it more than once. At the end of my first run at the Score, I didn't care much for Bernsie and I felt the feeling was reciprocal. And we did hang out some on the road. Enjoyed him in Phoenix in '96 (his first and maybe only strip club experience), Seattle later than spring, New Orleans in '97 (the lad actually stuffed me in a cab and got me back to the hotel when I'd had way too much), Salt Lake in '97-'98, San Diego in '98. He's a food snob like me (insert jokes about both of us here) and we were on a wine kick together. Lots of memorable trips.

Then came Miami in '99. Word was that Berns had planted some rumors about our bad morning show being blown up. Robert Feder wrote it in the Sun-Times. Dave Baum was a rumored replacement for Buffone and Van Lier and he made some smug comments to Feder about the Score not being capable of affording him. Bernsie was ready to move up from weeknight/weekend/fill in guy and several people suspected "his camp" put the bug in Feder's ear. Did he? To this day I don't know, but I was much more of a hothead then and as we sat around a bar talking about how foolish the station looked, he laughed.

Doug and Norm did a terrible show, but nobody wanted to see them or us look bad. Berns didn't seem to mind. He was laughing about it. It amused him to no end. That pissed me off and I started barking at him. Jiggetts and my first wife, Jill, pulled me away 'cuz they thought I was gonna kill him. Bernsie struck me as a guy who just wanted what was best for him and not for the Score. He made some cracks about me behind my back that trip, too.... about two weeks after he sought my counsel and took me out to lunch for a few tips on doing his first contract.

I don't mind being around Dan these days. He can be as arrogant as anybody I've ever met, but we have many shared interests (fishing, cooking, love for bad movies, etc.). He's a talented host. He's one of the brightest guys I've ever met. I've become more of a fan of B&B than I would have dreamed possible two years ago. I get their act now... and I've been enjoying it, especially during football season. Then again, everything about sports talk is better during football season.

2. Who was I talking about when I said a few weeks ago there could be a few others to join Finji as ESPN defectors?

Adam Delevitt, their new program director. We were hoping to get him in board in a position Chad Feldman (former ESPN sales dude) was creating. Would have made Dele a liasone between sales and programming. Would have worked a lot with White Sox sales (that's Adam's favorite local team by a mile). To my surprise, ESPN hired him to follow the robotic ESPN prototype Justin Craig. Good for Dele. He's a good radio man and a fun guy.

Would have like to have Dave Juday on my squad again someday... he's under contract for a bit more. I'd love to have Jeff Dickerson again at the same station that employs me. Oh, Jurko. Yeah, when Jurko's deal is up.... I wonder where he'll go. He's a funny motherfucker and the most coachable teammate I've ever had.

3. Who has the most pull at the Score?

Rod Zimmerman. It's Daddy's station. Good thing is, I don't think anybody really covets Northian type power. Mitch and I disagreed on some fill-ins early on (I had to keep asking on Jason Goff to ride shotgun) but there only has been one real instance where "power" came into play. Some feelings were hurt when I had Teddy Greenstein join the 9-1 shift as a contributor and then a co-host. Mitch told me to keep peace, Teddy couldn't host. There was some history there.... I think with Teddy and the morning show and I know with Terry. I told Mitch that l hadn't asked permission from a fellow host on a guest or fill-in in almost 20 years and I wasn't going to start now. Asked him to convey that to the morning show guys if they had an issue with TG and said I'd do it with Terry... with my promise to never have the same reaction with any guest or sub host they wanna have on. It's not my end. I don't care what the other shows do. That's their business and all shows should stay the fuck out of other shows' business. And with that one exception, I think it's gone that way.

4. Why doesn't Goff fill in on B&B as he does on the midday show?

He has with Terry. And I'm betting he will again. Talked to Terry about it and he likes working with both Jason and Laurence Holmes. I like working with both of those guys as well. I don't know if or why Bernsie doesn't. It's obvious Dan likes and respects Jason's talents. JG is the regular "third man" on B&B and I know Bernsie loved his contributions at the roast. I think Jason's stock is on the rise at the Score so I'm betting you'll hear him in major dayparts more regularly.

