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The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?
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Author:  SomeGuy [ Mon May 23, 2011 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Hello Friends,

Lately there has been a lot of rumors, a lot of talk, a lot of info exchanged in dingey backrooms, dark alleys and chinese fortune cookie factories about the fate of MeatPants and who or what(a robot?) will take his place next to Danny Mac.

The date of June 1st has been thrown out, the month of July has been thrown out into the ring and so on and so forth...But take all the dates away and the general board concensus tells us that he will be gone this summer...our Score Insider and Radio Expert Krazy Ivan has told us as much during the last meeting in the underground parking garage.

Meets behavior has been most telling as of late, too. Taking a shit load of time off, calling in sick and then going to play little drummer boy that night, missing H&R on Sunday because he was on a "mini-vacation" and left it up to ZZ to ruin our Sunday mornings. He has been getting into more verbal scuffles with Score personalities from Bernsie, Goff and esp. Mac. It seems as if Mac has had it with MeatPants and knows his time is almost up.

What are your thoughts, CSFMB, on MeatPants and his quickly diminishing clout? Was there ever a chance for him? Were the cards stacked against MeatPants? What does the future hold besides an unemployment check and the 200 dollar cut from last nights Tributo show live from Jimmys in Naperville.

Author:  Shoes of a Clown [ Mon May 23, 2011 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour? know. :|

Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Mon May 23, 2011 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Even though he was the new guy I always got the vibe that he felt entitled like a veteran that had been around for 10 years. That attitude of entitlement without paying his on air dues at The Score always annoyed me. Someone trying to grow an audience and listener base should never take off that many days even if they are in the contract.

Author:  Darkside [ Mon May 23, 2011 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

The hour grows late. When was his contract up? Not a word about either of them really.

Author:  bigfan [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Tough call on Spiegel being a new guy v veteran. One thing I dont think that flys on the Score is "ANY" national guy walking in the door. He would get eaten alive, the first time he throws out a Wrigley Park! Or corrects someone on 'Samwich"

Can't argue that many of the recent Iron Man streak breaking patterns don't bode well for the man, but I think, not sure, the ratings are doing good? which is what matters?

SHARK? Ratings me!

Author:  Mr. Reason [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

If Meat will work on the cheap, he'll get another year. We're in a depression, you know. No reason to bring anyone else up early and burn a year of arbitration eligibility.

Author:  bigfan [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Mr Reason might have a point, in terms of maybe there is some negotiating going on???

Right now I am negotiating with a tenant over $1200 v $1100 a month?

Author:  Mr. Reason [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

bigfan wrote:
Mr Reason might have a point, in terms of maybe there is some negotiating going on???

Right now I am negotiating with a tenant over $1200 v $1100 a month?

Yep, and right now, a guaranteed $1100 is probably looking pretty good. If you get $1200 and miss 1 1/2 months rent, then you have to get $1200 for a year and a half just to break even. He's got you by the short hairs.

Go on, take the money and run...

Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

I think they are figuring where he fits in other than Hit and Run. I don't think this 40+ days of vacation/sick time is going to fly if he wants another show or pairing. I would say he is either going to leave for another place such as the grand rapids rumor or he is going to keep hit and run and be a super fill in and occasional 3rd wheel on all shows.

Author:  Mr. Reason [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Urlacher's missing neck wrote:
I would say he is either going to leave for another place such as the grand rapids rumor or he is going to keep hit and run and be a super fill in and occasional 3rd wheel on all shows.

What Grand Rapids rumor? Is that town big enough for Meat and Huge?

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

In a we're happy for you moment, I met a relative of one of Tributasaurus' band members tonight. I didn't ask him about Speigel but now I'm an insider

Author:  Spaulding [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Whenever I read Tributosaurus I think it's the "Jurassic beast of multiple musical faces" and I want to punch somebody. That phrase annoys the piss out of me.

dolphin is such a rockstar!

Author:  hawkeye [ Mon May 23, 2011 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

He's done, can't believe the balls on him to mention being out sick for Fridays show and then mention his Friday gig 20 min later in passing. He's unnecessarily prickly to colleagues on air and via twitter, and unprofessional in his fake outrage and rants much more often lately. It's also obvious B&B know the writing is on the wall with the way they've been talking and acting during transition. Better remove the 670 portion of your twitter handle soon, Meatstick.

Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Mon May 23, 2011 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

hawkeye wrote:
He's done, can't believe the balls on him to mention being out sick for Fridays show and then mention his Friday gig 20 min later in passing. He's unnecessarily prickly to colleagues on air and via twitter, and unprofessional in his fake outrage and rants much more often lately. It's also obvious B&B know the writing is on the wall with the way they've been talking and acting during transition. Better remove the 670 portion of your twitter handle soon, Meatstick.

He actually said he was out sick? I figured it was one of his 50 days of vacation? Interesting indeed.

Author:  hawkeye [ Mon May 23, 2011 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Urlacher's missing neck wrote:
hawkeye wrote:
He's done, can't believe the balls on him to mention being out sick for Fridays show and then mention his Friday gig 20 min later in passing. He's unnecessarily prickly to colleagues on air and via twitter, and unprofessional in his fake outrage and rants much more often lately. It's also obvious B&B know the writing is on the wall with the way they've been talking and acting during transition. Better remove the 670 portion of your twitter handle soon, Meatstick.

He actually said he was out sick? I figured it was one of his 50 days of vacation? Interesting indeed.

Yes he for sure said out sick bc I had no idea why he was out fri and found it curious he got sick on a Friday, and just sounded like a lie when he said it (tin foil hat I know). Then like nothing he mentioned the gig he played that night shortly after. Mac not calling him out was very telling. Also the recent change in tone among Mac and B&B has been clear. Felt like it was discussed in fun before but now just sounds demeaning and spiteful.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Mon May 23, 2011 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

I didn't think Spiegs was terrible. I respected him for not kissing the behinds of Mac,B&B or anyone else. I don't know what the problem is (or was) but it's always something I guess.

Author:  shirtless driver [ Mon May 23, 2011 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

I don't listen to the DMS, but I'm assuming that once "SPEEEEEEEEGZ" is shown the door, I won't have to hear his obnoxious Bank Of America spots anymore?
There isn't one thing about that dude that doesn't irritate the living fuck out of me.

Author:  Scooter [ Mon May 23, 2011 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

I just love the D.M. section of this board. I do not listen because I cannot stand either one of them. Do not care for M@H either. But these threads are usually entertaining. Mac and Spiegs seem like lost children. Both ill prepared for the journey they have taken and too stupid or lazy too care. The WSCR morning shows are a train wreck. I would love to start listening in the A.M. again but I do not think it will happen anytime soon. And I thought North was bad.(He was) I thought Murph and Fred were bad but they were way better than this 5- 1 suckfest five days a week.

Author:  Scooter [ Mon May 23, 2011 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Q.Bovifs wrote:
Scooter wrote:
I just love the D.M. section of this board. I do not listen because I cannot stand either one of them. Do not care for M@H either. But these threads are usually entertaining. Mac and Spiegs seem like lost children. Both ill prepared for the journey they have taken and too stupid or lazy too care. The WSCR morning shows are a train wreck. I would love to start listening in the A.M. again but I do not think it will happen anytime soon. And I thought North was bad.(He was) I thought Murph and Fred were bad but they were way better than this 5- 1 suckfest five days a week.

I am hooked on Murph & Fred on Sundays from 9-1:30.

The chemistry between those 2 is spot on. Great Sunday Radio.

For once I agree with Panther. Probably will not happen again.

Author:  Scooter [ Tue May 24, 2011 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Q.Bovifs wrote:
Oh, you hush with that.

How quickly you forget that I had your fucking back when the wolves descended upon you in that thread about your kid.

Very IMUS-ish swing.

I never asked for nor do I need you having my back about any matter at all. I can take care of my own buisiness unless I ask otherwise. Do not start your stupid shit with me because this is my last post on this subject with you. Take it somewhere else.

Author:  Scorehead [ Tue May 24, 2011 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

SomeGuy wrote:
Hello Friends,

Lately there has been a lot of rumors, a lot of talk, a lot of info exchanged in dingey backrooms, dark alleys and chinese fortune cookie factories about the fate of MeatPants and who or what(a robot?) will take his place next to Danny Mac.

The date of June 1st has been thrown out, the month of July has been thrown out into the ring and so on and so forth...But take all the dates away and the general board concensus tells us that he will be gone this summer...our Score Insider and Radio Expert Krazy Ivan has told us as much during the last meeting in the underground parking garage.

