Chicago Fanatics Message Board

LESS callers
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Author:  bigfan [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  LESS callers

This post can apply to every show, but had to be posted here because of "LESS".

Anyways, you hear every show on all stations mention LESS callers these days with email and text as an immediate option and I do think the stations need callers.

Assuming that is the case, I think most of the producers need to sharpen some skills, such as getting people on the air when they call and letting them talk about what they called about , as long as the topic is close to what they are talking about, no matter how crackpot the theory is. It is a huge reason I have not called in years because you never know who might answer and then I need to explain my crackpot theory to an intern who doesn't even know who Lloyd Daniels is, or why I think he changed his name and became Scottie Pippen!

The result of this is CALLER JIM, who calls shows 2 times a show and every show daily and basically you get the same guys (Fred the Painter), Marty from HP, etc doing the sme schtick daily.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

steve in elmhurst...

I can understand the focus is more on technology than callers. But the text to email percentage (from what I hear on most shows) is generally about 80-20. Needs to be more like 50-50 or at least 60-40.

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

Part of the allure of the Score from the golden era was the interaction with callers and fans. It made the station seem more like friends talking to friends, which was a clear break from the old model of Chet delivering the word from the mountain.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

The producers are as lazy as the hosts.

There is not one person involved, including producers, in this clusterfuck who is trying to advance themselves in this industry. They are happy to mail it in.

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

It's true Gloopen. People can make fun of North all they want and his silly ideas but he embraced the listener back in the Monsters days. Dan McNeil has said that Boers always warned him about developing relationships with listeners, which I think is a problem with the current Score.

Author:  KevinM [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

These days I prefer no calls because it seems the vast majority agree with the host. B&B take calls that disagree with them, but those callers can't articulate their points (more than likely the reason they're chosen) and are beat down.

Author:  Scorehead [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

good dolphin wrote:
It's true Gloopen. People can make fun of North all they want and his silly ideas but he embraced the listener back in the Monsters days. Dan McNeil has said that Boers always warned him about developing relationships with listeners, which I think is a problem with the current Score.

Boers & Berns have poisoned everyone at WSCR. It's a shame so many of the lemmings at the Score are afraid of these 2 clowns. Shame on Mac for listening to Boers, & shame on the other youngsters who buy into Bernsys odd & misguided methods of interacting with people. Relationships with clients, customers & listeners is good for business. Become a friend with a customer & you have a customer for life.

Author:  Douchebag [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

Scorehead wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
It's true Gloopen. People can make fun of North all they want and his silly ideas but he embraced the listener back in the Monsters days. Dan McNeil has said that Boers always warned him about developing relationships with listeners, which I think is a problem with the current Score.

Boers & Berns have poisoned everyone at WSCR. It's a shame so many of the lemmings at the Score are afraid of these 2 clowns. Shame on Mac for listening to Boers, & shame on the other youngsters who buy into Bernsys odd & misguided methods of interacting with people. Relationships with clients, customers & listeners is good for business. Become a friend with a customer & you have a customer for life.

Arent B&B the highest rated sports show in Chicago?

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

Scorehead wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
It's true Gloopen. People can make fun of North all they want and his silly ideas but he embraced the listener back in the Monsters days. Dan McNeil has said that Boers always warned him about developing relationships with listeners, which I think is a problem with the current Score.

Boers & Berns have poisoned everyone at WSCR. It's a shame so many of the lemmings at the Score are afraid of these 2 clowns. Shame on Mac for listening to Boers, & shame on the other youngsters who buy into Bernsys odd & misguided methods of interacting with people. Relationships with clients, customers & listeners is good for business. Become a friend with a customer & you have a customer for life.

Boers and Bernstein are the signature show on the top rated sports station in the city. I somehow doubt that they don't bring significant business to the station.

Author:  Douchebag [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

I once ran a cell phone shop with Les Callers.

Author:  Scorehead [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

Douchebag wrote:
Scorehead wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
It's true Gloopen. People can make fun of North all they want and his silly ideas but he embraced the listener back in the Monsters days. Dan McNeil has said that Boers always warned him about developing relationships with listeners, which I think is a problem with the current Score.

Boers & Berns have poisoned everyone at WSCR. It's a shame so many of the lemmings at the Score are afraid of these 2 clowns. Shame on Mac for listening to Boers, & shame on the other youngsters who buy into Bernsys odd & misguided methods of interacting with people. Relationships with clients, customers & listeners is good for business. Become a friend with a customer & you have a customer for life.

Arent B&B the highest rated sports show in Chicago?

Here are the sports radio show ratings for February. Somehow, The afternoon saloon closed the gap dramatically in February on B&B, who lost almost a full point of ratings while M&M gained almost a half of a point. Mike & Mike clobbered Mully & Hanley. It's hard to call B&B the undisputed leaders with the top 3 shows so close in ratings.
The real question is who in the hell listens to Mike & Mike in the morning?

Boers & Berns 5.0
Danny Mac 4.8
Mully & Hanley 4.3

Mike & Mike 4.9
Saloon 4.6
Waddle & Silvy 4.3

Author:  reents [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

On today's show, Did they do transition today, I turned on about that time and B&B was starting, technical issues.

Author:  beni hanna [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

reents wrote:
On today's show, Did they do transition today, I turned on about that time and B&B was starting, technical issues.

Tournament of Bad voting and a shortened show due to WSOX meant no transition.

Author:  reents [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

Thanks Beni Hanna

Author:  Beebo [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

bigfan wrote:
This post can apply to every show, but had to be posted here because of "LESS".

Anyways, you hear every show on all stations mention LESS callers these days with email and text as an immediate option and I do think the stations need callers.

They need callers who are an interesting listen. I think to the early days of entertaining callers like Wild Bill, Raffie from Berwyn, etc., and you had a situation where the hosts did NOT have carry the show for four hours.

Even a funny text... you're now relying on Spiegel or Mac or Berns to add gravitas to the reading (deserved or not.)

Author:  bigfan [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

Beebo wrote:
bigfan wrote:
This post can apply to every show, but had to be posted here because of "LESS".

Anyways, you hear every show on all stations mention LESS callers these days with email and text as an immediate option and I do think the stations need callers.

They need callers who are an interesting listen. I think to the early days of entertaining callers like Wild Bill, Raffie from Berwyn, etc., and you had a situation where the hosts did NOT have carry the show for four hours.

Even a funny text... you're now relying on Spiegel or Mac or Berns to add gravitas to the reading (deserved or not.)

I agree, but some of the nuts are interesting. And ultimately, callers allowed on the air are left up to the producers.

The problem lies in having to move the shows along quicker and quicker, as it is rare that you get a caller reacting to another call, as it was when it was Patio Steve on the line!

I believe Mac has even tried to do this one day when he encouraged old callers, which was cool. but maybe planning this type of event, even with 3-4 days notice would be good.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LESS callers

They are too lazy to even have fake callers.

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