5. Is North finished?

Sure looks that way. Kinda sad, too, because he's got talent. Just a little thin in the common sense department.

What do you wanna know next, Beardown, my favorite color? -- had to get some Colonel Jessup in there since you want to know about "power."

Author:  Bucky Chris [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Mac... if you had to guess... what event, or what person will cause the next big shakeup of the lineup?

Or do you see it staying put for the predictable future?

Author:  Mac [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

I believe five of six contracts expire next summer. Anything can and usually does happen.

Author:  Bucky Chris [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Mac wrote:
I believe five of six contracts expire next summer. Anything can and usually does happen.

Wow. That should be interesting to say the least. Thanks Mac.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Again, no mention of the whereabouts of Dave Miska....a man that stood by Mac's side and fought the good fight.

Mac's silence reveals some deeply rooted guilt that he must feel for ruining someones life.

Or worse yet, it reveals Mac to be a tyrannical back stabber with no regard for anyones life other than his own.

Author:  Beardown [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Thankyou, Agent McNeil. Thankyou. You're very frank, Mac. I think it would be quite something to know you in private life.


Author:  spmack [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Good shit Mac....I think these are best "Ask Mac" answers ever.

Author:  Martin [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

The quality of North's broadcast on Fox Sports Radio this past Sunday night (heard locally on WIND-AM 560) was awful. That ISDN line needs to be upgraded. Downright embarrassing.

Author:  Mac [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Slow your roll, SomeGuy. I wrote there will be more coming tomorrow. Rest tonight knowing that Miska wasn't stabbed. I wrote your question in my three pages of notes and you'll get your answer. Go to sleep for now. Be at peace, would ya?

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Do you have a Jelly bean count?????

Author:  Scorehead [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Mac wrote:
Slow your roll, SomeGuy. I wrote there will be more coming tomorrow. Rest tonight knowing that Miska wasn't stabbed. I wrote your question in my three pages of notes and you'll get your answer. Go to sleep for now. Be at peace, would ya?

That was good stuff Mac. You comments about Bernsy are spot on & way more candid than I expected.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Mac wrote:
Slow your roll, SomeGuy. I wrote there will be more coming tomorrow. Rest tonight knowing that Miska wasn't stabbed. I wrote your question in my three pages of notes and you'll get your answer. Go to sleep for now. Be at peace, would ya?

I'm too excited. I can't sleep now.

I'm more critical than complimentary, mainly because it' more fun, but I will ALS it up for a solid "Ask Mac" posting derby. After the initial thread I was concerned about the following silence...that you may have left us and the board to die.

Author:  Scorehead [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

When does the "ask Meatpants" thread start?

Author:  sinicalypse [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

hey mac, could you kindly caption this picture?


Author:  24_Guy [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

sinicalypse wrote:
hey mac, could you kindly caption this picture?


Marcia! Greg! Cindy! Dinner time!!!


Author:  walkrman5 [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

sinicalypse wrote:
hey mac, could you kindly caption this picture?



Author:  Douchebag [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Mac wrote:
Would have made Dele a liasone between sales and programming. Would have worked a lot with White Sox sales (that's Adam's favorite local team by a mile). To my surprise, ESPN hired him to follow the robotic ESPN prototype Justin Craig. Good for Dele. He's a good radio man and a fun guy.


Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Douchebag wrote:

I think I've hung out with that guy. Looks familiar.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
I think I've hung out with that guy. Looks familiar.

When? Its not like he makes it out to board events.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Frank Coztansa wrote:
The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
I think I've hung out with that guy. Looks familiar.

When? Its not like he makes it out to board events.


Author:  sinicalypse [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Douchebag wrote:
Mac wrote:
Would have made Dele a liasone between sales and programming. Would have worked a lot with White Sox sales (that's Adam's favorite local team by a mile). To my surprise, ESPN hired him to follow the robotic ESPN prototype Justin Craig. Good for Dele. He's a good radio man and a fun guy.


PROTIP: it's not a good idea to take a fishing trip with bison dele.