Meets behavior has been most telling as of late, too. Taking a shit load of time off, calling in sick and then going to play little drummer boy that night, missing H&R on Sunday because he was on a "mini-vacation" and left it up to ZZ to ruin our Sunday mornings. He has been getting into more verbal scuffles with Score personalities from Bernsie, Goff and esp. Mac. It seems as if Mac has had it with MeatPants and knows his time is almost up.

What are your thoughts, CSFMB, on MeatPants and his quickly diminishing clout? Was there ever a chance for him? Were the cards stacked against MeatPants? What does the future hold besides an unemployment check and the 200 dollar cut from last nights Tributo show live from Jimmys in Naperville.

First off, Spiegel never had any "clout". And, no, Meat never had a chance. I told you guys that the day Mac announced on this board that he chose Spiegel as his co-host. He was a bad choice who has turned out to be worse than even I could imagine. Spiegel must be the dumbest guy in radio. He toils in radio for many years waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime, & when Mac finally hand Meat the opportunity, Spiegels weekend garage band is more important than his prime time radio gig in the 3rd largest radio market in the country. Meatpants doesnt belong on the air in the top 50 radio markets in the US let alone the top 3.
See ya Matt. It was a slice.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Tue May 24, 2011 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

The pairing of a lazy guy and a dumb guy was pure genius.

Author:  Northside_Dan [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

It's really funny to me to read about people questioning his use of vacation days for his gigs etc. Hope everyone realizes that he gets all that stuff approved with Mitch/their HR department. He's entitled to his days whenever he wants to use them and more power to him. Sure, it's funny to joke about, but it really doesn't matter one bit.

The dumbest guy in radio? I know I should consider the source, but that is an all timer stupid thing said on this board.

He's grown on me a ton, especially over the last few months. I like listening to how much pure joy sports brings him. I would be sad if he weren't a regular on the Score airwaves.

Hopefully Mitch does something with the joke of a morning show they have and create some airtime for deserving talent

Author:  Darkside [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Dan, was Friday approved? They don't pre approve sick days.

Author:  Northside_Dan [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

I'm not going to fault the guy for using a sick day when he wasn't really sick. Just because he's in radio, I'm not going to hold him to a higher standard.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Northside_Dan wrote:
Sure, it's funny to joke about, but it really doesn't matter one bit.

It absolutely matters to establishing a fanbase.

Author:  Darkside [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Northside_Dan wrote:
I'm not going to fault the guy for using a sick day when he wasn't really sick. Just because he's in radio, I'm not going to hold him to a higher standard.

I get both sides of the argument. He has chosen poor days to take off in my opinion. Finals, Playoffs... in my line of work, I can't take off during the Telephony version of playoffs (installations) and honestly, no bullshit, if I called in sick and they found out that I was playing hookey because I wanted a day off to play with my band I would expect consequences.

Author:  Northside_Dan [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

rogers park bryan wrote:
Northside_Dan wrote:
Sure, it's funny to joke about, but it really doesn't matter one bit.

It absolutely matters to establishing a fanbase.

It's not like this is his first radio job. It's not even his airtime gig at the Score. Between his two shows and all the time he puts into corresponding on Facebook/Twitter etc he has more than ample time to develop a fan base.

Yes, he obviously uses his days off, but I'm guessing he's not going above what's allowed by CBS/The Score.

Darkside wrote:
I get both sides of the argument. He has chosen poor days to take off in my opinion. Finals, Playoffs... in my line of work, I can't take off during the Telephony version of playoffs (installations) and honestly, no bullshit, if I called in sick and they found out that I was playing hookey because I wanted a day off to play with my band I would expect consequences.

Maybe he gave them the real reason and just used the being sick as his on air reason? No idea. Obviously, the key to faking sick is the holding up the lie part of it. If he said he was sick, but just went to play with his band instead and said it on air, he should feel some consequences.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

Well, Dan the only two shows I ever listened to daily were Rome and MJH. I hated when they took one day off. Show just wasnt the same. A guy being out as much as Spiegel would just be a "find a different show thing" for me and I dont think Im the only one that feels that way.

Author:  Northside_Dan [ Tue May 24, 2011 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Journey of the S.S. MeatPants: A 3 Hour Tour?

I understand. I do. I very rarely take days off. Whenever Bernstein misses a day I feel like my day is thrown off.

If you were entertained by Spiegs, you would keep tuning in regardless if he's using all of his allotted time off. Just like you would have with MJH or Rome. Maybe people here on the board seem to be mostly anti-Spiegs, but the ratings the show keeps producing are pretty strong.

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