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: if you sync up "the lion king" with game 3 of the 1997 NBA finals approximately 37 minutes into the game you'll hear:

Nala: Have you guys seen Brian Williams?!
Timon: I thought he was with you.
Nala: He was but now I can't find him. Where is he?
Rafiki: You won't find him here.

Author:  denisdman [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

That is some terrific stuff especially for a drama queen like me. I have one small comment- I disagree with the thought that the B&B show is something you "get". I hear that comment from time to time, and it seems silly to me. Like everything with Bernsie, he tries to make things more intellectual or complicated than they are. This is sports talk radio. Terry comes off as lazy and has very little to offer. Bernsie just wants to argue with callers and prove he is right about everything. From Terry's guy to Bernsie being a devil's advocate, it is a very shallow show.

That all being said, I listen quite often.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Mac, here is what I want to know:

Chet Coppock broke you in,do you feel you owe him a favor?(that's where I first heard your voice) I still find Chet's "act" enjoyable and think he would make a fine fill-in host or weekend host on the SCORE.

Author:  The Affordable Dave Miska [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

SomeGuy wrote:
Again, no mention of the whereabouts of Dave Miska....a man that stood by Mac's side and fought the good fight.

Mac's silence reveals some deeply rooted guilt that he must feel for ruining someones life.

Or worse yet, it reveals Mac to be a tyrannical back stabber with no regard for anyones life other than his own.

I'm still here. I'm still part of The Score and you will see me at the next Danny Mac Show remote, riding alongside Mac and Spiegs. Since it's not the "Ask Miska" post, I'll let Mac fill you in.

Author:  Bucky Chris [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

The Affordable Dave Miska wrote:
SomeGuy wrote:
Again, no mention of the whereabouts of Dave Miska....a man that stood by Mac's side and fought the good fight.

Mac's silence reveals some deeply rooted guilt that he must feel for ruining someones life.

Or worse yet, it reveals Mac to be a tyrannical back stabber with no regard for anyones life other than his own.

I'm still here. I'm still part of The Score and you will see me at the next Danny Mac Show remote, riding alongside Mac and Spiegs. Since it's not the "Ask Miska" post, I'll let Mac fill you in.

Good to hear, Miska.

Author:  scorehead # 84 [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

sinicalypse wrote:
hey mac, could you kindly caption this picture?


It's Pat!

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

The Affordable Dave Miska wrote:
I'm still here. I'm still part of The Score and you will see me at the next Danny Mac Show remote, riding alongside Mac and Spiegs. Since it's not the "Ask Miska" post, I'll let Mac fill you in.

Great news, Dave Mmmmmm....Miska's a good man......

Author:  Mr. Belvidere [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Did Chet ever ask you to spank it while he watched ala Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights?

Seriously- In your years in the BIZ, who at first was cool when interviewed on the air but when you actually met them were complete jerks? And Vice Versa?

Author:  Darkside [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

The Affordable Dave Miska wrote:
SomeGuy wrote:
Again, no mention of the whereabouts of Dave Miska....a man that stood by Mac's side and fought the good fight.

Mac's silence reveals some deeply rooted guilt that he must feel for ruining someones life.

Or worse yet, it reveals Mac to be a tyrannical back stabber with no regard for anyones life other than his own.

I'm still here. I'm still part of The Score and you will see me at the next Danny Mac Show remote, riding alongside Mac and Spiegs. Since it's not the "Ask Miska" post, I'll let Mac fill you in.

I watched you type this. I had to prove to Doug that you were on this site.

Author:  sjboyd0137 [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac -- the Beardown section

Darkside wrote:
The Affordable Dave Miska wrote:
SomeGuy wrote:
Again, no mention of the whereabouts of Dave Miska....a man that stood by Mac's side and fought the good fight.

Mac's silence reveals some deeply rooted guilt that he must feel for ruining someones life.

Or worse yet, it reveals Mac to be a tyrannical back stabber with no regard for anyones life other than his own.

I'm still here. I'm still part of The Score and you will see me at the next Danny Mac Show remote, riding alongside Mac and Spiegs. Since it's not the "Ask Miska" post, I'll let Mac fill you in.

I watched you type this. I had to prove to Doug that you were on this site.

That still qualifies as the 3rd funniest part of the remote.

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